The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

I’m not even talking about the birther issue. Trumps pinky knows more about economics than Obama does. You choose to focus on that single topic than attempt to even try to defend Obama’s leadership. Why? Oh yea Obama is a terrible President.
You are certainly entitled to think so....

Trump stated he would send in boots to Libya if we can keep the oil...

Yep, sounds presidential to me :roll:

I’m not even talking about the birther issue. Trumps pinky knows more about economics than Obama does. You choose to focus on that single topic than attempt to even try to defend Obama’s leadership. Why? Oh yea Obama is a terrible President.
I’m not even talking about the birther issue. Trumps pinky knows more about economics than Obama does. You choose to focus on that single topic than attempt to even try to defend Obama’s leadership. Why? Oh yea Obama is a terrible President.

Dude do you even realize the idiot had to file bankrupt the phuck a casino loses money... do your homework before you start posting...makes you look rather ..well :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:
I have to agree, Trump as a candidate is a fucking joke never mind him being president. Watch the youtube vid you posted and even the announcers are laughing at him.

Most Europeans are fully aware of the farce that is Italian politics....there was once an ex porn actress with huge, I mean huge bangers who wanted to run for office, Chichleone or something was her name, anyway Trump is your equivalent. A fucking cocksucker !
I've had plenty to say about his stupid message... Tell his ass to fly out to HI and he can see for himself... I've provided, links, sources, snopes, fact check, etc... if you still want to hang to birther beliefs, suit yourself....

Can't say shit about his message? Where the hell were you when proof and links were provided? You simply ignore evidence and keep stroking a dead horse... The man is president, get over it already...

This birth thing goes far beyond subversiveness, it was a plot by Obama's future handlers way back in 1961. They orchestrated defining this future president from his very birth, knowing that he would have trouble because he was born in a foreign country they paid for notification in the HI newspaper and bought off the attending physician in Kenya. They picked Obama to be president because they knew that the country would be ripe for electing a black man in the next century, that is why they put him through law school. They managed to put him in a subversive church so that when the time came it would raise doubts about his intentions in order to divert attention from the fact that he is not a U.S. citizen. Then they ensured he would be associated with violence advocating radicals in order to divert attention from his having attended a subersive church. Now that he is in office he is well on his way to doing what his original handlers wanted. Be aware that this is a multi generational thing as very few of the original people are alive. Those who are, are worried about nothing but their failing health and that is the reason for all of this, because those people knew then that there would be a health care crisis and they have managed by intervening in the early 60's in the lives of some unknown people to get a universal health care law shoved down our throats so they wouldn't have to pay for their own health care. If you can't see this then you have been drinking the liberal koolaid and are a fool.
Dude do you even realize the idiot had to file bankrupt the phuck a casino loses money... do your homework before you start posting...makes you look rather ..well :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:

Ok the man has taken countless risk in business and ran into a few problems. Big surprise he filed bankruptcy. How many business decisions did Obama make before he ran for office? I’m not saying Trump is the man for the job but he’d be a hell of a lot better than the man we have in there now. Obama has made America a weaker nation both financially and in the eyes of the international community. Now that’s change you can believe in.

So keep up the personal attacks on me, it’s really making your point. Hahaha get a new playbook man that’s not going to work anymore.
I have to agree, Trump as a candidate is a fucking joke never mind him being president. Watch the youtube vid you posted and even the announcers are laughing at him.

Most Europeans are fully aware of the farce that is Italian politics....there was once an ex porn actress with huge, I mean huge bangers who wanted to run for office, Chichleone or something was her name, anyway Trump is your equivalent. A fucking cocksucker !
Hmm who cares what the interviewer was doing. I don’t base my opinions on what the reporter responses are to the person they are interviewing. I pay attention to what the person being interviewed has to say.
Ok the man has taken countless risk in business and ran into a few problems. Big surprise he filed bankruptcy. How many business decisions did Obama make before he ran for office? I’m not saying Trump is the man for the job but he’d be a hell of a lot better than the man we have in there now. Obama has made America a weaker nation both financially and in the eyes of the international community. Now that’s change you can believe in.

So keep up the personal attacks on me, it’s really making your point. Hahaha get a new playbook man that’s not going to work anymore.
trust me I don't have to make personal attacks on you pretty much take care of that everytime you post....Trump for POTUS..dude you are a joke..again how the hell you lose money on a casino so fast
Hmm who cares what the interviewer was doing. I don’t base my opinions on what the reporter responses are to the person they are interviewing. I pay attention to what the person being interviewed has to say.

Then you must have been blind because he did not say anything of substance except stutter and repeat himself and talk about his reality show.....geejus what a fucking joke that is!!!!!!!!!!
trust me I don't have to make personal attacks on you pretty much take care of that everytime you post....Trump for POTUS..dude you are a joke..again how the hell you lose money on a casino so fast

Hahaha 2 in one post while claiming you’re not. Obama would be proud.