Well-Known Member
locally. a friend of mine has an uncle with a gardening shop =) he gets the family hook up ya kno lol
that method of taking of the buds while leavin the branches intackt. will that plant regrow after a couple of months?
Hey Buddy, Thats a 42 Watt above, 3 6500K 27Watt and a 40 Watt on the sides. The pot size is 3 Gallons. I'm now up to a quart a day of water. Shes doing very well.haha. thanks zoso, you too man. Is that a big ol' 65 watter CFL above that plant of yours? Looks really good though. How big's the pot?
This is the Sixteenth day since Antoinette has srang from the earth she is a happy bushy babe.Here is a look at my ghetto grow with the same title as this thread. More pictures on the journal I have in the grow journals. Any commets are appreciated with reps++ and if I help you in any way please feel free to touch the scales with some love.
Peace out,