The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

My point is less about race and more about why he won. It was not his was a popularity contest and a rebuke of GW. Neither of which are reasons to reelect
My point is less about race and more about why he won. It was not his was a popularity contest and a rebuke of GW. Neither of which are reasons to reelect

hold on first you say "don't dismiss his blackness" now you say your point is not about race...dude make up your mind
Don't worry. There are a lot of stupid voters, but not enough stupid enough to be fooled twice.

Not true, Bush got voted in twice

As far as the rest of the planet is concerned Obama has been the best president out of the last 4. Oh and easily the most Ronald Reganesque - for you tea baggers
Care to define it for me then? Do you know what a community organizer does? He did it at a national level. I'm merely pointing out he had a lot more experience to run for president than you gave him credit for. You can dismiss his 2 law degrees, and his time serving in a national and a state legislature. regardless of your opinion on his qualifications, the man did win the presidency once, and he'll easily do it again ;) This time around ya'll can drop the community organizer tag and refer to his 4 years as a President ;)

Community organizing is not public service... Now you might say it serves the public but it is not owned by the public. The Government is public service.
So when the church feeds the poor, they are not performing a public service?

And don't forget, he ran as an outsider, so you are only agreeing that he was indeed an outsider.

Community organizing is not public service... Now you might say it serves the public but it is not owned by the public. The Government is public service.
The woman who gave birth to him was white.....

So is he the first black president or the first half white president. Don't start playing that game because we might just have to look past his race since he isn't just "one race" and judge him on his merits. The black community claims hims as one of thiers and we don't want to step on any toes.
I'm not the one that brought race up.... I think it's sad that in this day and age you guys are even playing that card.... I don't consider him white or black, I consider him the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief.

So is he the first black president or the first half white president. Don't start playing that game because we might just have to look past his race since isn't just "one race" and judge him on his merits. The black community claims hims as one of his and we don't ewant to step on any shoes.