Well-Known Member
I'd personally like the founding fathers interpretation. What do you think they would have to say about what we have done with their little experiment? Do you think they envisioned a government that forced us to buy health insurance, forced us into their retirement plan (SS), forced us to pay for others' sub par education, fabricated money out of thin air with nothing to back it, gave billions of dollars to other countries while running trillion dollar deficits, denied us the use of a plant with many beneficial properties that they grew themselves. Holding our government accountable and speaking out is exactly what our founders wanted. This government has become nothing more than a corrupt bloated charity where you have no choice but to "donate".
We have no way of first explaining to them the complexities of modern life and then asking them what they think about how we dealt with it given the words they gave us. Tell them about the particulars and I will wager that they wouldn't quite have the same opinion the right does about things.