who cares who wins?? your vote doesnt mean shit!!! (ex. 2000 recount?? yeah right!!!) both parties suck, and have ruined this country. We have no Democracy! The so called "Government" never listens to the people of the country, and shut our opinions out. Anyone that believes one guy can pull us out of the shit we are in is delusional. I'm tired of seeing these assholes getting a second term, they were so called "voted" in to change things. WHY DOES IT TAKE LONGER THAN 4 YEARS TO SEE CHANGE??? BULLSHIT!!!!! I mean, no one seems to run anything by congress anymore anyways, so just CHANGE shit, and put a stop to the problems. It's pretty clear to see them.. Didnt the country learn enough from Clinton, then Bush?? Guess not.. America is SO BRAINWASHED!!!!! until we get rid of the central banking system, and the Fed Reserve you will never see the debt leave. only prices go up to support the inflation, and the printing of money out of thin air that the country doesnt have.. when will the people of the country get fed up and stop this shit?? the real power lies with the people of the country, but they can't figure that out for some reason.. Americans are lazy! hell the world is lazy!! we have allowed our governments to take control of us and give us all this federally funded crap like welfare, educations, homeland security, etc. etc. get off your ass and make your own money. if you cant afford it, don't get it!!!! here's an idea for 2012!! DONT VOTE, and show them WE dont give a fuck about their bullshit system!!!!! It's OUR turn to run OUR Country!!!!!!