The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

I'm not the one that brought race up.... I think it's sad that in this day and age you guys are even playing that card.... I don't consider him white or black, I consider him the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief.

What? yes you did, the post right above your last one "The woman who gave birth to him was white....." I just think it's funny that he's black when it's convienient and then he becomes half white when it suits the argument......... Who give a flying banana wagon what race he is. He's a fruad and criminal just like most of our Presidents
And that post was in response to someone else that brought up his race.... That was why I quoted it. Was that really that hard to follow? I didn't bring up the race card, you and the dog avatar did. I merely pointed out that his mother was white in response to the lame post about blacks voting for him and giving him the win. As far as calling him a fraud and a criminal, that just shows your lack of respect for the man, which you are entitled.... however should someone call you a fraud and a criminal, I'd hope they'd back it up with some fact...

What? yes you did, the post right above your last one "The woman who gave birth to him was white....." I just think it's funny that he's black when it's convienient and then he becomes half white when it suits the argument......... Who give a flying banana wagon what race he is. He's a fruad and criminal just like most of our Presidents
Did he maximixe liberty?
Did he enable the free market or fund corprate welfare?
Did he promote a stable currency or create and distribute trillions to investment bankers?
Did he end ANY wars or add one more?
And that post was in response to someone else that brought up his race.... That was why I quoted it. Was that really that hard to follow? I didn't bring up the race card, you and the dog avatar did. I merely pointed out that his mother was white in response to the lame post about blacks voting for him and giving him the win. As far as calling him a fraud and a criminal, that just shows your lack of respect for the man, which you are entitled.... however should someone call you a fraud and a criminal, I'd hope they'd back it up with some fact...

No......... It shows my lack of trust for many president as my post siad. I didn't single him out. I can back up my claims. It's called the Constitution of the United States. If, as President, you fail to uphold the Constitution or intentionally disregard it (Healthcare bill, Bombing Libya, bailots, empathy rulings etc...) and undermine the laws of the land you are a fraud and a criminal.
I really think he is the best for the job..unless you can tell me someone better

whether you believe/like it or not your government is dictated to by the whoever runs for president is "placed" be it on both sides which is why I keep maintaining you every day American citizens need to stop thinking left or right, it's the same thing my brother.

I said it once, I'll say it again.....whilst your leaders on both sides of the political spectrum sit inside the white walls that is government enjoying a cigar and sipping brandy, the citizens mull around outside in the cold scrounging for titbits arguing about " a political position pertaining to how I view life and my morality within this great democracy called America".

Unfortunately the ideal that is free scope and equal opportunity that you call "democracy" has come back to bite most Americans in the ass because your leaders and wealthy elite have now started to use, abuse and bankrupt and destroy you average Americans, nevermind the rest of the world in the past and history.

I don't have the answer to your problems but I know you will not find it in the system that has failed you for the last 50 years.

And the fact that I take the time to discuss and be interested in Americas problems shows that I care, because whether I like it or not America has taken upon itself to make the world it's business so therefore America is the worlds problem.

Whilst you average Americans and I mean most in this thread, argue about policies and domestic politics....the rest of the world cringes when your government goes into yet another country in the name of democracy and freedom. It is viewed as typical Americans only interested in taking care of your own shit whilst the rest of the world suffers at the hands of your military.
Everyone bitches about war, jobs, perceived fucking hoo. In reality nearly all of you dopes DIRECTLY BENEFIT from American dominance. If you really want to see America go down, then consider who will fill the power vacuum: China, Russia...Do you really think these countries will all of a sudden become benevolent towards western life and interests? Or those of the countries with the natural resources needed to fuel a first-world economy? No, not at all. If it wasn't the Americans, it would be the Chinese, or the Russians. Unless lady-Europe decides to get off its 70 year rag and assert itself instead of its continually parasitic feeding off of American efforts.

It's time to pull our collective head out of our collective ass and realize that this petty bullshit bickering is only serving to hasten our OWN demise. If you really want see 'America pay for its transgressions' (yes I am paraphrasing) then prepare yourself to live the life of a third-world citizen among a first-world crumbling infrastructure. Support your country, educate yourself, realize that this is no time for soapbox grandstanding.

And for the supposed conservatives out there, do you really think it is at all feasible that the US will be able to just become a shrinking violet on the world-front without consequence? What fucking jobs do you think are going to be created without any resources? That's why we are out in the world doing what needs to be done. Face the music, your crusade inevitably leads to demise. You advocate more harm than good. Furthermore, why don’t you take a closer look at Mitt Romney's world-traveling he made about 6 months ago...Cavorting with Arab royalty so as to groom him to assume power. Ron Paul? Seriously, you might as well bury your fucking head in the sand. If he ever had the chance for to implement his idealistic and romantic beliefs, my children would be servants in mandarin speaking households...fuck that nonsense.

Obama's administration has done an excellent job handling mass sedition at home, and an increasingly competitive world theatre. Totally and completely has my vote.
Not true, Bush got voted in twice

As far as the rest of the planet is concerned Obama has been the best president out of the last 4. Oh and easily the most Reganesque - for you tea baggers
That second election was bogus. He won once, then he SHOULD have lost the second time, but corruption is rampant everywhere.
And that post was in response to someone else that brought up his race.... That was why I quoted it. Was that really that hard to follow? I didn't bring up the race card, you and the dog avatar did. I merely pointed out that his mother was white in response to the lame post about blacks voting for him and giving him the win. As far as calling him a fraud and a criminal, that just shows your lack of respect for the man, which you are entitled.... however should someone call you a fraud and a criminal, I'd hope they'd back it up with some fact...

I don't care if he is black or white...I just stated why he won...and it was not merits. You guys are trying play all sensitive and argue all these details about who is racist and who is not. His mother is white...come on. Quit being so butthappy and cut the shit. You know why he won. He was the first black president and that was exciting. The only other merit he had is that he is one hell of a self promoter.
I don't care if he is black or white...I just stated why he won...and it was not merits. You guys are trying play all sensitive and argue all these details about who is racist and who is not. His mother is white...come on. Quit being so butthappy and cut the shit. You know why he won. He was the first black president and that was exciting. The only other merit he had is that he is one hell of a self promoter.

He also had the Rockefellers, Soros, and the Trilateral Commission in his pocket (of which his wife is a member)... and Zbigniew Brzezinski, was his campaign foreign policy advisor.
Everyone bitches about war, jobs, perceived fucking hoo. In reality nearly all of you dopes DIRECTLY BENEFIT from American dominance. If you really want to see America go down, then consider who will fill the power vacuum: China, Russia...Do you really think these countries will all of a sudden become benevolent towards western life and interests? Or those of the countries with the natural resources needed to fuel a first-world economy? No, not at all. If it wasn't the Americans, it would be the Chinese, or the Russians. Unless lady-Europe decides to get off its 70 year rag and assert itself instead of its continually parasitic feeding off of American efforts.

It's time to pull our collective head out of our collective ass and realize that this petty bullshit bickering is only serving to hasten our OWN demise. If you really want see 'America pay for its transgressions' (yes I am paraphrasing) then prepare yourself to live the life of a third-world citizen among a first-world crumbling infrastructure. Support your country, educate yourself, realize that this is no time for soapbox grandstanding.

And for the supposed conservatives out there, do you really think it is at all feasible that the US will be able to just become a shrinking violet on the world-front without consequence? What fucking jobs do you think are going to be created without any resources? That's why we are out in the world doing what needs to be done. Face the music, your crusade inevitably leads to demise. You advocate more harm than good. Furthermore, why don’t you take a closer look at Mitt Romney's world-traveling he made about 6 months ago...Cavorting with Arab royalty so as to groom him to assume power. Ron Paul? Seriously, you might as well bury your fucking head in the sand. If he ever had the chance for to implement his idealistic and romantic beliefs, my children would be servants in mandarin speaking households...fuck that nonsense.

Obama's administration has done an excellent job handling mass sedition at home, and an increasingly competitive world theatre. Totally and completely has my vote.

At least with China you know what you are getting unlike your smiling assassins. As for Russia, well frankly you should catch up, this is not the 80's my friend. Assuming that Russians would ever go back to communism is embarrassingly ignorant, they are all over the world not just Europe embracing western ways. I know this because I have a Russian partner.

Europe is diplomatic unlike "gung-ho" America.

Otherwise I agree with some of what you say.
At least with China you know what you are getting unlike your smiling assassins. As for Russia, well frankly you should catch up, this is not the 80's my friend. Assuming that Russians would ever go back to communism is embarrassingly ignorant, they are all over the world not just Europe embracing western ways. I know this because I have a Russian partner.

Europe is diplomatic unlike "gung-ho" America.

Otherwise I agree with some of what you say.

Despite your assumption of a communist russia statement in my words (seriously, are you high?) And America is THE most diplomatic nation in the world...if you cant see that then you see nothing at all.
Despite your assumption of a communist russia statement in my words (seriously, are you high?) And America is THE most diplomatic nation in the world...if you cant see that then you see nothing at all.

And I quote..."China, Russia...Do you really think these countries will all of a sudden become benevolent towards western life and interests?" what part of western life are they not part of????

LMFAO.......America THE most diplomatic nation in the world.......what a fucking joke, you are another whitewashed victim of your own government propaganda.

Your last sentence....take a leaf out of your own book my friend, you're embarrassing yourself.
Why do you and everyone else that hates Obama blame him for bailouts? Your timeline is all off, as that happened under Bush's term. Obama did not bail out AIG, or GM, or Chrysler, or Citi, Bank of America, and so on and so on... All that shit, TARP happened under Bush. The health care bill was modeled after the state of Minnesota's, which by the way, was proposed and pushed by a GOP governor, and a candidate for 2008, Mitt Romney. It has passed the test of constitutionality. You can be compelled to purchase insurance in lieu of tax payers covering your medical bills in the emergency room. The President also has the authority to engage the military for up to 90 days before notifying Congress. The Senate, which has a Republican majority, passed a bill backing the no fly zone. Several GOP senators, such as McCain, are pushing for us to do more! Based on these facts, I hardly think you make a case to call the man a fraud and a criminal. Rather than undermining laws, he has strengthened them in favor of the consumer, such as the Credit Card Act that was recently enacted. I could go on and on, but you won't read this with any sincere interest. You have your mind made up and refuse to consider facts. That is, my friend, stubborn partisanship. ;)

No......... It shows my lack of trust for many president as my post siad. I didn't single him out. I can back up my claims. It's called the Constitution of the United States. If, as President, you fail to uphold the Constitution or intentionally disregard it (Healthcare bill, Bombing Libya, bailots, empathy rulings etc...) and undermine the laws of the land you are a fraud and a criminal.
He also ran against a party that had gotten us involved in two wars, a terrible recession and a flagging economy. Many had lost jobs, entire investment portfolios, retirement accounts, homes, etc.... I find it funny that you can overlook all of the bad things that the GOP left us with, and not even take them into consideration. I know when I'm talking to GOP hardliner and I won;t waste any further breath... carry on spreading that BS ;)

I don't care if he is black or white...I just stated why he won...and it was not merits. You guys are trying play all sensitive and argue all these details about who is racist and who is not. His mother is white...come on. Quit being so butthappy and cut the shit. You know why he won. He was the first black president and that was exciting. The only other merit he had is that he is one hell of a self promoter.
He also ran against a party that had gotten us involved in two wars, a terrible recession and a flagging economy. Many had lost jobs, entire investment portfolios, retirement accounts, homes, etc.... I find it funny that you can overlook all of the bad things that the GOP left us with, and not even take them into consideration. I know when I'm talking to GOP hardliner and I won;t waste any further breath... carry on spreading that BS ;)

The only hardliners that I've seen on this forum are the liberals. They scream rethuglican or teabagger to anyone who argues them, but I have never seen anyone here say I LOVE GW and very seldom GO GOP!. Most of the time it is people fed up with the state of things getting labled by Obama supporters such as yourself. So you may want to reconsider who is partisan as I never claimed one iota to bleed GOP. You are so in love with Obama and wrapped up in the democratic party that you can't help but defend "your side" at all cost...even if it means discarding common sense. He has done a piss poor job.
Discarding common sense? LOL.... like I said, a hardliner and hardly worth any serious discussion or debate of actual facts. I think he has done a fantastic job and I'll be voting for him again. And for your information, I voted for GW the first time around... and Reagan the second. I'm hardly a party zealot... I have two eyes and a good brain with a high IQ and my current GPS is 4.0 after 5 semesters of advanced Computer IT courses... I'm not bragging, I'm just letting you know I'm far from ignorant, I'm far from being a Dem cheerleader....

I do know when a man is taking unfair or unsubstantiated criticism. Sorry you feel that I should sit by while you guys trash a man who has done 100% better than his predecessor. No need to reply, as I'm sure it will lack any reasonable content or fact worthy of any serious debate.

The only hardliners that I've seen on this forum are the liberals. They scream rethuglican or teabagger to anyone who argues them, but I have never seen anyone here say I LOVE GW and very seldom GO GOP!. Most of the time it is people fed up with the state of things getting labled by Obama supporters such as yourself. So you may want to reconsider who is partisan as I never claimed one iota to bleed GOP. You are so butthappy for Obama and wrapped up in the democratic party that you can't help but defend "your side" at all cost...even if it means discarding common sense. He has done a piss poor job.