The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

My opinion on it...

We're going to get another Giant Douche VS Turd Sammich year.

I mean... John Kerry or George W. Bush??? Really, those were the options... Fuck... Sometimes people forget the reason why Bush got elected twice is because the guy running against him was such a bitch.

That’s why he got my vote in 04. I kept thinking Kerry wanted to sale me a car not get my vote for Pres.
so i shouldn't vote for Obama because he doesn't have a birth certificate?

hello 2008.

Yea that birth certificate is a dead issue. The guy is President, the courts have ruled, get over it. They should try focusing on something that actually matters at this point.
all i know is a i am doing better then i ever have. i didn't take out any loans though.
Our health insurance almost doubled and our business line of credit was cut off completely. Gas is crazy expensive again, and we just started bombing MORE brown people! I guess it all depends where you stand.bongsmilie
Well he did try to "fix" healthcare by proposing a universal healthcare system. That system is far cheaper than privatized insurance companies. The state of Vermont declared that they are going to switch to a version of obamacare. It's going to be saving the state $400,000,000.

Vermont isn't looking like a bad state to move to.
well if you need government healthcare to survive, see ya!!!! the country has clearly stated they dont want universal healthcare, yet it's still being forced on us.. Democracy huh??? BS!!!!!! I work a full time job, and pay 65 bucks a month for health care for myself and my son.. 65 bucks!!!!! is that too rich for most lazy ass americans who want the government to fund every thing for them?? Big Government is "COMMUNIST" ...... WAKE UP!!!!!!!
Wow, for some reason I expected to hear intelligent and well thought out arguments and responses in here...didn't happen. everyone in this room is now dumber for listening to what youve said
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves" Abraham Lincoln
Our health insurance almost doubled and our business line of credit was cut off completely. Gas is crazy expensive again, and we just started bombing MORE brown people! I guess it all depends where you stand.bongsmilie

my wife just spent 23 days in the hospital and had surgery last week. didn't cost us a dime. thank god she made it. i don't know what i'd do without her.

i bought another water vehicle. it has a 40 gallon gas tank. can't wait to fill it, with SUPER. fucking V8 on the water baby. you gotta pay to play. such is life. :hump:

brown people? where? dude's still on MY corner selling strawberries. not sure about your guy though.


it's all about "perspective". you gotta learn to love life. it's almost a job, with HUGE rewards.
well if you need government healthcare to survive, see ya!!!! the country has clearly stated they dont want universal healthcare, yet it's still being forced on us.. Democracy huh??? BS!!!!!! I work a full time job, and pay 65 bucks a month for health care for myself and my son.. 65 bucks!!!!! is that too rich for most lazy ass americans who want the government to fund every thing for them?? Big Government is "COMMUNIST" ...... WAKE UP!!!!!!!

Thats awesome that you pay $65 for said healthcare. Others are not so fortunate. I used to detail cars for a Volvo dealership and the techs there all had to pay around $900 to cover the wife, two kids and himself full coverage. Just for a single tech to pay for insurance it was around $250ish a month. The premium is also outrageous.
my wife just spent 23 days in the hospital and had surgery last week. didn't cost us a dime. thank god she made it. i don't know what i'd do without her.

i bought another water vehicle. it has a 40 gallon gas tank. can't wait to fill it, with SUPER. fucking V8 on the water baby. you gotta pay to play. such is life. :hump:

brown people? where? dude's still on MY corner selling strawberries. not sure about your guy though.


it's all about "perspective". you gotta learn to love life. it's almost a job, with HUGE rewards.
Oh, make no mistake, I love life. I learned to not take it for granted long ago. I think most people thought Obama was going to be 180 degrees different from his predecessor. Just seems like the new boss is the same as the old boss and, for me at least, it feels good to bitch about it.;-)

BTW, I'm glad your wife is doing ok. I sure would love to have your health insurance too. lol! 8-)
And why would that be? because he states fact and political opinions? What an asshole. Perhaps he should just spew out anger like you?

Edit: Also Obama has done wonders for your country's public appearance in the eyes of the world.

I was just watching Rap news and it reminds us that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.. Seems only Democrat Presidents have what it takes to Win a Nobel Peace prize.

I was just watching Rap news and it reminds us that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.. Seems only Democrat Presidents have what it takes to Win a Nobel Peace prize.

Remind me again please, what did he get the prize for?:shock:
coventry health care through my co. the problem with healthcare is the owners of these huge companies like walmart for ex. I was asking around to a few employees at walmart asking them about benefits, and was told by all of them that walmart doesnt even hire full time employees much anymore to avoid having to pay for healthcare for their employees, and encourage their employees to use state help since that is what they pay taxes for. REALLY???? these companies are simply skating around the fact to offer healthcare to it's employees. more money in "their" pockets.. healthcare is expensive, and shoud be provided by ALL companies to an extent. my girl works for a dentist. it's his own company and is well established, but does not offer the 6 employees he has healthcare because it's too "expensive". this asshole makes well over 3 million dollars a year, and won't provide insurance.. THATS THE REAL PROBLEM.... greedy company owners that don't give a shit about their employees, but do give a shit about their PROFIT..
Hmmm... I'm by no means pro Obama, but I'm not against him either.
For those who are pissed about the bailouts for the auto industry, do you know why he did it?
It has nothing to do with him being pro union that's just far right wing dumbass propaganda. He did it to keep the American Auto Industry alive, since we were the pioneers of a mass production auto industry, it only makes sense that our government keeps it alive. Not only that, but most American car companies are actually putting out decent cars now, seems like that worked to me, and in the long run will be beneficial. Like when Seward bought Alaska... just wait fifty years.
There's not a dramatic increase in revenue in the economy because we put an investment in, it needs time to mature. Saying a president is crappy because of the immediate effects of his plans didn't turn out as well as we hoped they would is very impatient. And for those of you that grow, I think you ought to know that impatience kills a grow. You may want to also consider that the average American consumer has a bigger role in the economy than the President does as well. If people are hoarding their money because Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck say the economy is shit they are only making the economy worse. It's really a good strategy for the republican party on their parts. To say the economy is bad and not to spend while a democratic president is in office will make the economy worse for him, and when a republican president takes office O'Reilly and Beck will say that the economy is magically fixed and have people start spending again, thus making the economy better. You think Fox would have said that we were in a recession if McCain was in office?
My reasons for disliking Obama is that he's far too concerned with meeting a middle ground, and thus isn't really accomplishing anything. It's not necessarily his fault either. If you were in Obama's position in still racist America to this day (do you really think the rich white man in the white house wants a black or woman president... simply put, no) you would need to meet a common ground in order to get anything done. Unfortunately, these compromising circumstances cause his international policies to be sub par at best. Gaza strip and Libya are perfect examples. I wish Obama would have stepped into Gaza strip, and stayed the hell out of Libya. All we needed to do was just take Gaddafi's money, it's in American banks, put it toward our debts, and tell him to go fuck himself. In essence that's what we are doing, but we are declaring another war too, using Kadafi's money to fund it, but we have been in war in the middle east since 2001. It's time for fucking peace. Our international image is just looking worse and worse, which I had hoped Obama would help improve, I cannot really see how he did, if he did.
What if Mr. Obama has just been siding issues with the reds just to make it to the next term. Then he fucking goes crazy and passes awesome laws.

I know, I know. It's not going to happen.