The 'Official' Rollitup 'Like' List

OK, folks, since we have people that talk so much about how much they're 'liked' and how everybody 'follows' them, here it is: the simple like list.

It's formulated very simply; it's a percentage ratio of likes to posts. Layman's example: if you have 100 posts and 100 likes, that's a difference of 0%. If you have 100 post and 25 likes, that's a difference of -75%. If you have 100 post and 175 likes, that's a difference of 75%. The higher the percentage, the more you're liked.

So here's a brief list of the usual suspects and how much they're liked from most liked at top to least liked at bottom. Enjoy!

srh88: 205.32%

captainmorgan: 199.46%

Sir Napsalot: 162.50%

Unclebaldrick: 137.24%

Justin-case: 117.78%

Roger A. Shrubber: 112.95%

dandyrandy: 102.13%

Fogdog: 80.41%

TacoMac: 76.82%

ttystikk: 64.27%

Herb & Suds: 60.20%

rollitup: 29.14

MichiganMedGrower: 27.83%

zeddd: 9.22%

Budley Doright: -1.76%

UncleBuck: -17.82%

Padawanbater2: -22.51

schuylaar: -45.18

hotrodharley: -48.25%

squarepush3r: -62.96%

Rob Roy: -63.20%

NWO4LIFE: -90.57% (Of course we all knew he'd be rock bottom.)
Well at least I'm in the positive @ 4.69%
@Rob Roy it be math
Using math is slavery
@Rob Roy hates math and even more he hates black men that know math. He thinks it is impossible. He also wants restaurant owners to have the right to kick blacks out their public place of business. He as well suggested that a 12 year old can consent to sex with an adult...because how do we know that 12 year old is not more mature than others:shock:
Rob is pretty fucked up