I challenge you to back up your statements. the first one I'll stipulate. The rest are all distortions or out right fabrications. As for Afghanistan, he actually promised to increase troop levels to fight the real war that America should have been involved in from the beginning. He was against the Iraq war from the beginning. He also wasn't president when the declaration was signed extending US forces until Dec 31, 2011. We are committed until that date. In fact, the Iraqi's referenced Obama's timetable when negotiating the new terms! Obama had no say so in TARP, it was a passed law under Bush and was under the Treasury's review. Show us where Obama is quoted making that statement regarding toxic mortgages. Also, explain the Making Homes Affordable Act and tell us how many American's have had their mortgages adjusted due to Obama's program.
Please reference your claims.... I believe them all to be false.... btw, Gitmo is still open, but Obama is still in office. That promise will be kept. Obama made more than 500 promises while campaigning and has only failed to keep 41 so far.... So please, back up your claims, other than just making personal statements.
I have sources..... do you?