The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

I love how one's a dude the other one's white. They have the same skin tone, lmao. One day you will stop looking through your racism tinted lenses, racist. ; )

Ps I am still meaning to reply to the other thread/start a new one because it did really open my perspective a bit.
I am poiting to the fact that all of these obvious cases of violence that are being shown to the public as BLM is being done by radicalized white terrorists.

You want to pretend that I am being racist, but you are wrong.

And no worries, I will be here.
What a surprise. Hamas hides behind schoolchildren and other innocents too. Do not negotiate with terrorists, period.
Yeah but our government also has to watch for American citizens peacefully protesting.

You can't seriously be condoning causing a woman to miscarriage if some overzealous federal goon gassed her?

You know you almost had me convinced at one point that cop violence was a real problem, but the statistics do not support it. In 2018/9 19 and 15 unarmed black people were killed by cops. In total 50 and 51 unarmed people were killed by cops, out of approximately 40 million stops (10.8% of the population gets stopped each year including traffic stops). I think that's pretty damn good.
Why are you looking at just people being killed.

Also not sure why you would use speeding tickets as any measure to how many people are killed by the cops.

Just like Trump is trying to snowball his response to Covid deaths with his % of cases cherry picking, racists like to cherry pick statistics on these kind of racial issues.

It comes down to a couple things that have had a major impact in the black community for me to at least show that it is indeed how the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda has wielded the government and economy to not have to compete with minorities. I really am unsure why you disagree with this.

The second part that makes me think you are a shill, however engaged, is stuff like the following:
Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 4.40.59 PM.png
I do that because it is very important to me that when people are actually people and not just trolling for money, that we at least can come together and understand how we are being divided by the facts that we want to believe.

Because that is the attack on our democracy right now, and it is being conducted by not only the Russian military, but also epoch times chinese cultists for Trump, Trump's own campaign is actively lying to try to get elected. And if we can't even be real enough to admit that, it makes it hard to have any kind of discussion.

Especially when people are not real enough to use their ignore button showing that they are here to get trolled and push their propaganda.
In a world where the anti-fascists are the real fascists, liberals are for big government and the removal of all personal liberties, the conservative party is the only one that attends the international democratic conventions, black lives matter does it's best to hurt black people (see baltimore and body cameras), words are violence and silence is violence but violence is only violence if you have power. It's really easy to see why racists are the first to cry racist in order to try to avoid being accurately labeled themselves.
Who are these 'anti-fascists' and where did you hear about them? Did that source have an agenda they were trying to sell you? Or were they a Trump cultist? And why do you link them to the BLM protests?

Then, when you (and others, not you specifically) ignore reality to push an agenda, such a george floyd ignoring the real statistics of violence in america, it is very easy to see that either you are willfully or naively ignorant. People don't remain naive for long so there is one option left.
The only agenda I am pushing is trying to wake folks like yourself up to the propaganda war that is being conducted on you.

You want to talk data, fine I will play your propaganda game, feel free to school me.

There is a reason your threads are filled with cherry picked youtube videos (like the one above that cuts out as much of the antifas face as possible) instead of real studies using validated methods, real statistics. There are 300 million people, show me 10,000 videos of white on black violence if you want me to believe without actual data.
The reason my threads are filled with cherry picked youtube videos is because I know that the Right wing media bubble purposefully paints these lawful, peaceful BLM protests as riots using the violence being perpetrated in the videos I have shown. I am then cherry picking the pictures from those videos to show (actual proof you can feel free to call me out on if you think I am mistaken and have a actual discussion vs your snow flaking shit pretending I don't have a point) that this violence is being done by white people. And the ones that are getting caught and charged we are finding out that they are being radicalized through these fringe online cults like Boogaloo, Qanon, INCEL, etc.

You want to pretend you got the goods on the data, feel free to put up what you think is relevant. And make sure you link to it so that people are forced to chase their tails to figure out where the bullshit lies.
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You are about to depart for mars, do you choose a team of engineers or of musicians? Take your pick?
Funny, considering the African American influence and contribution to modern musical culture, in terms of sheer talent and creativity. BTW people who are good at music are often quite good at mathematics, its kinda a related faculty in some ways. Einstein played the violin passionately and well, many scientists and engineers are musicians and fans.

After the Pearl harbor attack, the US navy reassigned the musicians of the naval bands as code breakers, worked out quite well.

Here is an example.
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You know you almost had me convinced at one point that cop violence was a real problem, but the statistics do not support it. In 2018/9 19 and 15 unarmed black people were killed by cops. In total 50 and 51 unarmed people were killed by cops, out of approximately 40 million stops (10.8% of the population gets stopped each year including traffic stops). I think that's pretty damn good.

The second part that makes me think you are a shill, however engaged, is stuff like the following:

In a world where the anti-fascists are the real fascists, liberals are for big government and the removal of all personal liberties, the conservative party is the only one that attends the international democratic conventions, black lives matter does it's best to hurt black people (see baltimore and body cameras), words are violence and silence is violence but violence is only violence if you have power. It's really easy to see why racists are the first to cry racist in order to try to avoid being accurately labeled themselves.

Then, when you (and others, not you specifically) ignore reality to push an agenda, such a george floyd ignoring the real statistics of violence in america, it is very easy to see that either you are willfully or naively ignorant. People don't remain naive for long so there is one option left.

There is a reason your threads are filled with cherry picked youtube videos (like the one above that cuts out as much of the antifas face as possible) instead of real studies using validated methods, real statistics. There are 300 million people, show me 10,000 videos of white on black violence if you want me to believe without actual data.

Incredibly naive.

After the Pearl harbor attack, the US navy reassigned the musicians of the naval bands as code breakers, worked out quite well.

When Sir Ernest Shackleton abandoned the Endeavor, the crewmembers were only allowed to bring essential items- one of the crew had a concertina, which Shackleton told him to bring.
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When Sir Ernest Shackleton abandoned the Endeavor, the crewmembers were only allowed to bring essential items- one of the crew had a concertina, which Shackleford told him to bring.
Music doth soothe the savage beast, Donald ain't musical at all though, best use a gun.
I am poiting to the fact that all of these obvious cases of violence that are being shown to the public as BLM is being done by radicalized white terrorists.
Sure, there are agitators, probably some of them govt too, but it's not all and I would wager not mostly white people. It's not majority white people looting, and it's definitely not majority white people pulling people out of their cars and beating them to death (hello reginald denny). It is also not majority white people preventing people from accessing their homes and the roads they pay tax for, and this is violence too as much as you would pretend it isn't. It would be nice to see the police footage of the protests, ie bodycams of front line officers. It should be public.

For the third time I've asked. What is your explanation for somalis, nigerians, asians, many types of indian including tamils outcompeting white people (in terms of earnings). Are white people racist against indigenous black people somehow but not african immigrants?

How is racism the cause of police violence in majority nonwhite cities with majority nonwhite police forces like chicago, detroit, baltimore, mew orleans, etc. How are whites keeping the black man (but not the somali or nigerian) down here?

I think the reason has to do with living in a majority nonwhite area of 9 million. In many many ways nonwhites have it way easier.

Also occam's razor seems to fit. The current problems of poverty and gangs and fatherlessness is creating more of the same, not racism. Maybe racism got everyone here but it is not perpetuating the cycle right now.

Seattle voted to cut their police budget, in five years we can see how these policies have helped, but it doesn't bode well given the track record for many il"liberal" cities. Actually we can go back only five years and look at baltimore. Blm riots, police force cut in half, violence skyrockets, anyone who can (taxpayers) leaves. Why do you deny this, or is racism somehow in some roundabout way the cause of this too?

Trump's own campaign is actively lying to try to get elected.
Do you really believe "your side" is so innocent. Politicians everywhere lie to get elected, it's their job. It's the job of the media to provide fair and accurate and unbiased reporting of the facts so that an educated populace can make their own decisions. The media has failed, and the educational system has failed to do so. The result is what we have today with zealots determined to erase history (see islam and blowing up monuments, a wonder how alike they and blm are threatening violence to get their demands met ie terrorists) in order that people will never be educated enough to make their own decisions. It is as if they wish to erase slavery altogether so that people will be content to be economic slaves (funny how that term has been dropped from vernacular yet it is more relevant than ever). I don't have a side here, I have voted liberal more than conservative and I believe that the constituents should vote for what's best for them simple. I don't see how unrestricted immigration, stricter gun control, bigger government, less law enforcement, and fewer liberties is better for any citizen.

Who are these 'anti-fascists' and where did you hear about them? Did that source have an agenda they were trying to sell you? Or were they a Trump cultist? And why do you link them to the BLM protests?
I only meant everyone on all sides is claiming to be what they aren't. There are disinfo campaigns from the dems, from the repubs, from foreign interests like russia and china, probably the uk, mexico, and india too. Not to mention corporations.

I don't know much about the epoch times, but I thought you would support those fighting for the repressed ethic muslims being sent to camps in china, or is simply endorsing trump enough to make you overlook that?

The reason my threads are filled with cherry picked youtube videos is because I know that the Right wing media bubble purposefully paints these lawful, peaceful BLM protests as riots
My friend, with all the shaming and lack of conversation this is almost a left wing media bubble. It is one of the reasons I am compelled to post sometimes.

Re data: so you can attack the sources instead of the message? Give me a bit on the racial earnings. You're right that eve I cherry pick data because the number of unarmed men over the last decade is always close to but less than 100, only in 2018/9 it was 50.
I also want to know why people seem to think racism is getting worse? Two generations ago blacks were barred from certain professions, now people are to scared to use even slightly raciallized language such as spanish negro even though it is correct and culturally approved in spanish speaking countries. The worst a black kid sees today in terms of active racism is maybe being called a bad name. They will be admitted to schools with lower grades, and will be hired/promoted over a white person at any major corporation just for the colour of their skin.
tripledipshit in one post
I always imagine you as the white guy in your pic, fogdog as the black guy, and diy as your trans love child (sorry diy, I've come to realize your posts are actually quite intelligent unlike ub).

Just a funny mental image of your mental family.
I also want to know why people seem to think racism is getting worse? Two generations ago blacks were barred from certain professions, now people are to scared to use even slightly raciallized language such as spanish negro even though it is correct and culturally approved in spanish speaking countries. The worst a black kid sees today in terms of active racism is maybe being called a bad name. They will be admitted to schools with lower grades, and will be hired/promoted over a white person at any major corporation just for the colour of their skin.
Wow. :wall: :wall:
When I was a kid I remember watching Rodney King get beat even though he wasn’t resisting and was clearly outnumbered. My kids just watched the George Floyd video and saw him being choked out with no one helping.

Please enlighten how it’s gotten better.
Most racist feel this way. Open your eyes.
To what? The fact that anyone can choose any profession now, can sit where they want, go to the schools that they want, work anywhere they want, even become the fucking president of the usa when they couldn't just decades ago. People haven't been lynched over rumours in three times as long. This is progress. Show me regress.
I always imagine you as the white guy in your pic, fogdog as the black guy, and diy as your trans love child (sorry diy, I've come to realize your posts are actually quite intelligent unlike ub).

Just a funny mental image of your mental family.
i don't care about your homosexual fantasies
Show me regress.
The fact is there are people who watched the George Floyd video and think the cop did nothing wrong. The blue lives matter people lost their mind. Blue lives might matter if they acted civilized at all and didn’t take advantage of every person and situation they come across.
The fact is there are people who watched the George Floyd video and think the cop did nothing wrong.
Press X to doubt.

Noone could watch that video and tell you with a straight face that the cop did nothing wrong. Such people are either trolls or simply trying to defend the police because policing is one of the toughest professions in the country and I bet every cop does a lot of stuff wrong over their career, they're human too, and they certainly do more good than bad.

Anyone that says this cop wasn't going to jail anyways (deservedly) is lying. He would have been convicted without a doubt. I don't see what these protests are supposed to achieve. They make black people everywhere look bad because they are working outside of society instead of using democracy to bring about change.