The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.


Btw i went through 600 latest posts made by schuylaar . ALL of them were politics related, so i wouldnt actually wonder if that guy was some russian troll. Russian trolls trying to cover up what im saying. Wouldnt that be funny if it were true? I did not go over everything what he wrote, but some of them were some stupid propaganda crap. Like he made a topic that he got cannabis seeds sent by chinese and posted a news story(most likely fake news) that chinese are sending out cannabis seeds to americans to cause some trouble or some crap like that. That was his only cannabis related post in these last 600 posts. I cant be arsed to go through more, because it wouldnt likely prove anything, but maybe you care to do so. Sounds exactly the type of propaganda these(most likely USA paid) russian trolls would like to do

Lol. The RIU politics section is literally ALL shills.

They don’t grow. But they sure do 9-5 here.
Lol. The RIU politics section is literally ALL shills.

They don’t grow. But they sure do 9-5 here.

I grow, and wake up way earlier than 9am to push back on Dear Leader's foreign troll army he uses to keep his cult from seeing anything that goes against their propaganda so they stay snowballed.
Here is more from Portland overnight:
This bleach blonde white guy can be seen throwing bricks at the window.
View attachment 4646018

And here you can see the same white guy throwing in stuff in the can to burn against the wood they piled against the opening.

View attachment 4646020

It is a little harder to tell, but the people I saw around him (providing him cover) were also white. As soon as they got the fire going you can see them in the video move out as the police started moving in.

Just more white radicalized domestic terrorists using the BLM movement as cover to do violence in our nation.

Found another clip of this act of rioting.

Here is the white boy ripping down the plywood protecting the windows while white rioters protect him from view with umbrellas.

View attachment 4646038
I'm certain that this isn't a Black Lives Matters protest no matter how it is painted in the reports. Antifa in Portland have been engaged in a long standing feud against fascists in Portland's police force. Hard to tell if these are Antifa or some other hooligans that are doing the damage. My own opinion on this is unimportant. I'm not apologizing or criticizing or applauding these actions. Just saying there are two solutions -- all out fascist suppression or restructuring the police force to get it out of fascist control. This is all part of turmoil that determines the choices. Portland government has yet to show which way it will go.

As the economic depression deepens, there will be larger demonstrations like this.
Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 11.49.00 AM.png

I got to give this guy credit, in his opening statement he does clearly state that the protests have nothing to do with the second group of rioters.

But then he played his Trump campaign footage, in which he had a clip of a cop getting stomped by a bunch of people fully hidden from being identified, but as the camera panned out you catch some skin of the attackers. White guys.
Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 11.53.27 AM.png

I'm certain that this isn't a Black Lives Matters protest no matter how it is painted in the reports. Antifa in Portland have been engaged in a long standing feud against fascists in Portland's police force. Hard to tell if these are Antifa or some other hooligans that are doing the damage. My own opinion on this is unimportant. I'm not apologizing or criticizing or applauding these actions. Just saying there are two solutions -- all out fascist suppression or restructuring the police force to get it out of fascist control. This is all part of turmoil that determines the choices. Portland government has yet to show which way it will go.

As the economic depression deepens, there will be larger demonstrations like this.
Fascist/populous movements thrive in economic depressions.

I am not sure it matters what the crazy white guys get branded as, as long as it is understood that the radicalization of our most vulnerable is very real and it is them that are using the fear suburbia has of black people and other minorities to further hurt these communities. I was pretty happy with Senator Gary Peters opening statement in the hearing he at least names the problem.
View attachment 4646099

I got to give this guy credit, in his opening statement he does clearly state that the protests have nothing to do with the second group of rioters.

But then he played his Trump campaign footage, in which he had a clip of a cop getting stomped by a bunch of people fully hidden from being identified, but as the camera panned out you catch some skin of the attackers. White guys.
View attachment 4646112

Fascist/populous movements thrive in economic depressions.

I am not sure it matters what the crazy white guys get branded as, as long as it is understood that the radicalization of our most vulnerable is very real and it is them that are using the fear suburbia has of black people and other minorities to further hurt these communities. I was pretty happy with Senator Gary Peters opening statement in the hearing he at least names the problem.
crazy? Seems as if they know exactly what they are doing. Radical, maybe?
While i hate to use a link to the propaganda website 'the Hill', they are the only one that has the full testimony of Harris questioning Wolf.

She shows exactly why he is completely unqualified for his job, just like everyone else Trump has around him. Shooting gas at pregnant women without thinking about the consequences of it.
Giuliani just going full racist after painting BLM as a terrorist organization.

This dude just rips the gun out of this white kids hands. The description says something about the guy pointing the gun is a security guard who took the gun away from the kid after they stole it out of the back of a cop car.
Screen Shot 2020-08-07 at 3.41.57 PM.png

I wonder if this little domestic terrorists mother knows he stole her black Rolling Stones hoodie.
This dude just rips the gun out of this white kids hands.
I love how one's a dude the other one's white. They have the same skin tone, lmao. One day you will stop looking through your racism tinted lenses, racist. ; )

Ps I am still meaning to reply to the other thread/start a new one because it did really open my perspective a bit.
I love how one's a dude the other one's white. They have the same skin tone, lmao. One day you will stop looking through your racism tinted lenses, racist. ; )

Ps I am still meaning to reply to the other thread/start a new one because it did really open my perspective a bit.
White terrorism is an issue, most often on the right too, by a long shot. The KKK was a terrorist organisation and still is.
You know you almost had me convinced at one point that cop violence was a real problem, but the statistics do not support it. In 2018/9 19 and 15 unarmed black people were killed by cops. In total 50 and 51 unarmed people were killed by cops, out of approximately 40 million stops (10.8% of the population gets stopped each year including traffic stops). I think that's pretty damn good.

The second part that makes me think you are a shill, however engaged, is stuff like the following:
Trump militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) are out in force trying to re-write the history as it is happening so that it is confusing
In a world where the anti-fascists are the real fascists, liberals are for big government and the removal of all personal liberties, the conservative party is the only one that attends the international democratic conventions, black lives matter does it's best to hurt black people (see baltimore and body cameras), words are violence and silence is violence but violence is only violence if you have power. It's really easy to see why racists are the first to cry racist in order to try to avoid being accurately labeled themselves.

Then, when you (and others, not you specifically) ignore reality to push an agenda, such a george floyd ignoring the real statistics of violence in america, it is very easy to see that either you are willfully or naively ignorant. People don't remain naive for long so there is one option left.

There is a reason your threads are filled with cherry picked youtube videos (like the one above that cuts out as much of the antifas face as possible) instead of real studies using validated methods, real statistics. There are 300 million people, show me 10,000 videos of white on black violence if you want me to believe without actual data.
White terrorism is an issue, most often on the right too, by a long shot. The KKK was a terrorist organisation and still is.
All terrorism is bad. White groups kill hundreds. Islam kills tens of thousands. Hey, those guys are both brown enough to be muslim but you ruled that out somehow with those racist eyes of yours.
All lives matter...

You are about to depart for mars, do you choose a team of engineers or of musicians? Take your pick?

That was a joke btw.

Edit: on a more serious note, the better question would be "to whom", and the answer would be "to god". Atheists feel free to explain why some kid on the other side of the world should matter as much to me/you as my/your mom.

You are about to depart for mars, do you choose a team of engineers or of musicians? Take your pick?

That was a joke btw.

Edit: on a more serious note, the better question would be "to whom", and the answer would be "to god". Atheists feel free to explain why some kid on the other side of the world should matter as much to me/you as my/your mom.
From your posts, you don't strike me as the religious kind, more the antisocial kind.