The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

Republicrats suck! lol! Anybody who can't see what BOTH parties have done to this country is living in a bubble or a fantasy world. It's a damn shame. The sooner the people figure this truth out, the sooner we can start reparing the damage that's been done. I suppose it doesn't really matter. We can fix shit but eventually politicians will just fuck it up again. There is no solution.:cry:

I totally agree. Until someone has a betters form of government, this is what we have. If this is what we have then I'm voting for the side that regulates the open market system. Truly I believe we SHOULD NOT be regulated by anything. What stops people from taking advantage of others to further their own personal gains? Regulation.

Doc, I totally agree with you. Maybe capatalism is a total failure. What else is there...?
I totally agree. Until someone has a betters form of government, this is what we have. If this is what we have then I'm voting for the side that regulates the open market system. Truly I believe we SHOULD NOT be regulated by anything. What stops people from taking advantage of others to further their own personal gains? Regulation.

Doc, I totally agree with you. Maybe capatalism is a total failure. What else is there...?
I'm an independent/libertarian but even I see the need for SOME regulation. There is a problem with overregulation though. I think we are at that point. All the regulation in the world won't stop politicians from cozying up with the entities they are supposed to regulate. All the regulations in the world won't stop some from trying to get around the regulations. Being a small business owner, I see firsthand the effect of overregulation. It's becoming very hard for a small business to make it due to all the hoops you've got to jump through. I disagree about capitalism being a total failure, I think we just need to be smarter and actually enforce the regulations we have now. It's still the best economic system going. It rewards innovation and hard work and discourages inefficency. It's far from perfect, but that's because people are far from perfect. If people invented it, then it's flawed and someone will figure out a way to get around the rules and make an easy buck. Hell, we all want to figure out a way to make an easy buck! lol! :weed:
My opinion on it...

We're going to get another Giant Douche VS Turd Sammich year.

I mean... John Kerry or George W. Bush??? Really, those were the options... Fuck... Sometimes people forget the reason why Bush got elected twice is because the guy running against him was such a bitch.

And we're going to be right back there again. Except this time Obama is the new Turd Sammich.

I mean, the guy has the street cred. Talk about college educated. Harvard Law School isn't an all bad place after all... But his economic understanding is not what this country needs right now. The guy has done the world no favors with the current position of the Federal Bank.

Personally, I vote for who I like, not along any party line (despite being a registered Libertarian). I voted for Obama based on what he said about Cannabis... and because... you know... Sarah Palin... but his actions aren't really backing that up. The DEA is focusing their efforts on businesses which claimed Federal Tax exemptions when they filed their taxes. Since they are dealing a federally defined Schedule 1 substance these organizations are not eligible for exemptions. As such, they are getting nailed on Tax Law, not Drug Law, just like prohibition. This demonstrates they know the war on drugs is total bullshit, or they'd come after these guys and charge them with what they want to.

And now they are talking about bumping it to a Schedule 3 substance, after busting these (mostly legit) businesses. It was like they knew it was coming, the DEA couldn't nail the dispensaries on drug charges, so they chased the last tax code they could find. Fucking pathetic use of Federal Resources.

And that is my issue with Obama. The guy hasn't a clue how to personally manage resources and the people he has put in charge of the matter clearly don't know what the will of the people they represent is.

Watch though. You know what happens this summer and next winter? Another Economic collapse. The Democratic argument? You have to keep Obama in office for economic stability.

I say, FK that! I'll be voting for someone who probably won't win who actually would do the right thing. I'd rather vote for the right guy and have my vote "not matter" than to vote for the same Dog and Pony show we've been getting for the last 45 years.
Well folks this is the way I see it. There is not a politician in office who gives a shit about what we want. The only way to get this country out of the shit hole we are all in, is to elect a true American. The only thing about one being elected is money,we the American people are more insterted in parties, not America. There is going to come a time we all see this and put our money in getting a true American elected,
I look every day hoping one of you put your name in the hat, so we all will have a real American to vote for. Any way we look at it, we all are going to have to eat a little shit no matter who wins.
who cares who wins?? your vote doesnt mean shit!!! (ex. 2000 recount?? yeah right!!!) both parties suck, and have ruined this country. We have no Democracy! The so called "Government" never listens to the people of the country, and shut our opinions out. Anyone that believes one guy can pull us out of the shit we are in is delusional. I'm tired of seeing these assholes getting a second term, they were so called "voted" in to change things. WHY DOES IT TAKE LONGER THAN 4 YEARS TO SEE CHANGE??? BULLSHIT!!!!! I mean, no one seems to run anything by congress anymore anyways, so just CHANGE shit, and put a stop to the problems. It's pretty clear to see them.. Didnt the country learn enough from Clinton, then Bush?? Guess not.. America is SO BRAINWASHED!!!!! until we get rid of the central banking system, and the Fed Reserve you will never see the debt leave. only prices go up to support the inflation, and the printing of money out of thin air that the country doesnt have.. when will the people of the country get fed up and stop this shit?? the real power lies with the people of the country, but they can't figure that out for some reason.. Americans are lazy! hell the world is lazy!! we have allowed our governments to take control of us and give us all this federally funded crap like welfare, educations, homeland security, etc. etc. get off your ass and make your own money. if you cant afford it, don't get it!!!! here's an idea for 2012!! DONT VOTE, and show them WE dont give a fuck about their bullshit system!!!!! It's OUR turn to run OUR Country!!!!!!
Well I WAS going to just let it ride out in the open, kinda like you do, but instead I became the bigger man and edited my post and just PM'd you instead. Would you rather we do it openly instead?

as you are now?

when did this become about YOU?
