The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

You haven't justified anything..... in fact, this conversation relates very little to you, being that you are not an American citizen. I'm glad you take interest however.... and Obama hardly is a friend of banks and Wall Street my friend.... you really should do a better job and keep up with the news... They were not happy at all with his financial reforms and credit card protections enacted..... I'd say the man came straight from the people.... he wasn't born rich and he doesn't have obvious special interests hanging out of his pocket, like most before him have...

Most people opposed to Obama on this thread just feel with utter conviction that he is in the pockets of the NWO, banking cartel, financial it what you will, and denial of that fact means that anything further that you want to debate with regards to what he can has or will do vs. hasn't or can't do is completely irrelevant. It merely keep the minions busy.

But how do you convince people who debunk this as "theory and conspiracy" that this has more bearing than what he or any other President would promise or deliver.

You need a President that has come from the people, not from the corruption that is the financial Ogliarchs.

Until you all see that you can yak about Obama till the cows come home.

In fact I would like to see Obama do another term if only to spite you pro Obama's when he fails or sends your sons to war again in the name of freedom.

I don't distrust Obama for what he does at home, I distrust him for being a part of the imperialist regime.

Justify that Obamalovers!!
Get over yourself.... Since we can't acknowledge a conspiracy as being real because you think so, then yes, we have nothing to talk about. Your silence will be greatly appreciated. Keep your nose in your own country's politics, thanks :)

No disrespect but if you cannot acknowledge their existence and the crucial role they play in Obama, your foreign policies, your domestic policies then I feel I cannot have a discussion with you.

I care little for Obama either way, you guys can argue over him all day, I care about how manipulated your government is, the institution, not the individual!
I will vote for Obama...Even if I didnt vote for him before, I am quite a fan now. Seriously, his administration is quite skillful.

Don't expect things to get better with a Republican, or Ron fact, I firmly believe this will be a threat to national security.

Obama Administration has actually done some amazing work, truly inspiring. Personally, I fail to understand what all of you have against him. It makes no sense that everyone seeks to hold one person accountable for damn near everything wrong in this country. Blame yourselves, folks. You all have been asleep at the wheel while the machine has kept driving. You are all in control, but you have not learned how the machine operates. It's time to get real about the state of affairs, not just in America, but the world. We literally are the world; what happens out there directly affects us here...Unless you have what amounts to be literally centuries of dedicated thought towards the well-being of Our Nation, you cannot accurately criticize the actions of the government. The best and the brightest minds have actively been working to figure out what will keep this country going, not a bunch of stoners with limited information and insights. Stop listening to Alex Jones, the Ron and Rand Pauls, etc...they make money off of getting you to fear that which you do not understand. That is their bread and butter, and they have no accountability whatsoever for the damage they can do. There are people in government that put their lives on the line every damn day, and it's not just the military, not by a long shot. These are people with everything to lose and they do it because the believe in what they are doing, they make their sacrifices in the name of the greater good.

If you want to see a positive change take hold of this country, then act as if you are looking to attract positivity. Not hate and fear. Change the landscape so that people will want to invest their money here. Dont foment an environment of aggression that basically says to anyone with money "we fucking hate you and want to chew your fucking guts." Nothing is going to be perfect, believe me, I understand this better than anyone, but, we can make this country better. United we stand, divided we shall fall. Division and strife amongts ourselves is a signal to those that want to see America crumble that their efforts are working. It's time to start asking ourselves some tough questions: do we want to focus our energies on tearing down each other, or do we want to focus on strengthening our bond as Americans who have eachothers' backs through thick and thin? This applies to ALL walks of life, the rich, the middle-class, and the poor. We all have valuable lessons to learn, the question is are we going to learn the easy way, or the hard way? The choice is collectively ours.
You haven't justified anything..... in fact, this conversation relates very little to you, being that you are not an American citizen. I'm glad you take interest however.... and Obama hardly is a friend of banks and Wall Street my friend.... you really should do a better job and keep up with the news... They were not happy at all with his financial reforms and credit card protections enacted..... I'd say the man came straight from the people.... he wasn't born rich and he doesn't have obvious special interests hanging out of his pocket, like most before him have...

With all due respect, I don't know if you have really researched his background...otherwise some of these assertions would not be present. I get where youre going, but there is a lot more to his story than you might be privy to at this point.
I don't buy into conspiracies and could care less to hear them.... If you have proof of something, please contact your local news department. If it makes the news, I'll listen.... I have nothing against you personally, at all. I do however think some of the conversations you've had on this board are downright funny, if not frightening to see that people actually think that way...

The info you are dying to 'share' with me about skull and bones and shit?, please start a new thread and let's keep this one on the election and merits of the man himself.

With all due respect, I don't know if you have really researched his background...otherwise some of these assertions would not be present. I get where youre going, but there is a lot more to his story than you might be privy to at this point.
Obama clearly said in the debates that the Iraq war was wrong and he would end it as soon as was militarily possible. He stated he would increase troop levels in Afghanistan. He never said if elected, he would pull out of Afghanistan. He did give a timetable for an Iraq withdrawal, and the Iraqi's used his statements during negotiations. This pissed off some of the Bush administration, because Obama was already having an influence and hadn't even been elected yet. The draft order was signed by Bush administration and Iraqis, extending our military presence until the end of this year. How can others take this to mean that he promised he'd pull us out sooner? He never made that statement. He indicated before being elected that Dec 31, 2011 was his target date, unless things went sour. I'm still awaiting the OP to back this claim with quotes from Obama, but he won't because he can't. The discrepancies come when Obama haters cite the pledge to pull troops from Iraq within 16 months if elected. That pledge was made BEFORE BUSH and Maliki signed the agreement to keep troops until end of 2011. What is Obama supposed to do now? renege on the agreement he DIDN'T sign and then open himself up to your criticisms that his actions cost us victory in Iraq if civil war breaks out? YES, Obama stated he'd have troops out within 16 months... that was before the US and Iraq signed on to a timetable...

I hardly consider the large stimulus package as 'ignoring' the economy. It was the VERY first bill he signed. The reason for the health care reform was to stave off huge expenses in medicare and medicaid. The GAO projects savings of over 10 billion per year because of that legislation. Again, you guys won;t address the fact that Mitt Romney did it in his state and it was hailed as a true model for health care reform. But when Obama does it on a national level, everyone in the GOP wants to crucify him. Why is it good for Mass but not the rest of the country? Why did Mitt get accolades and Obama get shit? Someone please explain it to me?

The economy has hardly been forgotten. Trips abroad to smooth relations, new trade agreements, stimulus to create jobs, retain teachers and police and fire, build high speed rail, improve nations power grid, explore renewable resources.... these all sound like solid projects to me.

I thought we were done in Iraq in March after he got elected, then 16 months, then we were having transitional troops instead of combat troop, now we are in Libya...Not what people had in mind when they took the hook. His message to voters was that we would be out of the war "you can take that to the bank".

As far as the economy...I'm glad you are in school right now.
I don't buy into conspiracies and could care less to hear them.... If you have proof of something, please contact your local news department. If it makes the news, I'll listen.... I have nothing against you personally, at all. I do however think some of the conversations you've had on this board are downright funny, if not frightening to see that people actually think that way...

The info you are dying to 'share' with me about skull and bones and shit?, please start a new thread and let's keep this one on the election and merits of the man himself.

So you blindly trust your local news? Wow guy, way to shit all over everything you have ever said.
I don't buy into conspiracies and could care less to hear them.... If you have proof of something, please contact your local news department. If it makes the news, I'll listen.... I have nothing against you personally, at all. I do however think some of the conversations you've had on this board are downright funny, if not frightening to see that people actually think that way...

The info you are dying to 'share' with me about skull and bones and shit?, please start a new thread and let's keep this one on the election and merits of the man himself.

No conspiracies...just facts. Why so defensive?
Dude, I thought I addressed that.... a deal was signed before Obama even took office. It was signed after he made a promise.... there is nothing he can do about the deal now unless he breaks the agreement.... Even then, I have a funny feeling that when shit hits hte fan in Iraq in 2012, you same people will be blaming Obama for withdrawing troops too soon ;)

I thought we were done in Iraq in March after he got elected, then 16 months, then we were having transitional troops instead of combat troop, now we are in Libya...Not what people had in mind when they took the hook. His message to voters was that we would be out of the war "you can take that to the bank".

As far as the economy...I'm glad you are in school right now.
I'm not being defensive, I just don't want you to bring conspiracies into this thread. If you have facts that are known to the media, please source them and let's discuss.... but i already know the 'facts' you want to lay out, as I've seen your conspiracy theory posts everywhere on the board.

No conspiracies...just facts. Why so defensive?
You haven't justified anything..... in fact, this conversation relates very little to you, being that you are not an American citizen. I'm glad you take interest however.... and Obama hardly is a friend of banks and Wall Street my friend.... you really should do a better job and keep up with the news... They were not happy at all with his financial reforms and credit card protections enacted..... I'd say the man came straight from the people.... he wasn't born rich and he doesn't have obvious special interests hanging out of his pocket, like most before him have...

This only shows how naive you and so many other Americans are, do you really think that making a policy reform snubs the Bankers? They probably made that concession to appease the masses alongside his delegation. You imply that because he makes a decision that seemingly goes against them that he is on the opposite side. You are blind then.

And if he really saw them as poison then he would have gone after them a long time ago, that has not happened so there is no doubt some form of collusion.

I've said this many times, your domestic policy you can keep but your foreign policies are the entire worlds problems and that is what I discuss in this thread.

He wasn't born rich?????????????? He has clearly not had a tough ride, are you now going to tell me he came from the projects or something? His whole life he has been surrounded by the elite in your society.

Bottom line is you seem to think he has nothing to do with the Ogliarchs and that makes you naive, dumbed down and able to swallow all the shit that you read in propagandist media channels that spew the lies.

Try getting your head around other news reporting other than your American media that you put so much faith in.

Why are American troops on the ground east of benghazi, Libya? Clinton who is the voice not only of your President but your country has openly admitted involvement with NGO's assisting in staging uprisings in the middle east, including Libya. How does that not support the globalist agenda?

Serapis you can keep thinking you are an intellectual for discussing the little issues all you want but the current world political climate requires macro thinkers.

Your countries problems will not go away whilst you monkeys keep bickering about domestic issues, your Imperialist government including Obama will keep you busy with that.

If Obama is not part of the NWO's whirlwind agenda then explain why he cannot explain where he and Clinton was the 3rd day of Bilderberger meetings in Ottowa 2009. Explain why he as an independent President free of the NWO shackles is in a new country militarily. Explain why there are ground troops east of Benghazi then, what is Americas agenda if not for NATO and the NWO.

To say I am unaware of the politics going on in the world is ridiculous. Not mentioning something does not prove you are not aware.

You come across as young dumb and full of cum.

In time you will learn to realise that world politics dictates domestic politics in this day and age.

PS. I thought I was on your ignore list. I was enjoying not hearing your brand of naive middle American patriotic bullshit.

It's this naivety that makes you Americans look stupid.

Talk about wagging the tail of the dog.
Your the one using the word "blindy", not me. I use CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR Each one of those institutions has a responsibility to get the story right. Most journalists and news organizations do. If a new organization puts out inaccurate or false stories, they quickly lose credibility and viewers, ergo, advertisers.

So you blindly trust your local news? Wow guy, way to shit all over everything you have ever said.
I'm not being defensive, I just don't want you to bring conspiracies into this thread. If you have facts that are known to the media, please source them and let's discuss.... but i already know the 'facts' you want to lay out, as I've seen your conspiracy theory posts everywhere on the board.

Yeah you know everything, thats Serapis attitude for you, |I know everything, you dont. In my mind I can argue better than you so clearly that makes me right and you wrong.
Your the one using the word "blindy", not me. I use CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR Each one of those institutions has a responsibility to get the story right. Most journalists and news organizations do. If a new organization puts out inaccurate or false stories, they quickly lose credibility and viewers, ergo, advertisers.

Here you start to lose your credibility, all of those media organisations are full of manipulated shit. Just look at the propaganda that the BBC spews regarding cannabis and you would lose faith immediately.

What a fucking joke!!
I know anti-American sentiment when I see it, how bout stepping off of our internet then please good sir? and have a pleasant day...

Yeah you know everything, thats Serapis attitude for you, |I know everything, you dont. In my mind I can argue better than you so clearly that makes me right and you wrong.
And that is ALL that you are doing..... keep your nose in your own politics.... Your anti-America sentiment tells me we have nothing to talk about. Sadly, some Americans are on your side ;)

And in ten years from now you will be thanking us for bringing the system you stand up for now!! wink at that....
Dude, I thought I addressed that.... a deal was signed before Obama even took office. It was signed after he made a promise.... there is nothing he can do about the deal now unless he breaks the agreement.... Even then, I have a funny feeling that when shit hits hte fan in Iraq in 2012, you same people will be blaming Obama for withdrawing troops too soon ;)

Whether it is making a promise you can't or won't deliver on, he ran his campaign hard on it and has been double talking the withdrawl date backwards ever since. Sooner or later, he is not going be able to blame the previous administration anymore. It's going to be what did you do to get us out of Iraq and the recession. Those should have been the top 2 priorities and they were not.
And your reliable source for news is?............

Let me guess, forums and usenet? :roll:

Here you start to lose your credibility, all of those media organisations are full of manipulated shit. Just look at the propaganda that the BBC spews regarding cannabis and you would lose faith immediately.

What a fucking joke!!