The Official Ghetto Growers Group

iaght boys here is my lil slice of ghetto in teh paradice

im surprised how well i did with my setups.....

what other light should i get i got a cfl cool white and warm white i might get red blue LED more reds then blues for flowering, or just get a flourescent grow light instead just regular flourescent.... does anyone know if a ultra violet light would help too?? idk........ any recomendations for a 3rd light would be appreciated

so here my ghetto setup.............. shitty i gotta post it on youtube first

ill get it up soon
Iaght i got it now that took shit long time 2 backwoods worth of time lol

so with i would like to present you my ghetto setup..... i was too lazy to make all the wires/cords on top nice adn neat... so they all tanlged up and in a mess i think it adds to the ghettoness lol i originially had finishing line holdin her upp to but was always worried about something fallin or sumtn so i cut her off one day after i roped in some proper stero speaker cords ahaha again to lazy to clean up fishing line so it still there dangling

so with out further todo i present u it

I feel u i tried to do the same thing then said fuck it... Too much work...
But shit get u a big harvest and "GIVE" some of your shit away so u can save up for some small tents they really badass...
The has ton of cheap shit u just gotta shop alil...
yeah no tent for me, ill stick with the cardboard boxes, LoL.

It has been a while since I have stopped by to chill in the hood. Here are a couple of pics of what I've been up to.
dam teflon, real nice man, way to go!!

cool man can't wait. get some 85 watt CFLS 300W equivalent. they're beast
looking good man, real nice!!

Iaght i got it now that took shit long time 2 backwoods worth of time lol
so with i would like to present you my ghetto setup..... i was too lazy to make all the wires/cords on top nice adn neat... so they all tanlged up and in a mess i think it adds to the ghettoness lol i originially had finishing line holdin her upp to but was always worried about something fallin or sumtn so i cut her off one day after i roped in some proper stero speaker cords ahaha again to lazy to clean up fishing line so it still there dangling
so with out further todo i present u it


ha, dude thats great, major props to ya!!
My 1st grow, I had to take the bulbs out and wash them in insectacide had a gnat problem.....notice the bug light on the wall and the board that is screwed in to hold the clamp lights on....."oh hunny do you know where the lamp from the living room went?"

Grow 2 got a little fancier....I think so far I'm into it for about 350 and got the closet for free99


and this is what I get


:peace::bigjoint: not half bad if you ask me.... electric bill went up 20.00 month

dude........ur plants look like crap u need to water them more regulary and watch ur lights ur bruning the crap outta ur plants
and for the love of god give em some nuts

here is my most recent ghetto grow 2xcardboard boxes a crap load of cfls lotsa duct tape

blueish light is vegg box
orangeish light flower box (just started a new crop to flower 2 days ago in the pic)

oh and i know what ppl are gonna say no reflective waiting on a roll of mylar i got off e-bay


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That's probably the one's you deleted after you flipped them the right always does that to me too, I dont know how to get rid of those xtra thumbnails that pop up.
teflon those are some nice colas on them plants............ are full spectrum flourescents good??..... whats better grow lux or full spectrum..... im thinking of puttin one in my ghetto box sort of upgrading it

G Farmer***
I am just using bulbs from lowes they are more towards the red spectrum. I always get it backwards between 2700k and 6500k It it a mix of 23 and 46 watt bulbs 37 bulbs or so total.
If having 7 plants like that is "being screwed"...I wish I was a prostitute.

lmao good one ...
those buds do look good tef

Just checking back with the Ghetto...
havent updated here in a while so i fugured id drop by

Heres my Ladies Day 22 of flowering :

What up, cuz. Did I win? I'm barely a month in. but my plants are green and beautiful. I currently need more soil but I can't go to the store, all the main roads are currently shutdown due to a really fierce blizzard.

No sex revealed on them yet.

The only grow here that made me laugh was the guy stealing lamps around the house with the most funniest wiring and tall ass lamps stuck horizontally into the walls... lol, I laughed much
loooookin nice! I am about to start a hydro grow with SOG Al Fuct way but I am unsure if I want to do aeroponic, fogponic, probably not DWC, or if I want to ebb and flow