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Seems like i am constantly answering a messed up racist who keeps trying to project it on others.

But most here say that about you.

Does this mean you are not accepting my wager?

you told a black veteran that he only succeeded due t affirmative action and sneer about "white haters" like a neo nazi but i'm the racist. OK

you'll never post your birth certificate because it will prove you are a convicted and registered pedophile in the state of michigan
you told a black veteran that he only succeeded due t affirmative action and sneer about "white haters" like a neo nazi but i'm the racist. OK

you'll never post your birth certificate because it will prove you are a convicted and registered pedophile in the state of michigan

Lol. Take my wager and i will embarass you. You are so wrong about everyone you accuse its pathetic.

And i merely insulted you fantasy sock in return to pretty mean comments i dont keep dredging up.

You make mean things up about people almost every post. Im just hopelessly trying to keep up.

The main curiousity is other than being addicted to your pretend position here why do you waste so much time doing it?

You have a new baby. I sure wouldnt be ignoring my family and posting all the time if i was lucky enough to have one.
Lol. Take my wager and i will embarass you. You are so wrong about everyone you accuse its pathetic.

And i merely insulted you fantasy sock in return to pretty mean comments i dont keep dredging up.

You make mean things up about people almost every post. Im just hopelessly trying to keep up.

The main curiousity is other than being addicted to your pretend position here why do you waste so much time doing it?

You have a new baby. I sure wouldnt be ignoring my family and posting all the time if i was lucky enough to have one.

yeah, your neo-nazi ass annihilated his sperm on meth and your fat sickly wife is barren anyway
If I were you I'd find some other place that you prefer. Instead of being a snowflake about it. Enjoy the entertainment! Look in the mirror and dance naked!

Lol I like RIU just fine, I find lots of it funny and I'm great at ignoring the BS. Check my join date, I've been around longer then most. I've seen it all come and go from this site :). You can call me whatever you want, there is a difference between entertainment and people just shoveling shit back and forth at each other. If thats what you enjoy though, more power to you, and there is plenty of that here for you to laugh at.

PS: I love dancing naked, even in front of the mirror :)
serious question

Is being Jewish something that one inherits or is it a religious belief?

Man I've tried to have this conversation with people a few times. I'm pretty sure its both.

Its obviously a religion, but even if you don't practice that religion, I believe you can culturally still be jewish. A friend of mines parents are Jewish so he was born "Jewish" culturally, but doesn't identify as Jewish because he doesn't follow the religion.
Man I've tried to have this conversation with people a few times. I'm pretty sure its both.

Its obviously a religion, but even if you don't practice that religion, I believe you can culturally still be jewish. A friend of mines parents are Jewish so he was born "Jewish" culturally, but doesn't identify as Jewish because he doesn't follow the religion.
So when Buck says he's Jewish because he has adopted the cultural practices but was not born of Jewish, that means he's Jewish?
So when Buck says he's Jewish because he has adopted the cultural practices but was not born of Jewish, that means he's Jewish?

I believe anyone can go through the conversion to the Jewish religion.

Whereas you need to be born into the culture or "ethnicity".

I'm no expert though.


her·i·tage | \ˈher-ə-tij, ˈhe-rə-\
Definition of heritage

1: property that descends to an heir

2a: something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor : LEGACY, INHERITANCEproud of her Chinese heritagea rich heritage of folkloreThe battlefields are part of our heritage and should be preserved.

b: TRADITIONthe party's heritage of secularism

3: something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth : BIRTHRIGHTthe heritage of natural freedom was long since cast away— V. L. Parrington
her·i·tage | \ˈher-ə-tij, ˈhe-rə-\
Definition of heritage

1: property that descends to an heir

2a: something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor : LEGACY, INHERITANCEproud of her Chinese heritagea rich heritage of folkloreThe battlefields are part of our heritage and should be preserved.

b: TRADITIONthe party's heritage of secularism

3: something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth : BIRTHRIGHTthe heritage of natural freedom was long since cast away— V. L. Parrington
You aren't 100% of Jewish ancestry are you? If being Jewish is a "heritage of birthright" then how many ancestors back does that reasonably apply? We are all getting a laugh over Elizabeth Warren's claim of being Native American even though at best her Indian ancestor was four generations ago. The First People are kind of offended by her claim. Some of them are. I get your drift but you haven't really answered the question.

So, back to the question.

Is being Jewish is inherited or a religion?

I recall that you said you have Jewish ancestors. Something like two or maybe three generations ago your ancestors were observant Jews born to Jewish parents? One of their siblings died in the Holocaust and you feel connected to this event. You say you are atheist. Can an atheist be Jewish if they have nothing to do with Jewish cultural traditions or beliefs?

If a person (Buck) who had no prior connection to Judaism marries a Jewish person and later converts into the faith -- can they be called Jewish?
yeah, your neo-nazi ass annihilated his sperm on meth and your fat sickly wife is barren anyway
Jesus, man.. what leads you to react this way to a stranger on the internet?

You laugh when you get these same kind of reactions in responses, and chide whoever posted it, but look at you here

I don't get the same kind of pleasure that you do out of others despair, so I'll just say I hope you make the necessary changes to lead a happier life
You aren't 100% of Jewish ancestry are you? If being Jewish is a "heritage of birthright" then how many ancestors back does that reasonably apply? We are all getting a laugh over Elizabeth Warren's claim of being Native American even though at best her Indian ancestor was four generations ago. The First People are kind of offended by her claim. Some of them are. I get your drift but you haven't really answered the question.

So, back to the question.

Is being Jewish is inherited or a religion?

I recall that you said you have Jewish ancestors. Something like two or maybe three generations ago your ancestors were observant Jews born to Jewish parents? One of their siblings died in the Holocaust and you feel connected to this event. You say you are atheist. Can an atheist be Jewish if they have nothing to do with Jewish cultural traditions or beliefs?

If a person (Buck) who had no prior connection to Judaism marries a Jewish person and later converts into the faith -- can they be called Jewish?

We are taught to believe in and continue repecting our heritage from very early schooling at the temple. I attended hebrew and sunday school throught my young childhood and was bar mitzvah’d.

My mothers ancestry traces back to the original tribes of Isreal. Her maiden name is derivative of the Cohane tribe as I said earlier.

Most jewish people I have met in my upbringing did not really believe in god or religion but to practice their heritage.

And yes I am athiest. I like science too much to be religious.

And my grandfather told me all about his murdered father as a young child (for better or worse) and their hardships. So yeah I feel connected.
We are taught to believe in and continue repecting our heritage from very early schooling at the temple. I attended hebrew and sunday school throught my young childhood and was bar mitzvah’d.

My mothers ancestry traces back to the original tribes of Isreal. Her maiden name is derivative of the Cohane tribe as I said earlier.

Most jewish people I have met in my upbringing did not really believe in god or religion but to practice their heritage.

And yes I am athiest. I like science too much to be religious.

And my grandfather told me all about his murdered father as a young child (for better or worse) and their hardships. So yeah I feel connected.
"OK, so your answer is, "I am Jewish because I was raised in the culture and identify with that culture even though I am not observant" Gotcha

I'm still not sure what you are saying about ancestry as an identifying feature. Using Buck as an example, he married a Jewish woman and -- at least at RIU -- says he now identifies himself as a Jew. I don't know what he did in terms of temple classes or learning a secret handshake or whatever. Can a person who is not born of Jewish ancestry ever call himself Jewish? Does he have to be more observant than you are?
I think converting to something and then choosing to be non-observant is kinda lame.

If you wanna be non observant Jewish I feel it should be a heritage thing.

If your gonna bother to choose to convert and call yourself Jewish then I think you should own it, or your just a poser not really Jewish.....

I also don't think marrying a Jewish women inherently makes you Jewish. It seem like it either needs to be heritage or a religious/cultural choice. IMHO
I think converting to something and then choosing to be non-observant is kinda lame.

If you wanna be non observant Jewish I feel it should be a heritage thing.

If your gonna bother to choose to convert and call yourself Jewish then I think you should own it, or your just a poser not really Jewish.....

I also don't think marrying a Jewish women inherently makes you Jewish. It seem like it either needs to be heritage or a religious/cultural choice. IMHO
MMed has this running thing with Buck and I'm just trying to understand his perspective rather than just pile on.

I don't really give a damn what somebody says about their religious beliefs. It's all mumbo jumbo to me and yet, religion deals with the mystical side of human nature, something that science does not. For people who need to explore the mystical side of mankind, religion is the tool to use to explore it. To me, there are two sides to the coin regarding the label "Jew". Those who feel connected by ancestry and those who feel connected through the religion. I think either are valid and depend upon the person's perspective. This is a matter of opinion and I'm not claiming any absolute definition is possible.