The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

I love that one about closing Guantanamo, hey wait a cotton pickin second here. Gitmo is still open.

LOL then the one where he says the Army Field Manual will be used as a GUIDE for interrogation purposes. You are aware that waterboarding and other non lethal torture techniques are the ones codified in that book right? Of course not says the sheep who says BAAAAAAA. Also realize that an Enemy combatant has no rights and therfore has no protections. Unlike say a POW.

Most of that site was just about how much money he threw at very small problems. Other than the healthcare thing which will be overturned, he hasn't really done much of real substance. Well except rapidly increase the unpayable debt, he has been a first class spender, better than any that ever came before, actually better than all that came before combined. He will get another huge world class award for it I am sure of that.
I love that one about closing Guantanamo, hey wait a cotton pickin second here. Gitmo is still open.

LOL then the one where he says the Army Field Manual will be used as a GUIDE for interrogation purposes. You are aware that waterboarding and other non lethal torture techniques are the ones codified in that book right? Of course not says the sheep who says BAAAAAAA. Also realize that an Enemy combatant has no rights and therfore has no protections. Unlike say a POW.

Most of that site was just about how much money he threw at very small problems. Other than the healthcare thing which will be overturned, he hasn't really done much of real substance. Well except rapidly increase the unpayable debt, he has been a first class spender, better than any that ever came before, actually better than all that came before combined. He will get another huge world class award for it I am sure of that.
the guy only wanted five things..I'm sure out of those he could find five he likes...Hell I disliked Bush but I can name five things he did that I felt was good....but hey when some people hate they can't admit shit...but any way OBAMA 2012
We like to measure things in linear terms ( if I used linear right ) but information is fluid and there are cycles ( mathematics define )

Don't worry I am still learning myself.

Thanks, afterwards I got it. I don't think making the same mistakes is going to help anyone and I still think discussing Obama or the Dem vs. Publican is going to help either, when will all of you see that it is a dead horse that you are flogging. Not only America but the world needs a new strategy on how we govern within our countries borders and beyond.

No offence to anyone but they should really be more concerned about world politics rather than domestic politics because global affairs dictate what happens at home yet most don't realise that. Every issue that anyone has brought to the table is dictated to by large conglomerates.

Am I alone in seeing the elephant in the room??
So in other words, you DO have a Birth Certificate, the original is at the State health department in the state in which you were born. And you can get a certified true copy made of that long form Birth Certificate if you want or need one, like for instance if you try and get a passport, you need the original long form. Guess what? they can't find that original long form for Obama, the Governor of Hawaii tried to find it and came up with nothing.

One of many sites with the story, this one is nice and balanced.

Well... You do need to have a certified birth certificate yes. But it's not like someone is digging in the file boxes @ the health department, pulling your dusty original, copy and certifying. I have a passport and it was obtained with a short form copy picked up @ the city hall in a few minutes time, embossed by the registar or some such.

And at any rate wouldn't logic lead you to wonder where Obama got a passport from?
Thanks, afterwards I got it. I don't think making the same mistakes is going to help anyone and I still think discussing Obama or the Dem vs. Publican is going to help either, when will all of you see that it is a dead horse that you are flogging. Not only America but the world needs a new strategy on how we govern within our countries borders and beyond.

No offence to anyone but they should really be more concerned about world politics rather than domestic politics because global affairs dictate what happens at home yet most don't realise that. Every issue that anyone has brought to the table is dictated to by large conglomerates.

Am I alone in seeing the elephant in the room??

This is a chance to see what the world thinks.
Obviously many of us, including me, don't have all the information we need.
But yeah people look right past the truth. We ignore the fact that we bailed out the Banks and no one is stepping up to bail us out.
What the new shape of the Middle East is, is another aspect we will need time to come to understand but it has changed.
Not only America but the world needs a new strategy on how we govern within our countries borders and beyond.

>No need for a new strategy, just adhere to the Constitution

No offence to anyone but they should really be more concerned about world politics rather than domestic politics because global affairs dictate what happens at home yet most don't realise that.

>No offense but we need to get our own house in order. We do not control other countries. Let us rid ourselves of this yoke of bondage and we will be the shining light to the rest of the world. Lead by example, not the barrel of a gun.
That is because,,,He has NO chance in winning,,,Just going to throw the balance beam

in the other way. kinnda like the tea-Party.

And if thats all they do then they/he has served there purpose. The beam needs to thrown the other way. The Republicans are a bunch of pussy Liberals and need a shot of Anti-Statism. Washington Republicans are Leftist scum.
well if you need government healthcare to survive, see ya!!!! the country has clearly stated they dont want universal healthcare, yet it's still being forced on us.. Democracy huh??? BS!!!!!! I work a full time job, and pay 65 bucks a month for health care for myself and my son.. 65 bucks!!!!! is that too rich for most lazy ass americans who want the government to fund every thing for them?? Big Government is "COMMUNIST" ...... WAKE UP!!!!!!!

I'd like to see that same sentiment in my situation. I pay 700 dollars for crap insurance. Now what lazy ass americans who want government to fund everything for them are you talking about?
For the record, I pay 50% of my monthly health insurance and it's about $145 a month. I'm a 22 y/o white male with no dependants, who doesn't smoke cigs, and I have no conditions that would effect my rates. I go to the doctor 2-3 times a year and the dentist 2-4 times a year.

Everytime I go to the doc or the dentist I pay a $15 copay for showing up, any medication, any procedures, etc etc. if you consider that maybe I missed a half day at work to make my appointment the costs have ranged from $50-$80 per visit. It's pretty hard to expect everyone to be able to afford this, especially those working check to check (as I would be if I didn't have a couple roommates). Besides, people who cant afford a plan like this (many of these people would be stuck paying much more based off of their age or pre existing conditions) end up getting hurt or having a heart attack despite not having insurance - rely on taxpayers to pay the bill anyway. So to say "I got mine, go get yours" is quite possibly one of the most selfish sentiments in the health care debate.
BINGO .. all these people talking about govt funded health care as Obama Care just have no idea of what they speak.... It isn't some huge spending bill.... the GAO has already declared it is a revenue saver, to the tune of over 10 billion dollars a year in the first 10 years with savings projected to more than double after. Again, why was it OK for GOP Mitt Romney and his state, but when applied to the country, it is some form of socialism? Talk about Hippocratic hypocrites.... ;)

I'd like to see that same sentiment in my situation. I pay 700 dollars for crap insurance. Now what lazy ass americans who want government to fund everything for them are you talking about?
BINGO .. all these people talking about govt funded health care as Obama Care just have no idea of what they speak.... It isn't some huge spending bill.... the GAO has already declared it is a revenue saver, to the tune of over 10 billion dollars a year in the first 10 years with savings projected to more than double after. Again, why was it OK for GOP Mitt Romney and his state, but when applied to the country, it is some form of socialism? Talk about Hippocratic hypocrites.... ;)

First let me say the GAO report says alot of things and both sides spin it in thier favor. The truth is, whether or not the healthcare bill is a net positive or negative on spending is far from clearcut. The real issue with the bill is it's legality. I believe (as do most who believe in the rule of law and not the rule of man) that the bill violates the Constitution. The healthcare bill will ultimately fail and go away IMO. THE STATES WILL REJECT THE BILL! As for the Mitt Romney thing. Mitt was doing what the constituant of that State foolishly wanted. As per the 10th amendment, the state has the right to destroy it's self economically if it wants. The Federal Government doesn't have the right to force broadsweeping healthcare legislation upon the States nor does it have the right to mandate a sovierng person purchase a product from a corporation. Mitt Romney did collectivize a portion of the Healthcare market (which some like to call socialism) but the only thing that is Hypocritical is not calling Mitt a socialist also. Now if people don't like the "rule of law" you will disagree with my assesment, but the law is the law nonetheless.
>No need for a new strategy, just adhere to the Constitution

>No offense but we need to get our own house in order. We do not control other countries. Let us rid ourselves of this yoke of bondage and we will be the shining light to the rest of the world. Lead by example, not the barrel of a gun.

Personally I think America has had it's day in the sun, it certainly will not diminish into the background but other power houses are much better placed now to take the helm, I think that a lot of the shit around the world that is happening right now and in the last 2 decades has been a focussed effort to keep America at the top of the world. NAFTA is a consolidation effort. The middle east is the same. And by creating a single world currency the NWO and ogliarchs who are mostly US based would be able to still control the reigns as opposed to the Chinese who by the way are in talks with the Russians to create a super power to rival the western world.

I think they are going to put Dr. Evil in charge.
BINGO .. all these people talking about govt funded health care as Obama Care just have no idea of what they speak.... It isn't some huge spending bill.... the GAO has already declared it is a revenue saver, to the tune of over 10 billion dollars a year in the first 10 years with savings projected to more than double after. Again, why was it OK for GOP Mitt Romney and his state, but when applied to the country, it is some form of socialism? Talk about Hippocratic hypocrites.... ;)
lol! I have no clue what I'm talking about. I only worked in healthcare for over 20 years and continue to, only in a VERY limited capacity these days. Not being from Mass. I was unaware of Mitt Romney's gargantuan cluster fuck of a healthcare package until Obamacare was front and center. I think it's reprehensible whoever does it. I've also heard about numerous problems with the Mass. universal healthcare, not the least of which is it's bankrupting the state, but hey! When you can spend money like a drunken sailor on shore leave and don't have to worry about the consequences............who gives a fuck, right? :-|

Here are just 2 articles from reputable news organizations that seem to suggest that Mass's universal healthcare just might not be the silver bullet, fix all solution to healthcare that everyone on the left thought it would be.:shock:
I don't have to save it... He's pres until 2012

did you not see the part where i said "he will get voted in AGAIN".

you need to pay attention is what you need to do. bet you thought you made me look bad or something. you post is lame. wasting my time trying to find anyone with any intelligence at this site. bet you're "stoned", right? :roll: