The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

You forgot to point out that he has not got the highest security clearance in the country, no president ever has post WWII.

I dont understand this at all. The highest security clearance is top secret. The president definitly has this haha. After that information is compartmentalized into groups who have access. For example Top Secret compartmentalized so only congress can see. Need to know is the operating theory behind classification. Im pretty sure the president will have the most ranging need to know. A close second would most likely be SecDef or the chairman of the joint chiefs.
I held a US Government top secret security clearance for 12 years, its not a big deal and there is indeed a level of security above top secret. Its called Eyes Only
Okay I've taken the bait, what broken promises and why Israel?

STATEMENT: “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.” – speech before AIPAC, June 4, 2008
EXPIRATION DATE: June 6, 2008: “Jerusalem is a final-status issue, which means it has to be negotiated between the two parties” as part of “an agreement that they both can live with.” – an Obama adviser clarifying his remarks to the Jerusalem Post.

that's just one of his broken promises. I wasn't trying to bait anyone, just pointing out some real arguments against Obama. The birth certificate is a distraction. He won't show it, and that will not stop him from being re-elected. So I posted a list of promises made and broken. The Israel thing was one of many.
I held a US Government top secret security clearance for 12 years, its not a big deal and there is indeed a level of security above top secret. Its called Eyes Only

there are many layers above top secret, that was my point. but they are compartmentalized not clearances. Eyes only is a compartment of whoever is on the Eyes Only list. To say that the president dosent have the highest clearance does not make sense is what I was getting at.
there are many layers above top secret, that was my point. but they are compartmentalized not clearances. Eyes only is a compartment of whoever is on the Eyes Only list. To say that the president dosent have the highest clearance does not make sense is what I was getting at.
Oh I see, In that case I must agree. Compartmentalizing things makes it much easier to move an agenda along when everyone is not able to see the forest for all the trees.
Obama got set up, you guys. Hard core. They let him get elected to a fiscal house-fire, then the Fed ass raped the guy. He had full intention of shaking shit up in DC, but after the election, the people who REALLY run the show told him in no uncertain terms "Boy, if you try this shit, we'll fucking kill you. Take your vacations, look good on camera and shut the fuck up." so thats what he did. they threatened his family. what would you do? anybody remember a dude named Kennedy? Dallas? anyone? it'll all come to light later; you'll see. He was set up to facilitate the right wing backlash they have in store for the american voter. it's all according to plan, and you're all falling for it. *whistles Deutschland Uber Alles*
I held a US Government top secret security clearance for 12 years, its not a big deal and there is indeed a level of security above top secret. Its called Eyes Only

I see you get your info from the TV and movies...Its no security called EYES ONLY...any clearance "above top secret is referred to as Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (SCI for short)...SCI information still is labeled as secret or top secret, but is only seen on a need to know basis and is control by the use of code words and is highly protected...I suggest you stick to the the simple things like correcting ones spelling. Kinda funny that you had a 12 year top security clearance but still don't know the levels of security.:-?
I see you get your info from the TV and movies...Its no security called EYES ONLY...any clearance "above top secret is referred to as Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (SCI for short)...SCI information still is labeled as secret or top secret, but is only seen on a need to know basis and is control by the use of code words and is highly protected...I suggest you stick to the the simple things like correcting ones spelling. Kinda funny that you had a 12 year top security clearance but still don't know the levels of security.:-?

I agree with everything you said besides for the part about no "eyes only". By your own definition, which is correct "eyes only" could exist you just wouldnt know it because your not cleared for it. Its not a clearance its a compartment.

fyi check out this form. all the contractors have to do one unless they aleady have a clearance.
I agree with everything you said besides for the part about no "eyes only". By your own definition, which is correct "eyes only" could exist you just wouldnt know it because your not cleared for it. Its not a clearance its a compartment.

trust me guy the term "eyes only" is only for the the codeword could be "eyesonly", but there is no "security clearance" called such
Dude you may not like Trump but he’s not idiot. The man has accomplished way more than the current President could ever hope. But it’s no surprise you attack the man since you can’t say shit about the message.
I've had plenty to say about his stupid message... Tell his ass to fly out to HI and he can see for himself... I've provided, links, sources, snopes, fact check, etc... if you still want to hang to birther beliefs, suit yourself....

Can't say shit about his message? Where the hell were you when proof and links were provided? You simply ignore evidence and keep stroking a dead horse... The man is president, get over it already...

Dude you may not like Trump but he’s not idiot. The man has accomplished way more than the current President could ever hope. But it’s no surprise you attack the man since you can’t say shit about the message.