The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

I have to agree, Trump as a candidate is a fucking joke never mind him being president. Watch the youtube vid you posted and even the announcers are laughing at him.

Most Europeans are fully aware of the farce that is Italian politics....there was once an ex porn actress with huge, I mean huge bangers who wanted to run for office, Chichleone or something was her name, anyway Trump is your equivalent. A fucking cocksucker !

Here, Here!
How is that the American Way? It might be the way of the European Aristrocratic system but it is not the American way. That's a leftist mythical narrative.

I was born poor as hell but I will be in the "top 1%" in 10 years because I decided to be, not because of a social or political construct predetermined that for me. Also, if I make 1 billion dollars and my children inherit that when I pass, they have the moral/ethical right to the fruits of my labor and it doesn't make anybody evil.
depends on how you made those billions....did others have to suffer ...did you take advantage of the poor...
I think you just want to avoid my question..but anywoot..again I just asked how much you make, what type of work you do, and how much Obama takes from you...I told you mine...hell not asking for your name ..just want to see why he taking so much from you..

It’s not just about Obama. It’s the whole progressive movement. I told you what the progressive moment has taking from me, countless hours of my life to pay the tax burden of others. And you try to marginalize that. Now my freedom to live in this country has been compromised. They want to require every person in the country to have health insurance. What’s to stop them from requiring me to buy a new GM electric care all in the name of the general welfare of the country?

How is that the American Way? It might be the way of the European Aristrocratic system but it is not the American way. That's a leftist mythical narrative.

I was born poor as hell but I will be in the "top 1%" in 10 years because I decided to be, not because of a social or political construct predetermined that for me. Also, if I make 1 billion dollars and my children inherit that when I pass, they have the moral/ethical right to the fruits of my labor and it doesn't make anybody evil.

Where do your children have the moral/ethical right to the fruit of your labor? They have the moral/ethical right only to the fruits of their own. And where do you find that the dead have rights?
It’s not just about Obama. It’s the whole progressive movement. I told you what the progressive moment has taking from me, countless hours of my life to pay the tax burden of others. And you try to marginalize that. Now my freedom to live in this country has been compromised. They want to require every person in the country to have health insurance. What’s to stop them from requiring me to buy a new GM electric care all in the name of the general welfare of the country?

let me try it this way...what do you do for a living
It’s not just about Obama. It’s the whole progressive movement. I told you what the progressive moment has taking from me, countless hours of my life to pay the tax burden of others. And you try to marginalize that. Now my freedom to live in this country has been compromised. They want to require every person in the country to have health insurance. What’s to stop them from requiring me to buy a new GM electric care all in the name of the general welfare of the country?

In the U.S. you now are required to pay for health care for those who do not have insurance. Now why would you not require those who do not have insurance to pay for their own?
let me try it this way...what do you do for a living

As of now I’m a stay at home dad and full time student. I was a draftsman but when the economy tanked business slowed way down and it became clear I need to get more education. I can’t afford private school working part time and no way I turn my children’s education over to the government. It sucks being over 30 and back in school. What sucks even more is we gave up half our income for this. Ramen noodles sucked the first time around and they are even worse when your used to steak. But we made took the right steps. We don’t have any debt but our house so we get by. We're making the sacrifice now so my family will be better off in the long run. If I can do it anybody can.

I was born to a poor family of nothing but black sheep. Hell if you haven’t been to jail in my family they think something’s wrong with you. There were 5 kids in the house and my parents were abusive alcoholics. We were dirt poor. Hell we had a wood stove and an outhouse until I was 14 years old. The damn septic tank always backed up and we were too poor to fix it. I was the first person in my family to graduate high school much less college. And now I have achieved the American dream. I own my own home; I have a wonderful wife, who puts up with my bullshit, and a healthy beautiful baby daughter. And have left that life of poverty, drugs, and alcohol behind me through a little hard work. What’s that saying: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time. Or however it goes.

I didn’t do any of that with help from the government. Well since the government has decide they are the only corporation allowed to handle student loans, I guess they are helping now.

Wow sorry just tried an new harvest and it made me ramble. The paper back comes out next week.
What makes a rich man’s life worth less than a poor mans? In the eyes of progressives the poor man’s is worth more so why?
What makes a rich man’s life worth less than a poor mans? In the eyes of progressives the poor man’s is worth more so why?

You claim that the government is taking a portion of your life. If it takes you a minute to make a dollar but it takes a rich man a second to make a dollar and the government takes a dollar from each of you then you give more of your life than the rich man. A progressive wants that to be a bit more equal.
You claim that the government is taking a portion of your life. If it takes you a minute to make a dollar but it takes a rich man a second to make a dollar and the government takes a dollar from each of you then you give more of your life than the rich man. A progressive wants that to be a bit more equal.

You don’t have a right to equal results only equal opportunity. Where you start your race isn’t up to you but where you end up is.
Oh I see, In that case I must agree. Compartmentalizing things makes it much easier to move an agenda along when everyone is not able to see the forest for all the trees.

Where do your children have the moral/ethical right to the fruit of your labor? They have the moral/ethical right only to the fruits of their own. And where do you find that the dead have rights?

Are you kidding?
You don’t have a right to equal results only equal opportunity. Where you start your race isn’t up to you but where you end up is.

But you should have a right to equal results, not everybody who is poor are lazy or trash scrounging off SS. In essence you are talking of democracy and oppourtunity for all, but democracy was never about everyone, it has only ever benefited those who can get a leg up. History has shown that.
Oh I see, In that case I must agree. Compartmentalizing things makes it much easier to move an agenda along when everyone is not able to see the forest for all the trees.

depends on how you made those billions....did others have to suffer ...did you take advantage of the poor...

Of course.......... Then we have to argue about what the definition of "suffer" and "honestly made money" is. The left doesn't believe in property rights, they believe in the State.
But you should have a right to equal results, not everybody who is poor are lazy or trash scrounging off SS. In essence you are talking of democracy and oppourtunity for all, but democracy was never about everyone, it has only ever benefited those who can get a leg up. History has shown that.

Did I say every poor person is scum? My whole family is poor not because they are lazy but because they haven’t took the time to acquire the skills to be more valuable to the market place. SS isn’t an entitlement man that’d be welfare.
Oh I see, In that case I must agree. Compartmentalizing things makes it much easier to move an agenda along when everyone is not able to see the forest for all the trees.

But you should have a right to equal results, not everybody who is poor are lazy or trash scrounging off SS. In essence you are talking of democracy and oppourtunity for all, but democracy was never about everyone, it has only ever benefited those who can get a leg up. History has shown that.

Luckily we don't have a democracy here in America.
As of now I’m a stay at home dad and full time student. I was a draftsman but when the economy tanked business slowed way down and it became clear I need to get more education. I can’t afford private school working part time and no way I turn my children’s education over to the government. It sucks being over 30 and back in school. What sucks even more is we gave up half our income for this. Ramen noodles sucked the first time around and they are even worse when your used to steak. But we made took the right steps. We don’t have any debt but our house so we get by. We're making the sacrifice now so my family will be better off in the long run. If I can do it anybody can.

I was born to a poor family of nothing but black sheep. Hell if you haven’t been to jail in my family they think something’s wrong with you. There were 5 kids in the house and my parents were abusive alcoholics. We were dirt poor. Hell we had a wood stove and an outhouse until I was 14 years old. The damn septic tank always backed up and we were too poor to fix it. I was the first person in my family to graduate high school much less college. And now I have achieved the American dream. I own my own home; I have a wonderful wife, who puts up with my bullshit, and a healthy beautiful baby daughter. And have left that life of poverty, drugs, and alcohol behind me through a little hard work. What’s that saying: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a life time. Or however it goes.

I didn’t do any of that with help from the government. Well since the government has decide they are the only corporation allowed to handle student loans, I guess they are helping now.

Wow sorry just tried an new harvest and it made me ramble. The paper back comes out next week.
Thank you I was ready to ream you a new azzhole, but seeing how honest you are and the hard time that you are overcoming with your family I will be gentle...First good job on stepping up and being a man...

Now by your own admission you have let me know that Obama has not taken anything from your person...sorry guy you don't make enough..not saying that in a bad way...its just a fact..right now you don't even have a job so what can he take..again the tax increase was for families making over 250,000 and individuals making 110, you bitching about something that does not affect you ....and you are receiving help from the GOV as you state by going to what you stated incorrectly was that the GOV is the only player out there for student loans.. dude wtf you can still get private loans. Private loans available from banks and other private lenders can cover any costs beyond what the government loans provide, but I would use it as a last resort do to the amount of the payback...again do your homework...and by the way when the economy tank it was Bush in office not back to my first is Obama taking from your family when in fact
1. you don't work
2. you use Gov loans for school.
Normal???? Huh?

so are you commenting on things when you don't know the full story ???? let me clue you in...a statement was made..."Almost anyone then Obama We need a normal person in office" post the question is what is normal....please read thread before posting against the question to you is what was meant by normal ????