The 'Official' Rollitup 'Like' List

Lol. Try some more diversion. Its all you ever had. Its not like you have any real life experience. You live in the world of the white privilege you condemn. Even still in mommy’s house basically.
You really seem to be the winner in the diversion category. You said you make a living selling grams to people on a fixed incomes. You alluded to breaking federal law by selling out of state. You defend and “like” a pedo supporter. You put your self out as an auto industry expert. In every one of these, and I’m sure there are many more instances, you have back peddled and used diversionary tactics when questions is very sad :(.
Stretch things any way your imagination takes you. Im just posting around on a weed site for entertainment.

Why is it so important to you guys to point fingers at everyone?

I am on your side with nearly every issue. I took the test someone posted a while back and i scored extremely liberal.

So how can you possibly see these horrible traits I am supposedly riddled with? And they are doing the same to you. Well when they get bored of trolling others or its slow.
Did you not “like” Robs post? I’m not spinning anything, just asking if you agree with him. And if not why would you like his post? Defending/liking him would mean you agree with him would it not? You equate “likes” with friendship and acceptance so I thought I’d ask. And I’m glad you passed the liberal test :).
You really seem to be the winner in the diversion category. You said you make a living selling grams to people on a fixed incomes. You alluded to breaking federal law by selling out of state. You defend and “like” a pedo supporter. You put your self out as an auto industry expert. In every one of these, and I’m sure there are many more instances, you have back peddled and used diversionary tactics when questions is very sad :(.

wow. All that time to pretend to psycho analyze me and all i did was make a wise crack comment back to “show me your meth mouth”

But you have nothing to say to that poster.

That is what is sad. By your logic since you support him you support the rules here to be rated by privilege.
Did you not “like” Robs post? I’m not spinning anything, just asking if you agree with him. And if not why would you like his post? Defending/liking him would mean you agree with him would it not? You equate “likes” with friendship and acceptance so I thought I’d ask. And I’m glad you passed the liberal test :).

I dont equate likes with anything. I started that crap to see what the silly children would do.

They made a thread that embarrassed themselves this time.

I dont know what comment you refer too. And i surely dont care or even remember but if liked it it means i may have chuckled and hit a button.

You think i stare at the post here in deep consideration and make a serious decision to hit the like button or not?

I thought you had more practical reason than them dude.
If you're going to bust balls you go for the jugular and if its a good one you will get props. Whenever I hang out with friends we blaze and just burn each other for hours so you have to step it up,

Even a meme will do. Or something along the lines of it must be hard on your shoulder trying to sling that oversized clitoris you call a penis.

Thank you for your advice.

What if your friends are female Hyenas though and their clitoris is bigger than a penis? You will note that female Hyena's have very large shoulders too, so I'm not sure how to work that an emasculating insult kind of way.

Please carrion though. (that's a double entendre right there)

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I dont equate likes with anything.

Then why do you constantly talk about them?

I started that crap to see what the silly children would do.

You are the silly child. For something you constantly say you don't care about, it's all you can talk about.

They made a thread that embarrassed themselves this time.

I actually trolled the fuck out of you with this thread. You are the only reason this thread was made. And you don't care so much about it, that you've been posting in it non fucking stop for four days now and you're STILL insisting you don't care.

Pal, you're not only such a narcissist you can't even see it, you're so fucking stupid you don't even realize it is YOU that was trolled the entire fucking time.

But do continue your daily tirade about how much you don't care. I've been laughing my ass off just watching you make a complete ass of yourself for fucking DAYS now.
Then why do you constantly talk about them?

You are the silly child. For something you constantly say you don't care about, it's all you can talk about.

I actually trolled the fuck out of you with this thread. You are the only reason this thread was made. And you don't care so much about it, that you've been posting in it non fucking stop for four days now and you're STILL insisting you don't care.

Pal, you're not only such a narcissist you can't even see it, you're so fucking stupid you don't even realize it is YOU that was trolled the entire fucking time.

But do continue your daily tirade about how much you don't care. I've been laughing my ass off just watching you make a complete ass of yourself for fucking DAYS now.
You saved me from typing exactly what you just did, thank you for that :).
No you took a test and say your jewish.

What do I get from you if i show you a birth certificate with my hebrew name like you will never have of your own?

Will you leave riu like you promised when you lost your election bet?

Cause I will leave if i dont have one.

So how many Jews are here exactly? Must be Yamot HaMoshiach, bezrat HaShem, because we almost have ourselves a frigging minyan. Now that we are all claiming to be Jewish, let us remember the ancient teachings regarding Lashon HaRa. If you are both saying you are Jewish, that should mean you observe Torah and mitzvot and refrain from chilul HaShem. Let's all just get along, mamash.
serious question

Is being Jewish something that one inherits or is it a religious belief?

Complicated questions deserve complicated but thorough answers.

The Jewish religion was the societal foundation of the Hebrew people, and as a result, sometimes the word Jew is used to refer to a person of Hebrew ancestry. But this is technically a misnomer and the two should not be interchanged so freely. The process of conversion to Judaism seems to illustrate this point: one need not have Hebrew ancestry to convert, and the word used to describe such a person is ger...but a person who has Hebrew ancestry in their maternal lineage is considered a Jew already so no conversion is required, and this person is not a ger. It was a way to keep the Jewish faith closely attached to the Hebrew people while remaining open to all.

Judaism is a religion, and one observant of it is a Jew, regardless of his DNA. Hebrews (especially ahkenazim) have unique identifying DNA markers, so genetically someone can be Hebrew. Judaism accepts converts, including non-Hebrew individuals. But a Hebrew can be an atheist or a Buddhist. recap...not all Jews are Hebrew, and not every Hebrew is a Jew.

Jews: adherents of Judaism

Hebrews: those with ancestry that includes the ethnic group historically associated with Judaism.
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Of course he can call himself jewish. If he practices the religion. He just cant share in the heritage. Just the culture.

The heritage is exactly what the convert gets to share in. Because our neshama is where our heritage is really "ours", and a convert has every bit the same share as any other Jew, if not more. If you were not called by HaShem but forced to attend synagogue, and Torah study was a burden to you and you spent more time on Lashon HaRa than on studying Kabbalah, I would say the convert who was compelled by some Force outside of his daily sphere of influence was holier with a loftier neshama. The Rebbe agreed. Not that I am a Lubavitcher, but he is still considered an authoritative source on HaLakhic matters.
So if a majority of people believe slavery is acceptable, it's acceptable then?

Well, technically, who defines "acceptable"? Usually society, right? So in this case, your question is like asking "So, just because the little hand is on the one and the big hand is on 12, it's 1 o'clock then?". It is a definition not an opinion. Maybe someone doesn't agree with society personally on how to tell time, but since majority makes the rules in a society, yes it is technocally one o'clock regardless of how you tell time. Same with math. If a majority believe 4 + 4 = 0, that is what will get taught in schools and to answer "8" would be "wrong".