The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

Natural Born citizen has been defined as under a Govt's jurisdiction, including serving abroad, in territorial limits and to those parents temporarily living abroad. Regardless, he was born in Hawaii..... I can't believe this BS is still being brought up as a legitimate argument....

yeah, the Constitution doesn't state that you have to be a citizen, It states that you have to be a NATURAL BORN citizen. Big Difference.
Passing tons of laws and regulations does not necessarily mean progress was being made. Prohibition of alcohol sure didn't work out.
Natural Born citizen has been defined as under a Govt's jurisdiction, including serving abroad, in territorial limits and to those parents temporarily living abroad. Regardless, he was born in Hawaii..... I can't believe this BS is still being brought up as a legitimate argument....
you should go read the birther threads, plenty of info that directly contradicts yours. With wonderful facts and links to facts provided. But does it make any difference now? nope.
I linked the record for you, rather than assume it is full of prohibitions, go read it... several consumer protection acts, new regulations to prevent speculative bank trading, new stress tests to prevent bank failures, tobacco now regulated by FDA, and there are lots more.... To compare the 111th to alcohol prohibition is yet again, not being factual or truthful.

Passing tons of laws and regulations does not necessarily mean progress was being made. Prohibition of alcohol sure didn't work out.
And you can go to the Department of Vital Statistics for Hawaii and get a detailed analysis of the copy that was provided.... Not a single birther can produce evidence that Barack Obama was not born in the USA.

you should go read the birther threads, plenty of info that directly contradicts yours. With wonderful facts and links to facts provided. But does it make any difference now? nope.
The whole birther thing is shit. Even if he was born in Africa, or where ever people claim, he is still a citizen because his mother was.


The president has to be born in the US. not just be a citizen. Throw away your voter registration card until you take a civics course.
You might want to do the same thing.... The Supreme Court has ruled that children of Government employees, citizens traveling abroad and children of military members serving overseas are indeed US Citizens and eligible to run for President....

but again, this argument has nothing to do with the claims made by birthers...

The president has to be born in the US. not just be a citizen. Throw away your voter registration card until you take a civics course.
Not a single birther can produce evidence that Barack Obama was not born in the USA.

no one has to prove he wasn't born here. He has to prove he was. I'm a half educated stoner and I have a copy of MY birth certificate...he's the PRESIDENT and can't find his???
do people honestly believe that he dosent have a birth certificate haha? John Mccain would have shot a load in Palin's eye if this was true, because he would be president. Come on now, do your really think the Republican party didnt spend millions of dollars trying to dig up dirt on Obama? Am I disappointed in what we heard on the campaign trail and what we've seen so far? hell yah like most people. Would I vote for newt gingrich instead? Fuck no haha
Again you are perpetratinig a falsehood. A copy of his Birth Certificate was in fact produced and made available. It was authenticated by the Governor of HI and the Department of Vital Statistics.

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no one has to prove he wasn't born here. He has to prove he was. I'm a half educated stoner and I have a copy of MY birth certificate...he's the PRESIDENT and can't find his???
And you can go to the Department of Vital Statistics for Hawaii and get a detailed analysis of the copy that was provided.... Not a single birther can produce evidence that Barack Obama was not born in the USA.
DUDE!! His own sister, Grandmother and Brother all swear they were in the Kenyan Hospital when he was born. Theres some evidence. Now prove to me Obama has a Birth Certificate and not a Certification of birth, because they are different things. BTW I am well aware of the Document you believe is a birth certificate, i even linked it and showed it to everyone in the birther thread, you should go read the thread and get educated instead of just carrying the water.
that's the short form hawaii handed out to anybody who showed up at the hospital...nice of you to put up the pic tho. Honestly I'm not anti obama, I wish he'd just whip it out and stop the argument. we're doomed with him until 2012 and then we'll be doomed with a republican
Care to link it up? Sources please? until you do, it is just hearsay and or rumors... And please explain how a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth are not the same thing. I don't need to go to a birther thread to get educated.... if they actually had dirt on Obama, the many millions spent trying to find it and ruin him would have been better spent on finding a legit VP candidate.... HI has certified it, the Gov has certified it, hell, the Govt has as well, as the man has been pres for more than 2 years, lol....

You guys really needa platform if you are going to have a serious chance in 2012... Donald TRump and Newt Gingrich? LOL... please.......

DUDE!! His own sister, Grandmother and Brother all swear they were in the Kenyan Hospital when he was born. Theres some evidence. Now prove to me Obama has a Birth Certificate and not a Certification of birth, becasue they are different things. BTW I am well aware of the Documnet you believe is a birth certificate, i even linked it and showed it to everyone in the birther thread, you should go read the thread and get educated instead of just carrying the water.

The president has to be born in the US. not just be a citizen. Throw away your voter registration card until you take a civics course.
I don’t like Obama’s policies either but you need to make sure you know what you’re taking about before you start telling people to not vote. Maybe you should take your own advice.

"Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in the gaps left by the Constitution. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"
  • Anyone born inside the United States *
  • Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe
  • Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
  • Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
  • Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
  • Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
  • Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
  • A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S."
You guys are really disappointing me here.

For all you that don’t know McCain was not born in the US and he’s still a natural born citizen.
You might want to do the same thing.... The Supreme Court has ruled that children of Government employees, citizens traveling abroad and children of military members serving overseas are indeed US Citizens and eligible to run for President....

but again, this argument has nothing to do with the claims made by birthers...
BTW the Supreme court has not ruled anything, where do you come up with this fantasy? People born to government employees in other countries do not automatically qualify as being born in the US, you have to be an imbecile to not understand the difference between being born to American Parents on a US Military base on Guam from some guy with a mother who is a low level GSA employee and whos father is a Kenyan National, the only way that person can be a US Citizen is if he was born on American soil. also FYI The Supreme court does not make laws. Read the Constitution and you might be aware of that, its a very short read.
My 2 cents......

I have personally seen a birth certificate on a website..."please do not ask me to tell you where as I really cannot remember" but the certificate showed a certain Barry Soetoro being born in the Phillipines to his mother ( An American citizen ) and his father a Phillipino who both worked for the CIA working on covert operations in the Asian pacific.

For the was a jpeg image of an actual birth certificate with his name, his parents names and the relevant signatures.

Bottom may well be true and it may well be a fake, nobody will ever know.

I know this though, he has had a very privileged life and upbringing and has had close ties to the CIA as well as many high ranking government and military officials his whole point being that he has along with many other presidental hopefuls amongst the elite and wealthy of America and the International community being groomed and nutured up until this point, his presidency.

I believe that unless the majority of Americans don't begin to realise that their country is not run by their own people but by others who are interested only in making money and saving their own skins then America will complete it's decline into bankruptancy and a destroyed economy and country.

Taking information form the mainstream media is also going to get you nowhere because it is all filtered to paint a picture that the average person sees. They show what they need to to get away with what they need to. Hence when I hear people say Americas economy is booming I laugh and say stop reading a newspaper or watching FOX news and do your statistical search on your economy, you will find that it is far worse than the media quotes.

Your financial powerhouses and the Federal Reserve, "which is private for the uninitiated" as well as your central government has been propping up your economy for the last 20 years without you really knowing it, it is the equivalent of a company doctoring it's books to avoid the inevitable, the only difference is a company has to answer to government, government answers to the NWO....yep I said it!

Sometime back I said this.....the difference between republicans and democrats is the peoples perception of the two parties whilst they enjoy each others company whilst laughing at you lot standing outside bickering about which party is right.

The left and right of democrats and publicans is a farce, a play if you will that occupies the public's minds whilst government and it's disgusting federal institutions like FEMA, CIA, FBI, DEA etc. can cause havoc all over the world in destabilising governments and millions of innocent people for the gain of a relative few Americans who are in these positions of power and backing.

I sometimes wish that more Americans would step outside of themselves and their everyday politics in their country and take a view from the outside like non Americans such as myself see all of the time.

Your country has gone to war and killed more people than any other tyrant in history, I feel I am able to include all of your presidents attrocities into one as no other tyrant has had the continuous run that America has. Your CIA has toppled leaders and prime ministers and destroyed millions of peoples lives in doing these acts for themselves, the Vietnam war and Korea was not about fighting communism, it was about the golden triangle and there are many books authored by ex CIA operatives who were physically a part of these operations that expose this, it was also a great way to milk the gravy train that is weapons manufacturing and also handy in dumping your waste Uranium in the form of shells in another country.

I do not mean to devilify any veteran or soldier that lost their lives in those wars, their bravery and commitment is not forgotten. I fought in Angola and have lost friends myself so have the utmost respect.

The revolutions we see in the middle east and North Africa now are CIA and Mi6 instigated, it has come to light that there have been operatives training and arming taliban and Al Qaida supporters to help with the resistance in Bahrain, Libya and Egypt. This is clearly an agenda....yes the NWO gets mentioned again.

Now I would like to make it perfectly clear to anyone and everyone reading this that I in no way am saying that you are responsible for everything I have brought have a responsibility to stop it because if not you American citizens then who else?

As a now UK citizen I see my own governments role in all of this as well as many western governments around the world. It is my duty to stop this too, be it in a vote or a protest or even simply educating myself on the real truths about our world and it's leaders and their agendas.

Lastly I would like to make everyone aware that the real ideal of this "democracy" we strive for so much is not real freedom for the masses. It only takes into consideration the majority, what about the man or woman who does not want what the majority want, where are his rights or freedoms? democracy is a farce that has been sold to us.
dude, scroll up a post and get a clue....

The SC defines the constitution.... and you better read it yourself bud.... cause you have no idea who is eligible to run for president...

For all you that don’t know McCain was not born in the US and he’s still a natural born citizen.

BINGO! I was born abroad and am considered a Natural Born Citizen as well, because my father served in the NAVY and he and Mom were stationed in Rota....
[*]Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national

For all you that don’t know McCain was not born in the US and he’s still a natural born citizen.

Yeah, except that Obamas father wasn't a US National, so moot point.

McCain was born to two American parents on a US Military base. He also has a BIRTH CERTIFICATE that plainly states that fact. Easily qualifies.
[*]Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
You guys are really disappointing me here.

For all you that don’t know McCain was not born in the US and he’s still a natural born citizen.

his mother did not live here for the prior year and his father was not a us national

McCaine was born on a Naval base...US Soil

and I did not mean to tell anyone not to vote. i apologize for that.