The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

Oh yes they are..... he made more than 500 of them.... those are the ones he has kept so far...
No they aren't, his promises were to balance the budget, stop the spending, reduce unemployment, Energy independence, free healthcare for all, close guantanamo and bring the troops home. You go ahead and find me a speech where he extols the virtues of creating a military families advisory board to the crowds before the election. Good luck.

Oh yes they are..... he made more than 500 of them.... those are the ones he has kept so far...
Yeah, I had heard he made some ridiculous amount of promises.. But I guess they all do.
Well my friend, I would never tell anyone what to do but I urge you for your own sake to investigate this then. It will soon surprise you then enrage you.
From my short time poking around so far, I'm a skeptic at least...

Wiki cites some pretty strong arguments that make the whole NWO thing seem silly.. I should probably wait till I'm off work to really take a better look (so I can watch videos and shit).
No they aren't, his promises were to balance the budget, stop the spending, reduce unemployment, Energy independence, free healthcare for all, close guantanamo and bring the troops home. You go ahead and find me a speech where he extols the virtues of creating a military families advisory board to the crowds before the election. Good luck.

If he runs with 9% unemployment and $5 gas...he is out. He has relied entirely on more government spending, regulation, and control. Obama expanded or tried to expand the government's role in health care, energy, and of course banking.
Yeah, I had heard he made some ridiculous amount of promises.. But I guess they all do.

From my short time poking around so far, I'm a skeptic at least...

Wiki cites some pretty strong arguments that make the whole NWO thing seem silly.. I should probably wait till I'm off work to really take a better look (so I can watch videos and shit).

Without sounding condescending, I would start to discount wikipedia completely from now on out, the fact that it is open to content change by anyone makes it an unreliable source. You would never get away with a footnote from wikipedia in a dissertation so why would it be acceptable now?

PM me if you like and I'll suggest a few books and websites to send you on your way.

As a starting point you could read this book, the link refers to a book review but you can buy it online for pittence or even download on amazon reader. It is the best history of how the predominent families of the current NWO came to be in the positions they find themselves, it also explains the Afghan and Iraqi wars and perhaps the possible Iranian conquest in the future because of the oil in the Caspian. It also shows the BP British involvement, hence the Anglo/American contingent. It however does not take into effect that the Rockefeller group and US government has been undervaluing it's own natural crude resources for the last 50 years now.....

EDIT: Posted on another thread on RIU which talks about the undervaluation of crude in th US...............
Without sounding condescending, I would start to discount wikipedia completely from now on out, the fact that it is open to content change by anyone makes it an unreliable source. You would never get away with a footnote from wikipedia in a dissertation so why would it be acceptable now?

PM me if you like and I'll suggest a few books and websites to send you on your way.

As a starting point you could read this book, the link refers to a book review but you can buy it online for pittence or even download on amazon reader. It is the best history of how the predominent families of the current NWO came to be in the positions they find themselves, it also explains the Afghan and Iraqi wars and perhaps the possible Iranian conquest in the future because of the oil in the Caspian. It also shows the BP British involvement, hence the Anglo/American contingent. It however does not take into effect that the Rockefeller group and US government has been undervaluing it's own natural crude resources for the last 50 years now.....

EDIT: Posted on another thread on RIU which talks about the undervaluation of crude in th US...............
I went to wiki mostly for a quick perusal of the subject.

Wiki can be useful, but yes, you have to be careful. Wiki is useful for quick links especially in reference to historic events (dates, sometimes specific quotes that I'm looking for, that kind of thing). I only ever use the sourced information from wiki and I avoid using it at all for papers and the like... The criticisms were quotes from the Diplomatic Courier and some research professor. I didn't really look at much else besides the summary, which reminded me I had watched a special on the NWO on TV before.

edit: I'll check out the review, I'm getting ready to read The Return of Depression economics by Paul Krugman and recently finished The Conscience of a Liberal, (which I'd recomend in a heartbeat) so it'll likely be a while as busy as I am it takes me forever to read a book.
Barack’s selective service registration is not normal either…

After I looked at Barack’s selective service filing I noticed it was most likely fraudulent too based on the name he used. Barack did not start using the name "Obama" until he returned from Pakistan (long after he flunked out of school in California) His selective service record (maintained in Chicago coincidentally) shows he registered at a Hawaiian post office as “Obama” in Sept 1980... Problem, Barack was getting high in California at Occidental in Sept 1980 (Barack's own admission) and was not using the fictitious name "Obama" at that time. Barack began using the fictitious name "Obama" only after he returned from Pakistan. The selective service filing is fraudulent.
It finally hit me today while browsing yahoo and I saw the president discussed the whole "birther" issue. Why the hell would he show it now? he has nothing to gain. Fuck hes hoping trump gains some traction with his argument, hell he wants the whole GOP to start demanding that birth certificate. Why? So two days before elections when he whips that fucker out on National tv they all look like idiots and he gets a huge boost..haha

what you guys think? I think his lil interview was meant to be a warning. Back off this subject or your gonna get burned come election time.
OR with smoking something that according to their studies causes braincell death.? I want these fuckers out of my life and my pockets!

Shall we?

I want government involved in whether the doctor I talk to is qualified and able and I want government involved in certifying the drugs the doctor gives me as being effective and relatively safe - now is that "big government" is that a liberal agenda?

I want government, furthermore, to keep me from eating things that will make me sick or dead. I want government to mandate that those who make drinks or smokes for me tell me everything there is in that drink or smoke and I want an impartial group (government) to tell me with some degree of professionality, what those things will do to me if I eat them or drink them. Is that such a bad old progressive demand?

I know that unless all people get the exact same paycheck every month any tax system will in effect "spread the wealth around" and am willing to let a few extra dollars come out of my paycheck in order that those who need help will get it.

I have a problem with government requiring me to buy someone Else's product or service. When it is a mandate that no one be turned away from an emergency room even if they cannot afford it, I am being forced to pay for their care at the highest possible cost. I want my government to make them pay for their own care. I would imagine that this isn't a particularly "progressive" agenda.

I have a problem defining "public art" so I really can't comment on that. I am curious about your rant however.
ITs funny how anything antiestablishment takes like ten times longer to load on my computer.

According to a source they are using the same tracking technology used in watching paedophiles in the UK to watch the traffic on these sites. 12 months ago I would log on in seconds, now they may as well announce it.
What I find more interesting is that this thread is all of a sudden very quiet now that certain things have been revealed, there must be some frantic reading going on out there. Every eye opened is a victory for us all!!

Try them and you will see the difference. But asking who I follow only diverts attention from the news sources you use.

ITs funny how anything antiestablishment takes like ten times longer to load on my computer.

Russia Today is a government funded news agency...full of exaggeration and anti-American vitriol...the same for Alex Jones (the anti-American sentiment). "The Real News" is actually news, but slathered with a "liberal" slant that does border on being anti-American. Which is funny, because it is being run and frequented by the same type of "elites" that everyone here seems to hate so much...Double standard anyone?
I actually find it quite astonishing how conservatives have been able to demonize 'the establishment' and 'the elite' despite the fact that all of their 'grassroots' organizations(Heritage, Cato, the Tea Party) are, in fact, funded by corporations such as Koch industries...

I mean, how fucking blind can people be?
Russia Today is a government funded news agency...full of exaggeration and anti-American vitriol...the same for Alex Jones (the anti-American sentiment). "The Real News" is actually news, but slathered with a "liberal" slant that does border on being anti-American. Which is funny, because it is being run and frequented by the same type of "elites" that everyone here seems to hate so much...Double standard anyone?

Yes I see the double standard now, holding the American Government accountable for it's actions is "Exaggerated Anti-American vitriol and Liberal slander".

Thanks for pointing that out for me...
How and in what way do those sources actually hold the government accountable? Do they vote to change our leaders? Have they brought any positive change about that you've seen?

I haven't seen it...

The double standard with RT & Alex Jones should be obvious...Alex should GTFO of America if he is so upset, it's not like he doesnt have the MONEY....And real news, seriously? The guy who runs it is a total fucking elitist...

Just because this goes against your sensibilities doesnt mean that it's not a sensible approach to evaluating "news sources"
I actually find it quite astonishing how conservatives have been able to demonize 'the establishment' and 'the elite' despite the fact that all of their 'grassroots' organizations(Heritage, Cato, the Tea Party) are, in fact, funded by corporations such as Koch industries...

I mean, how fucking blind can people be?

Um... I am astonished that you find it astonishing. The fact that Conservatives have long been authoritarian in nature (in the sociological and psychological sense" indicates that they compartmentalize and ignore in order to conform with their "inside" group and their preselected leaders. It really is a rather simple set of formulas. Of course they have Soros to point to when you speak of such manipulations.
Alex Jones is profiting off scaring the $hit out of people...similar to Glen Beck...he just make movies ( which are interesting to watch by the way) and both are pitchman for other wares...hmmmmm maybe we all can start selling hemp oil and end of the world bags...