Well-Known Member
I know anti-American sentiment when I see it, how bout stepping off of our internet then please good sir? and have a pleasant day...
I know anti-American sentiment when I see it, how bout stepping off of our internet then please good sir? and have a pleasant day...
For someone who is basically saying" Stop hating each other" you sure do make it clear that you think people should hate Alex Jones and Dr. Paul and Senator Paul, because somehow those people are all making money by selling us survival gear, or some thing. Republicans are the same as democrats, your side isn't any different than the others, the majority are on the take. They don't care about you, or me.I will vote for Obama...Even if I didnt vote for him before, I am quite a fan now. Seriously, his administration is quite skillful.
Don't expect things to get better with a Republican, or Ron fact, I firmly believe this will be a threat to national security.
Obama Administration has actually done some amazing work, truly inspiring. Personally, I fail to understand what all of you have against him. It makes no sense that everyone seeks to hold one person accountable for damn near everything wrong in this country. Blame yourselves, folks. You all have been asleep at the wheel while the machine has kept driving. You are all in control, but you have not learned how the machine operates. It's time to get real about the state of affairs, not just in America, but the world. We literally are the world; what happens out there directly affects us here...Unless you have what amounts to be literally centuries of dedicated thought towards the well-being of Our Nation, you cannot accurately criticize the actions of the government. The best and the brightest minds have actively been working to figure out what will keep this country going, not a bunch of stoners with limited information and insights. Stop listening to Alex Jones, the Ron and Rand Pauls, etc...they make money off of getting you to fear that which you do not understand. That is their bread and butter, and they have no accountability whatsoever for the damage they can do. There are people in government that put their lives on the line every damn day, and it's not just the military, not by a long shot. These are people with everything to lose and they do it because the believe in what they are doing, they make their sacrifices in the name of the greater good.
If you want to see a positive change take hold of this country, then act as if you are looking to attract positivity. Not hate and fear. Change the landscape so that people will want to invest their money here. Dont foment an environment of aggression that basically says to anyone with money "we fucking hate you and want to chew your fucking guts." Nothing is going to be perfect, believe me, I understand this better than anyone, but, we can make this country better. United we stand, divided we shall fall. Division and strife amongts ourselves is a signal to those that want to see America crumble that their efforts are working. It's time to start asking ourselves some tough questions: do we want to focus our energies on tearing down each other, or do we want to focus on strengthening our bond as Americans who have eachothers' backs through thick and thin? This applies to ALL walks of life, the rich, the middle-class, and the poor. We all have valuable lessons to learn, the question is are we going to learn the easy way, or the hard way? The choice is collectively ours.
I'm not being defensive, I just don't want you to bring conspiracies into this thread. If you have facts that are known to the media, please source them and let's discuss.... but i already know the 'facts' you want to lay out, as I've seen your conspiracy theory posts everywhere on the board.
And your reliable source for news is?............
Let me guess, forums and usenet?![]()
For someone who is basically saying" Stop hating each other" you sure do make it clear that you think people should hate Alex Jones and Dr. Paul and Senator Paul, because somehow those people are all making money by selling us survival gear, or some thing. Republicans are the same as democrats, your side isn't any different than the others, the majority are on the take. They don't care about you, or me.
Whether it is making a promise you can't or won't deliver on, he ran his campaign hard on it and has been double talking the withdrawl date backwards ever since. Sooner or later, he is not going be able to blame the previous administration anymore. It's going to be what did you do to get us out of Iraq and the recession. Those should have been the top 2 priorities and they were not.
Delay Delay Delay, dazzle people with a fantastic episode of dancing with the stars or Teenage mom and they forget all about those promises he made.Whether it is making a promise you can't or won't deliver on, he ran his campaign hard on it and has been double talking the withdrawl date backwards ever since. Sooner or later, he is not going be able to blame the previous administration anymore. It's going to be what did you do to get us out of Iraq and the recession. Those should have been the top 2 priorities and they were not.
PS. This is not Anti Americanism, I happen to love the American ideal, I just hate hearing Americans who will defend something to the death regardless of whether it is right or wrong just because it is American.
Oh and it is only Americans that constantly accuse others of being "anti" anything.
Delay Delay Delay, dazzle people with a fantastic episode of dancing with the stars or Teenage mom and they forget all about those promises he made.
I think you are pretty much anti-imperialism.....and I agree with ya. I think that's something everyone here could agree with.
Honestly, I'm really not sure. I've seen and heard bits and peices but have never done any serious research on the NWO. When you look at U.S. foreign policy it seems plausible but again, IDK.Mame...can I ask you personally, is the NWO and all the shit it stands for a load of nonsense, is it crap that conspiracy theorists invent to occupy their days with, is it nonsense that your capitals halls are diseased by these people, I ask you where you stand with this?
No disrespect but if you cannot acknowledge their existence and the crucial role they play in Obama, your foreign policies, your domestic policies then I feel I cannot have a discussion with you.
you guys won;t address the fact that Mitt Romney did it in his state and it was hailed as a true model for health care reform. But when Obama does it on a national level, everyone in the GOP wants to crucify him. Why is it good for Mass but not the rest of the country? Why did Mitt get accolades and Obama get shit? Someone please explain it to me?
There's a difference between being active in the world (trade, foreign aid during a crisis, etc.), and conquering a country and setting up a puppet government. I've never said anything along the lines of wanting to live in a "utopian" "personal paradise."
I love how generalizations get thrown around here, and words get put into peoples mouths.
An American anti-imperialist is a generationally-suicidal maniac. Understand that America is much more than just "our country," it is absolutely imperative for us to be as active and powerful on the world front. We depend on its benefits every damn day of our lives, not to mention the scores of other countries around the world. We cant simply just become a shrinking violet on the world front, not unless you want to have your kids working as servants in Arabic, Russian, or Mandarin speaking households.
I am all for the imperialism because I recognize and appreciate its benefits. Selfish? Well, then be a better person than me and start your own utopian country where you can live in your personal paradise.
Honestly, I'm really not sure. I've seen and heard bits and peices but have never done any serious research on the NWO. When you look at U.S. foreign policy it seems plausible but again, IDK.
Those aren't the promises he ran his campaign on.
There's a difference between being active in the world (trade, foreign aid during a crisis, etc.), and conquering a country and setting up a puppet government. I've never said anything along the lines of wanting to live in a "utopian" "personal paradise."
I love how generalizations get thrown around here, and words get put into peoples mouths.
Those aren't the promises he ran his campaign on.