The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

dude, scroll up a post and get a clue....

The SC defines the constitution.... and you better read it yourself bud.... cause you have no idea who is eligible to run for president...
Wrong again, the Supreme Court Interprets the Constitution, they don't define jack shit, Webster's dictionary does that.
He also wasn't born in Kenya, so again, a moot point.. He was only posting that because of some of the misinformation you were spouting off earlier...

someone made a post that even a child born to two Americans in Africa was eligible to run for President and you said no they weren't and left this remark. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, because a child born anywhere overseas to two US citizens is considered a Natural Born US Citizen... Nowhere in the Constitution does it require the birth to be on North America, United States soil....

yeah, the Constitution doesn't state that you have to be a citizen, It states that you have to be a NATURAL BORN citizen. Big Difference. "

Yeah, except that Obamas father wasn't a US National, so moot point.

McCain was born to two American parents on a US Military base. He also has a BIRTH CERTIFICATE that plainly states that fact. Easily qualifies.
You sure love to play with semantics...... "nodrama" my ass.... ;)

You are nothing but, lol...

When you have actual facts and sources, please come back and debate

"interprets"? Why, is it in a foreign language?

Wrong again, the Supreme Court Interprets the Constitution, they don't define jack shit, Webster's dictionary does that.
Care to link it up? Sources please? until you do, it is just hearsay and or rumors... And please explain how a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth are not the same thing. I don't need to go to a birther thread to get educated.... if they actually had dirt on Obama, the many millions spent trying to find it and ruin him would have been better spent on finding a legit VP candidate.... HI has certified it, the Gov has certified it, hell, the Govt has as well, as the man has been pres for more than 2 years, lol....

You guys really needa platform if you are going to have a serious chance in 2012... Donald TRump and Newt Gingrich? LOL... please.......

links to Evidence....

that is just one of 3.7 million google hits, Im not going to list them all.

Here is a Certification...

Here is a Certificate....

they look different don't they?
One is a computer printout, the other is a REAL birth certificate that the doctors signed swearing oath you were born there when and where they said.

Look for records of Stanley Ann Dunham ever spending ANY time in a hospital anywhere in Hawaii before she gave birth. You won't find any. The only thing is a request for a initial Certification 4 days after the birth .
coventry health care through my co. the problem with healthcare is the owners of these huge companies like walmart for ex. I was asking around to a few employees at walmart asking them about benefits, and was told by all of them that walmart doesnt even hire full time employees much anymore to avoid having to pay for healthcare for their employees, and encourage their employees to use state help since that is what they pay taxes for. REALLY???? these companies are simply skating around the fact to offer healthcare to it's employees. more money in "their" pockets.. healthcare is expensive, and shoud be provided by ALL companies to an extent. my girl works for a dentist. it's his own company and is well established, but does not offer the 6 employees he has healthcare because it's too "expensive". this asshole makes well over 3 million dollars a year, and won't provide insurance.. THATS THE REAL PROBLEM.... greedy company owners that don't give a shit about their employees, but do give a shit about their PROFIT..
Where in the hell is it written that an employer owes you health insurance! An employer owes you a safe place to work in and a paycheck for the labor you provide and agree to, nothing else. I don't have a problem with employers offering health care to attract or keep valuable employees but to say that you are owed health care is ridiculous.
You are showing a BC application alteration record from 17 years AFTER Obama was born.... and it is not an original.... it is an altered copy application as indicated under box 6a.....

try again...
Why not focus your attention on something that really matters? I think Obama is a terrible President for so many reasons none of which are based on his place of birth. You’re not going to be able to prove it so move on.

How about the terrible health care law that requires every person simply because they live in the US to buy a product?

How about the way he handled the stimulus and bailout of the auto industry?

There is a whole list of things Obama is doing wrong. So why not focus your attention there instead of pounding a drum that has no sound. It’s a distraction and you’re taking the bait.
[FONT=&quot]Straight from

[FONT=&quot] In the first half of 2008, a number of rumors swirling around about presidential candidate Barack Obama coalesced in the claim that he "refused to produce his birth records" because doing so would demonstrate some or all of those rumors to be true: that Barack Obama was "not African," that he was a Muslim with a middle name of Mohammed, that he wasn't born in the United States at all (and thus didn't qualify as a natural-born citizen), etc.

In any event the rumormongers were likely to be disappointed. Information about religion and race, when it was collected for birth records, simply reflected whatever the parents identified themselves to be; those values weren't officially assigned to the newborn children as immutable labels. And of course, no infant has any control over whatever names his parents choose for him.

As things turned out, when the Obama campaign made a copy of his Certification of Live Birth from the State of Hawaii available on the Internet in June 2008, it validated none of those rumors: The certificate shows his full name to be "Barack Hussein Obama II," it lists his father's race as "African" and his mother's as "Caucasian," it contains no information about religion, and it reports his birthplace as being Honolulu, Hawaii.

A number of self-proclaimed experts immediately seized the opportunity to pronounce the certificate a forgery (even though none of them had actually seen the [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]original, just a scanned image of it), picking on such specious details as minor variations from other Hawaii-issued certificates and the lack of an embossed seal and signature. (Some forgery claimants even maintained that the certificate was actually an altered version of one issued to Barack Obama's half-sister, Maya.) Aside from the inherent absurdity of such claims (i.e., that a major party presidential nominee would risk his entire candidacy on a fraud that could be uncovered simply by a check of state health records), the supposedly incriminating details don't pan out: the certificate is consistent with others issued in the same time and place, and the embossed seal and signature don't show through very well on the scanned front image made available on the Internet because they were applied to the back of the original document, not the front. Those who have actually touched and examined the original certificate have verified and documented that it bears all the elements of a valid certificate of live birth.

Moreover, both of Honolulu's major newspapers (the Advertiser and the Star-Bulletin) published announcements in August 1961 documenting the birth, in Honolulu, of a son to "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama" on 4 August 1961: [/FONT]

In August 2008, Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg included claims of a forged certificate (among other rumors) as the basis for a suit in U.S. District Court challenging Barack Obama's eligibility for the presidency on the grounds that Obama was actually born in Kenya (not Hawaii) and/or subsequently gave up his U.S. citizenship and thus does not qualify as a natural-born citizen of the U.S. In October 2008 a federal judge dismissed the complaint: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]In a 34-page memorandum and opinion, the judge said Berg's allegations of harm were "too vague and too attenuated" to confer standing on him or any other voters.

Surrick ruled that Berg's attempts to use certain laws to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen were "frivolous and not worthy of discussion."

The judge also said the harm Berg alleged did "not constitute an injury in fact" and Berg's arguments to the contrary "ventured into the unreasonable." [/FONT]

(A similar lawsuit was dismissed by a U.S. District Court judge in March 2009.)

In October 2008, and again in July 2009, Hawaiian officials reported that they had personally verified that Barack Obama's original birth certificate was in the Hawaii State Department's files: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]State officials say there's no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen."

Fukino says that no state official, including Gov. Linda Lingle, ever instructed that Obama's certificate be handled differently from any other.

She says state law bars release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest in it. [/FONT]

In January 2009, a teacher at the Honolulu prep school attended by Barack Obama recalled discussing his birth with the obstetrician who had delivered him: [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]When Barack Hussein Obama places his hand on the Bible to take the oath of office as 44th president of the United States, Barbara Nelson of Kenmore will undoubtedly think back to the day he was born. It was Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children in Honolulu.

"I may be the only person left who specifically remembers his birth. His parents are gone, his grandmother is gone, the obstetrician who delivered him is gone," said Nelson, referring to Dr. Rodney T. West, who died in February at the age of 98. Here's the story: Nelson was having dinner at the Outrigger Canoe Club on Waikiki Beach with Dr. West, the father of her college friend, Jo-Anne. Making conversation, Nelson turned to Dr. West and said: "So, tell me something interesting that happened this week," she recalls.

His response: "Well, today, Stanley had a baby. Now that's something to write home about."

The new mother was Stanley (later referred to by her middle name of Ann) Dunham, and the baby was Barack Hussein Obama.

"I penned the name on a napkin, and I did write home about it," said Nelson, knowing that her father, Stanley A. Czurles, director of the Art Education Department at Buffalo State College, would be interested in the "Stanley" connection.

She also remembers Dr. West mentioning that the baby's father was the first black student at the University of Hawaii and how taken he was by the baby's name.

"I remember Dr. West saying 'Barack Hussein Obama, now that's a musical name,'" said Nelson.

Ten years after that memorable birth announcement, Nelson would hear the Obama name again. This time, the father, now a Kenyan government official, was coming to speak at the Punahou School in Honolulu where Nelson was teaching and where his 10-year-old son was a newly enrolled fifth-grader. [/FONT]

A birth certificate produced in August 2009 which purportedly documented that Barack Obama was born in Kenya was quickly revealed to be a forgery. [/FONT]
Look for records of Stanley Ann Dunham ever spending ANY time in a hospital anywhere in Hawaii before she gave birth. You won't find any. The only thing is a request for a initial Certification 4 days after the birth .

My wife’s wasn’t certified until 12 days after her birth. Does that mean she was born in another country?
Do you realize that the rest of us pay for the ones that don't buy the product? Is it fair to allow you to skip out on paying for health care, but allowing you access to emergency room medicine on the tax payors wallet? It may not be the best answer, but it worked good for a Republican Governor who made it mandatory in his state.... Sure didn't hear much complaining from the GOP then......

Why not focus your attention on something that really matters? I think Obama is a terrible President for so many reasons none of which are based on his place of birth. You’re not going to be able to prove it so move on.

How about the terrible health care law that requires every person simply because they live in the US to buy a product?

How about the way he handled the stimulus and bailout of the auto industry?

There is a whole list of things Obama is doing wrong. So why not focus your attention there instead of pounding a drum that has no sound. It’s a distraction and you’re taking the bait.
Do you realize that the rest of us pay for the ones that don't buy the product? Is it fair to allow you to skip out on paying for health care, but allowing you access to emergency room medicine on the tax payors wallet? It may not be the best answer, but it worked good for a Republican Governor who made it mandatory in his state.... Sure didn't hear much complaining from the GOP then......

haha they are pretty slick about it 2. every year when you file state taxes you have to provide proof of coverage. It not, bam there goes your tax return and now your covered lol
It was OK when Mitt Romney did it..... but how dare that black democrat even make such a suggestion!? ;p :roll:

haha they are pretty slick about it 2. every year when you file state taxes you have to provide proof of coverage. It not, bam there goes your tax return and now your covered lol
It was OK when Mitt Romney did it..... but how dare that black democrat even make such a suggestion!? ;p :roll:

the difference being...if you don't like the rules in Romney's state, you can move. HUGE DIFFERENCE when the federal govt. unconstitutionally forces all citizens to purchase something

States Rights...I think we had a war about that once or twice.
the difference being...if you don't like the rules in Romney's state, you can move. HUGE DIFFERENCE when the federal govt. unconstitutionally forces all citizens to purchase something

States Rights...I think we had a war about that once or twice.

Interesting point. You had me at States right's haha
Do you realize that the rest of us pay for the ones that don't buy the product? Is it fair to allow you to skip out on paying for health care, but allowing you access to emergency room medicine on the tax payors wallet? It may not be the best answer, but it worked good for a Republican Governor who made it mandatory in his state.... Sure didn't hear much complaining from the GOP then......
Here’s what a federal judge said about the individual mandate in Obamacare.

“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.”

I don’t know what repubs said about Romney’s plan but I can tell you this libertarian think its shit.
You are showing a BC application alteration record from 17 years AFTER Obama was born.... and it is not an original.... it is an altered copy application as indicated under box 6a.....

try again...
Fine, here is one from 1963, does it look the same?
We can go all day, I can keep proving you wrong and you can keep asking for more.


here is another one, 1962.
