The Official Ghetto Growers Group

ay what'll happen if my cfls are touching? they are 23w

LOL, in spite of the BS above, absolutely nothing. You said they where 23 watt CFL's, this is a bulb that you can HOLD the lit coils in your BARE fingers! Not much chance of "fused" glass or "powers" going on here, ROFLMAO!
So wonderful to see the Taf-banger holding forth with MORE tid-bits of scientific acumen, Good luck & good grow.......BB
HAHA I was so ripped when I read that bit about fused light bulbs that I imagined fusing all my 23w bulbs together into 1 like 400w CFL capable of mass micro grow destruction! lol Anyway, funny story.

Q: How much of a drain on my hydro bill would 8-10 23w CFL's be? I'm not clever enough to figure it out, but if anyone has a guestimate they'd like to shoot my way I'd be glad to hear it.
HAHA I was so ripped when I read that bit about fused light bulbs that I imagined fusing all my 23w bulbs together into 1 like 400w CFL capable of mass micro grow destruction! lol Anyway, funny story.

Q: How much of a drain on my hydro bill would 8-10 23w CFL's be? I'm not clever enough to figure it out, but if anyone has a guestimate they'd like to shoot my way I'd be glad to hear it.

10X23 watts=230 watts X24 = 5520 watts daily. @.15 per K= 82.8 cents a day.

So the one thing im lacking in my ghetto box is ventilation. Everything except the lights were found around my home but i was wondering is there is a cheap mini fan or something i could use just for out take that is sold at like walmart/target or some other cheap way to hook up ventilation.
So the one thing im lacking in my ghetto box is ventilation. Everything except the lights were found around my home but i was wondering is there is a cheap mini fan or something i could use just for out take that is sold at like walmart/target or some other cheap way to hook up ventilation.

you can get a cheap fan at walmart for 10 to 20 dollars. mount it up high in the box and use it for an exhaust fan and use a passive intake down low on the oppotsite side of your box.
you can get a cheap fan at walmart for 10 to 20 dollars. mount it up high in the box and use it for an exhaust fan and use a passive intake down low on the oppotsite side of your box.

Cheaper yet, check out your local thrift stores or hit a few garage sales. Picture below is great little fan I picked up for 85 cents at a yard sale last month when I was building my first indoor grow room. Works great, moves plenty of air just fine.
Good luck & good grow.......BB bongsmilie


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Cheaper yet, check out your local thrift stores or hit a few garage sales. Picture below is great little fan I picked up for 85 cents at a yard sale last month when I was building my first indoor grow room. Works great, moves plenty of air just fine.
Good luck & good grow.......BB bongsmilie

yeah thats true BB, forgot about the thrift stores, heres 3 that i got there some time back. the 5" table fan was $2, the little floor fan was $5 and i think i paid $3 for the 10" fan i zip tied to the box for exhaust. thats a hell of a deal you got, LoL.


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I was reading about wiring PC fans up differently. I was just wondering what sort of cords (for ex. old cell phone chargers) could be used.

Anyone have an ideas?
I was reading about wiring PC fans up differently. I was just wondering what sort of cords (for ex. old cell phone chargers) could be used.

Anyone have an ideas?

look on the PC fan it will show u the Volt (V) useage like 12V or 9V or sumtn like that...... then if u have alot of cell phone chargers layign around try adn find the most powerful one or if u can find a different electrical charger or power cor that matches ur pc fans volt strip the wireing on both the pc and charger and hten wire them together

i wouldnt suggest anything over the recomended volts but pc fans are cheap so if the motor blows u can always get new ones

ive used cell phone chargers... and an old D Link powercable thing too.... adn a portable DVD player charger that sum hoodlums car hopped from me
i have a question
will my plants start flowering if there on 12/12 with 6500ks because theyve been on 12/12 for 7 days and still nothing how long does it take
or will they only flower if they 2700k i will buy some soon but i dotn have any yet and i want to know if they can still flower
I was reading about wiring PC fans up differently. I was just wondering what sort of cords (for ex. old cell phone chargers) could be used.
Anyone have an ideas?

you can get a new pc power source for $13 on ebay and run up to 7 fans with it, this is what i use. i run both my veg and flower box off this one power source. you can also use old phone chargers, printer power adapters, whatever, you buy those real cheap at the thrift store also.

wanabe, you really need the 2700k's for flowering but the 6500k's will work, growth will just be a little slower.


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alright wanabe!! i told you a week or so, way to go!!, post some pics on your thread and i'll be over to check it out, or here to, LoL.
120w Bulb I found for plants + Disassembled part of lamp + Music stand to hold all of this up + Cardboard box lined with aluminum foil + Old projects I created years ago to help reflect light + Party Cups, Dirt, And Bag Seeds = My Ghetto Grow.004.jpg005.jpg