The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

I'm glad somebody is looking into this. Not Trump, not Barr, they are worried about November. But really the terrorism in this country is not coming from Black Lives Matters or Antifa groups. Note to self: these actions aren't funded locally. This is an international threat. The people doing the dirty work are just work-a-day types, they aren't funding it. Should we maybe be looking to, say, the Borscht Belt?

Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe's biggest terrorist threat. Now it's the far right.
An increasing percentage of plans and attacks in the U.S. are linked to far-right activity, said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

LONDON — The threat of terrorism — particularly from the far right — should be a major concern for governments on both sides of the Atlantic as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease, according to multiple experts and former law enforcement officials who have experience monitoring violent extremist activity.

High unemployment levels due to the pandemic, poor economic prospects and the spread of disinformation through the internet and social media could accelerate radicalization, they said.

And after a major drive by law enforcement agencies to disrupt the organizing potential of violent Islamist movements in the United States and in Europe, where hundreds of people have returned from the battlefields in Iraq and Syria, recent analysis suggests far-right groups now pose the most significant threat to public safety.

"We see an increasing percentage of plots and attacks in the United States shifting over the past couple of years from jihadist motivations, increasingly, to far-right activity," said Seth Jones, who directs the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank.
Yeah I agree that people will know what is happening eventually. It is getting to the point it is impossible to keep it quiet when you have members of the congress asking questions like they are in todays Democratic party.

Without that I would have never even heard about how White Supremacists are on the streets today policing our society. It makes what the Russians did to us become even more clear. They found all of our crazies and have been trying like hell to activate all of them and use that to further radicalize our citizens into whatever bubble they can find to put them for some future troll. Shot 2020-08-01 at 11.39.26 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-01 at 11.44.03 AM.png

Notice "Organized Intent to Infiltrate Law Enforcement". That is not a question of 'did this happen', it is a statement that this is what their reasoning was in doing it, because it happened.

'Defund the police' might be the most troll-able name ever, but it must be done, we need to make sure our police departments are not harboring racists looking to put a hurt on portions of our society.

As much as I do respect our law enforcement and do believe that we need to fulfill our obligations and not punish the good cops, we need a top to bottom restructuring that will not happen if the police unions don't work to get these people from positions of power when in contact with the citizens they are policing.

Trump pulling the "Antifa" propaganda card at 26:45, blaming all the acts of violence on them and never brings up any of the actual cases of violence that are being caused by these domestic terroists linked to whatever corner of the internet it was that radicalized them (Boogaloo, Qanon, Incel, racists, etc) to commit crimes.
Agreed 100%, but i find it weird that when i say these same things on another topic you attack me and say that its all russia, not trumpsters and join forces with other idiots trying to bury this stuff i said as fake news when i say that its trump who keeps pushing this crap and not putin. If putin does have a small influence in this, it is because trump wanted him to do it, not because of some evil plan from putin to take over the USA. Not that putin would not use anything he can as an advantage and surely plays trump in one way or another. But in the end its trump behind all this
Agreed 100%, but i find it weird that when i say these same things on another topic you attack me and say that its all russia, not trumpsters and join forces with other idiots trying to bury this stuff i said as fake news when i say that its trump who keeps pushing this crap and not putin. If putin does have a small influence in this, it is because trump wanted him to do it, not because of some evil plan from putin to take over the USA. Not that putin would not use anything he can as an advantage and surely plays trump in one way or another. But in the end its trump behind all this
If that was meant to me, mind pointing me to it with a link or something?

I don't think it is that productive to draw a line between Putin or Trump in this btw, Putin is the leader of the military attacking us. Trump is the leader that is allowing it to continue. That is why I do the (foreign and domestic) thing.
I'm glad somebody is looking into this. Not Trump, not Barr, they are worried about November. But really the terrorism in this country is not coming from Black Lives Matters or Antifa groups. Note to self: these actions aren't funded locally. This is an international threat. The people doing the dirty work are just work-a-day types, they aren't funding it. Should we maybe be looking to, say, the Borscht Belt?

Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe's biggest terrorist threat. Now it's the far right.
An increasing percentage of plans and attacks in the U.S. are linked to far-right activity, said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

LONDON — The threat of terrorism — particularly from the far right — should be a major concern for governments on both sides of the Atlantic as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease, according to multiple experts and former law enforcement officials who have experience monitoring violent extremist activity.

High unemployment levels due to the pandemic, poor economic prospects and the spread of disinformation through the internet and social media could accelerate radicalization, they said.

And after a major drive by law enforcement agencies to disrupt the organizing potential of violent Islamist movements in the United States and in Europe, where hundreds of people have returned from the battlefields in Iraq and Syria, recent analysis suggests far-right groups now pose the most significant threat to public safety.

"We see an increasing percentage of plots and attacks in the United States shifting over the past couple of years from jihadist motivations, increasingly, to far-right activity," said Seth Jones, who directs the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank.

Far right terrorism has been a problem even before USA pissed off jihadists and created ISIS etc that were a threat.

During the whole jihadist scare era(that is still continuing) the far right terrorism has not been labeled terrorism very easily and they kept it out of the statistics that way(im not claiming that at some point jihadists would not had made more attacks than far right, but the statistics are skewed). If anyone with muslim background did anything even remotely related to terrorism, it was automatically the evil ISIS terrorists, but the far right could do the same things and the crime would not be investigated or persecuted as an act of terrorism.
If that was meant to me, mind pointing me to it with a link or something?

I don't think it is that productive to draw a line between Putin or Trump in this btw, Putin is the leader of the military attacking us. Trump is the leader that is allowing it to continue. That is why I do the (foreign and domestic) thing.

You were one of those few attacking me(and liking many ridiculous attacks at me) after i told this and other related stuff on the BLM thread. Maybe i remember wrong.
Far right terrorism has been a problem even before USA pissed off jihadists and created ISIS etc that were a threat.

During the whole jihadist scare era(that is still continuing) the far right terrorism has not been labeled terrorism very easily and they kept it out of the statistics that way(im not claiming that at some point jihadists would not had made more attacks than far right, but the statistics are skewed). If anyone with muslim background did anything even remotely related to terrorism, it was automatically the evil ISIS terrorists, but the far right could do the same things and the crime would not be investigated or persecuted as an act of terrorism.
That falls inline with my thinking that this attack also involves the Saudi's who have been using this since 2001 to attack us using conspiracy theories online. Outside of the obvious and very public links with them and their murdering Kashoggi, it hasn't been investigated much that I am aware of. But I think that we Americans lost our collective minds after 9/11, and with the creation of the 24 hour news cycle that was born that day, and the power of online social media, and it ends up with us where we are at today.

You were one of those few attacking me(and liking many ridiculous attacks at me) after i told this and other related stuff on the BLM thread. Maybe i remember wrong.
No worries, that is the nature of the online social media attack that Russia has been shown to be perpetrating against us.
That falls inline with my thinking that this attack also involves the Saudi's who have been using this since 2001 to attack us using conspiracy theories online. Outside of the obvious and very public links with them and their murdering Kashoggi, it hasn't been investigated much that I am aware of. But I think that we Americans lost our collective minds after 9/11, and with the creation of the 24 hour news cycle that was born that day, and the power of online social media, and it ends up with us where we are at today.

No worries, that is the nature of the online social media attack that Russia has been shown to be perpetrating against us.

They knew that they could use 9/11 the way they did, thats why they let it happen, despite having all the needed intel to stop it. I doubt USA government planned it, like many claim, but allowed it to happen, while also putting some extras in the buildings, so that they would surely burn and possibly even detonated one of the buildings themselves. They did it so that they could get people to agree to surveillance etc they did after it.

This is the same plan with this whole russia thing. They are trying to come up with some external enemy that is a treat itself, but then they blame all sorts of stuff on them and make some of the stuff they do seem like they did a lot more and like it had more impact than it really did.

This is to move your focus from the real enemy that is behind all of this.

Again, i dont say that there has been no russian influence or trolling, but its not what it seems like and the whole thing was started by trump administration and campaign, they are also who keep fuelling it.

Can you point out to the part that proofs for sure that these hacks that came from russia, were not paid by trump and folks, but by putin and that it was these putin paid folks who made true difference? Also something that proves that no VPN was used to make it all seem like they were coming from russia. Theres a lot of stuff that all seems stuff i have seen already(stuff which doesent really prove anything, even tho it seems to point to certain direction) and i have other stuff to do than spend likely hours at this again. So if you know all this very well, im sure you can point to that specific thing easily and i dont have to use so much of my time with this.
Yeah I agree that people will know what is happening eventually. It is getting to the point it is impossible to keep it quiet when you have members of the congress asking questions like they are in todays Democratic party.

Without that I would have never even heard about how White Supremacists are on the streets today policing our society. It makes what the Russians did to us become even more clear. They found all of our crazies and have been trying like hell to activate all of them and use that to further radicalize our citizens into whatever bubble they can find to put them for some future troll. attachment 4641218View attachment 4641219

Notice "Organized Intent to Infiltrate Law Enforcement". That is not a question of 'did this happen', it is a statement that this is what their reasoning was in doing it, because it happened.

'Defund the police' might be the most troll-able name ever, but it must be done, we need to make sure our police departments are not harboring racists looking to put a hurt on portions of our society.

As much as I do respect our law enforcement and do believe that we need to fulfill our obligations and not punish the good cops, we need a top to bottom restructuring that will not happen if the police unions don't work to get these people from positions of power when in contact with the citizens they are policing.
Investigations and reports like this one is necessary to document what happened and why -- so that we can build a record that becomes a history. It's necessary for building class action cases and craft laws. However, recognizing fascism and fascists in the moment isn't all that difficult.

It's in the fascist's language. The way they dehumanize the people they are supposed to protect. Shoving and bullying them, stopping and interrogating for no good reason, talking as if rules and regulations on their behavior are needless obstacles rather than necessary constraints. The stories they tell about their encounters with people who, in their story were not violent, but instead were drugged or mentally ill. The way the story is told, the people are disgusting. Also can be seen in their celebration of violence and lack of contrition when they are caught in an act of needless violence. Their unions are an abomination and pit of fascism.

Their language is one of supremacy and brutality. Even if they say the right things, its said in a sneering way when talking about normals. Not always but their mask slips.

Most of all, their blue code of silence is the best tell that they think of themselves as a group above the law. This is necessary because, most police officers aren't fascist or endorse brutality but they tolerate it without comment.
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The police force during classic fascist regimes of the first half of the 20th century were mostly made up of officers who had had no affiliation with fascist movement unless required to join. There is a striking similarity between those days and these in the rise of militarized police that were mostly war vets. This is seen today in the preference given to vets when hiring new officers and was seen in post WW1 Italy and Germany well before Mussolini and Hitler rose to power. Trump's deployment of Homeland Security Special Forces is almost exactly how Italy's government suppressed the socialist movement among peasants and the working classes in the early 1920's.


Some pity excerpts:

Regarding police actions to quell socialists:
Police support for Fascism was partly a product of the confrontational nature of their relationship with the peasant and working class movements during the ‘Biennio Rosso’. However, it was also a consequence of their contempt for the law and order policy of post-war Liberal governments, which on many occasion angered the police by ordering them to show restraint in dealing with strikes and demonstrations.

"Portland Police vs Antifa" echoes in the above statement. In the following words, one may see a similarity in 1920 Italian crackdowns against socialists and the use of white supremacist paramilitary groups such as Patriot's Prayer, Proud Boys and others to attack Antifa and people who show up to support them.

In the autumn of 1920, the Italian police began to give support to the developing Fascist movement8. This ranged from passive acceptance of their illegal activities to active participation in ‘punitive expeditions’ against left-wing strongholds. In the face of ‘revolutionary’ worker action, that political leaders appeared unable or unwilling to deal with, many members of the police accepted help from the Fascist movement in order to restore law and order.

In the following section, this author discusses the make-up of police forces. It points out that most weren't fascist sympathizers per se:

while Nazis infiltrated the pre-existing police organizations and the SS played a prominent part in the most radical forms of policing, the system still strongly relied on professional policemen. With regard to the Gestapo,Eric Johnson notes that the local branch commanders were active Nazis, whether police professionals who had joined the SA and SS before 1933, or Nazis that subsequently joined the Gestapo. However, the rank-and-file officers were usually without Nazi membership when they joined and they subsequently may or may not have joined the Party and/or SS79.

It's an old problem. One of authoritarian regimes propping up minority rule during hard times using the tactics of terror. Both today and a hundred years ago, most members of the police acted in order to keep their status as a bread winner and place in society but didn't really agree with what they were doing. Their compliance was all that was necessary. Reform is possible but it's going to take major changes to do so. Defund the police IS a terrible tag line, I agree. When it becomes clear that Defund the Police means cutting the scope of a police officer's role, taking them out of situations they aren't qualified to handle and re-shaping police administration this initiative might even be welcomed by most police officers if done well. Not that this will be easy or carried out free from opposition by fascists, their police union and their supporters in the general population.
They knew that they could use 9/11 the way they did, thats why they let it happen, despite having all the needed intel to stop it. I doubt USA government planned it, like many claim, but allowed it to happen, while also putting some extras in the buildings, so that they would surely burn and possibly even detonated one of the buildings themselves. They did it so that they could get people to agree to surveillance etc they did after it.

This is the same plan with this whole russia thing. They are trying to come up with some external enemy that is a treat itself, but then they blame all sorts of stuff on them and make some of the stuff they do seem like they did a lot more and like it had more impact than it really did.

This is to move your focus from the real enemy that is behind all of this.

Again, i dont say that there has been no russian influence or trolling, but its not what it seems like and the whole thing was started by trump administration and campaign, they are also who keep fuelling it.
Can you point out to the part that proofs for sure that these hacks that came from russia, were not paid by trump and folks, but by putin
Putin gave his troll army a $1.25 million a month.
Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 1.32.37 PM.png
and that it was these putin paid folks who made true difference?
Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 1.36.00 PM.png
Also something that proves that no VPN was used to make it all seem like they were coming from russia. Theres a lot of stuff that all seems stuff i have seen already(stuff which doesent really prove anything, even tho it seems to point to certain direction) and i have other stuff to do than spend likely hours at this again. So if you know all this very well, im sure you can point to that specific thing easily and i dont have to use so much of my time with this.

Got a call, bbs.
Putin gave his troll army a $1.25 million a month.
View attachment 4644303

View attachment 4644308

Got a call, bbs.

These cambridge university links are to cambridge analytica that worked inside cambridge university at the time:

Facebook data owned by the Cambridge University Psychometrics Centre and shared with Russian APIs
255.The ICO has been investigating how far data was shared between GSR—the company set up by Dr. Kogan, in advance of his work involving the ‘thisisyourdigitallife’ app—Cambridge University, and Russian APIs.288 When asked whether the ICO was still investigating whether Dr Kogan’s data had been accessed by people in Russia, the Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham replied:

It is an active line of investigation. What we said in July was that there were some IP addresses that were found in that data and that server associated with Aleksandr Kogan that resolved to Russia and associated states. That is information that we have passed on to the authorities. It is not in our remit to investigate any further than that, but we have passed that on to the relevant authorities.289

She later told us that the ICO had referred the issue to the National Crime Agency.290

256.Further clarification from the Deputy Information Commissioner, James Dipple-Johnston, highlighted the fact that IP addresses originating from Russia were connected to an earlier app at the Cambridge University Psychometrics Centre. The IP addresses were also linked to alleged cyber attacks in the past and to a “Tor entry point”—a device for people to hide their identity online.291

That is an investigation by britts, but they investigated the same cambridge analytica links to russia that also ended up influencing US elections.

"Putin gave his troll army a $1.25 million a month."

1.25 million x 12 months = 15 millions:

Screenshot 2020-08-05 at 15.58.05.jpg

Looks like Mercer invested for one year initially.

Here is some hidden film footage of ex CEO of cambridge abnalytice where he openly talks about many things. He tells how they speaked to both republicans and democrats when they met US officials for the white house intelligence committee.

In May 2014, Kremlin-backed troll farm, the Internet Research Agency, discussed efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and began monitoring U.S. social media accounts for information about the 2016 U.S. election.

A month later, Dr. Kogan of Mercer and Steve Bannon’s Cambridge Analytica, whose parent company SCL had just received a $15,000,000 cash infusion from Robert Mercer, launched a ‘research project’ at Russia’s Saint Petersburg State University.

There is your 1.25 million per month, you say is from putin without anything to back it up that its actually from putin. That money came from republicans who decided to make president out of trump, not putin.

2016 U.S. election[edit]
By January 2016 Mercer was the biggest single donor in the 2016 U.S. presidential race.[7] In June 2016, he was ranked the #1 donor to federal candidates in the 2016 election cycle as he had donated $2 million to John R. Bolton's super PACand $668,000 to the Republican National Committee.[23] Mercer was a major financial supporter of the 2016 presidential campaign of Ted Cruz,[36] contributing $11 million to a super PAC associated with the candidate.[37] Mercer was a major supporter of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign for president.[8] Mercer and his daughter Rebekah helped to get Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway senior roles in the Trump campaign.[29] Rebekah worked with Conway on the Cruz Super-PAC Keep the Promise in the 2016 Republican primaries.[11] Mercer also financed a Super PAC, Make America Number One, which supported Trump's campaign.[29] Nick Patterson, a former colleague of Mercer's said in 2017 that Trump would not have been elected without Mercer's support.[15]

JUN 2014: Robert Mercer invests $15 million in SCL Group’s election division, which then forms what is essentially an American shell company that Mercer owns almost entirely. Steve Bannon chooses the name of the new company, Cambridge Analytica, and Rebekah Mercer becomes a board member. Alexander Nix holds dual appointments at Cambridge Analytica and London-based SCL, which will service Cambridge’s contracts.

Trump campaign manager & WH Chief Strategist Steve Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data AND the company's effort to ID & test anti-establishment messages that later emerged as central themes in Trump’s campaign speeches.#Maddow
— Polly Sigh (@dcpoll) March 21, 2018

JUN 2014: The Internet Research Agency, which in 2013 had registered with the Russian government as a Russian corporate entity, begins obscuring its conduct by operating through a number of Russian entities [shell companies].

JUN or JUL 2014 and into 2015: Cambridge Analytica has contact with Russian oil giant, Lukoil, which is interested in how data can be used to target American voters. Cambridge Analytica CEO, Alexander Nix, “shared with the head of Lukoil [Vagit Alekperov, who has close ties to Agalarov]” a detailed Cambridge Analytica presentation that included information about alarming & demoralizing voters, social media micro-targeting, and voter suppression.

/Chaser/ Vagit Alekperov, head of LUKOIL since its inception, has very close ties to Trump business partner Aras Agalarov. Both men are from Baku and are big backers of Emin Agalarov's ex father-in-law, Ilham Aliyev, president of Azerbaijan [home to Trump Tower Baku].#Maddow
— Polly Sigh (@dcpoll) March 24, 2018

JUN 2014: Cambridge Analytica’s Kogan begins advising a research team who “want to detect internet trolls to improve the lives of those suffering from trolling” at Russia’s Saint Petersburg State University — 20 mins from Kremlin-backed troll farm, the Internet Research Agency.

Also in 2014: Cambridge Analytica's Kogan began advising a research team who "wanted to detect internet trolls to improve the lives of those suffering from trolling” at Russia's St Petersburg State Univ – 20 mins from the Internet Research Agency.#Maddow
— Polly Sigh (@dcpoll) March 25, 2018

JUN 2014: The Internet Research Agency begins occupying an office at 55 Savushkina Street in Saint Petersburg [15–20 minutes from Saint Petersburg State University, students from which largely staff the Internet Research Agency], a location which becomes one of the Internet Research Agency’s operational hubs from which they carried out their activities to interfere in the U.S. political system, including the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

JUN 4 -26, 2014: The Internet Research Agency operatives obtain US visas under false pretenses and travel around the U.S., including stops in NV, CA, NM, CO, IL, MI, LO, TX, and NY to gather intelligence.

Look what happened in june 2014. This address you speak of in st.petersburg. It was not made a base until cambridge analytica started to get involved with the russian IRA. It was cambridge analytica who provided them with the data, it was cambridge analytica who gave them the tools, it was cambridge analytica who trained the russians and it was cambridge analytica who got paid by trump campaign donors to influence all this stuff WITH the russians, who also were willing to help out an old friend who they would benefit more from than hillary.

This is ot some pot made up by russians, this is a plot where russians were bought by trump campaign to help and possibly there was also some other deals trump made with them, who knows. But the whole point is that putin is not the source of all this, the source it trump campaign and russians just happened to be in the middle of this and helping this to happen.

But one of the important things is still the links of this IRA and putin. I know that the same company(that is not owned by russian government, at least officially, but is an independent company, not government entity) does propaganda for putin. But that does not mean that it would be owned by putin. Putin could just be buying services from this company like trump campaign did(and apparently is again buying for his next campaign). Do you have some proof on this? Because to my knowledge all clues end here.

Do note that all these things im quoting does not conflict with what your documents said, its just that what you read is only small part of the story. Likely deliberately simplified so much that you could not see the truths behind it. The elite wants to blame all russia about this, because then people dont realise that its actually them being behind all this propaganda crap.
And here is back to the roots:

: At a conservative conference in Palm Beach, Mercer and Bannon received polling data that showed mounting anger toward wealthy élites, who many Americans believed had corrupted the government to serve only their interests and that there was a hunger for a populist presidential candidate who would run against the major political parties and the ruling class. The data showed that someone could just walk into this election and sweep it.”

MAY 27, 2013
: Trump contemplates a 2016 presidential bid. “The electoral research was commissioned,” Cohen tells the New York Post and confirms to CBS News. “We did not spend $1 million on this research for it just to sit on my bookshelf.”

JUN 15, 2013: Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, his son Emin, and Emin’s then-wife Leyla [daughter of Azerbaijan’s president] meet with Trump in Las Vegas. The Agalarovs facilitate a deal whereby Trump agrees that, in return for a more than $10 million payment, Moscow will host the 2013 Miss Universe pageant at a concert hall in Agalarov’s Crocus City development near Moscow. Russia’s biggest bank — state-controlled Sberbank — sponsors the pageant.

Late 2013: Alexander Nix [a British citizen who leads the small elections division of SCL Group and would later become CEO of SCL-affiliate Cambridge Analytica] meets with Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer. Bannon is “intrigued by the possibility of using personality profiling to shift America’s culture and rewire its politics.”

NOV 8–10, 2013: Trump arrives in Moscow for the Miss Universe Pageant, which was sponsored by the Agalarovs. Trump also attends Aras Agalarov’s 58th birthday party. [Did Agalarov’s friend, Lukoil owner & CEO Vagit Alekperov, also attend and meet Trump? Agalarov and his close friend, Lukoil CEO Alekperov, are both from Baku, Azerbaijan and are big backers of Emin Agalarov’s then father-in-law, Ilham Aliyev, president of Azerbaijan — home to Trump Tower Baku.]

Trump’s Miss Universe Gambit. The 2013 contest may have helped put him in the WH: Real-estate developers like Agalarov [hosted the pagent & signed a letter of intent for a Trump Tower Moscow deal] are under the Kremlin's thumb & do as they're told.#Maddow
— Polly Sigh (@dcpoll) February 19, 2018

MAR 20, 2014: The US imposes sanctions against Russia over Ukraine

APR 2014
: The Internet Research Agency forms a department referred to as the “translator project,” which focuses on the U.S. population and conducts operations on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

MAY 2014: The Internet Research Agency includes interfering with the 2016 U.S. presidential election as part if its strategy, with the stated goal of spreading distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general. From the Mueller indictment: “In May 2014, defendants and their co-conspirators discussed efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and began to monitor U.S. social media accounts and other sources of information about the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

So yea. Im not convinced that its all russians or that Putin on his own would be some major player behind this whole thing. The plot begins from the states!

Ps. when i spoke of cambridge analytica, i also meant some companies created by past members of cambridge analytica etc. I know that for example some ex memebers of cambridge analytica created their own companies that does exactly the same thing as cambridge analytica. Same shit..
@CannaOnerStar, I look forward to looking that over, but I am not sure why you are conflating the Cambridge Analytica criminality with the fact that the indictment is showing that the Russian military (IRA) is getting the budget paid for their trolls.

I am not questioning the Cambridge Analytica criminalities into election interference of our democracy and their links to the Russian military and Steve Bannon, along with Wikileaks and Roger Stone, and all of these propaganda websites that are posing as news to sell the Russian storyline, nor that the Republicans got bought out through American entities like the NRA and Russian spies like Maria Butina, nor even that some Democrats will have been sucked into the corruption with all the fringe dictator propagandists like Paul Manafort and Mike Flynn.

But that doesn't mean because two different things have a same number means it is the same thing. I will trust the stuff that is submitted to the American courts like what the Trump administration appointed investigators found they could prove the Russian military had done in our country.
@CannaOnerStar, I look forward to looking that over, but I am not sure why you are conflating the Cambridge Analytica criminality with the fact that the indictment is showing that the Russian military (IRA) is getting the budget paid for their trolls.

I am not questioning the Cambridge Analytica criminalities into election interference of our democracy and their links to the Russian military and Steve Bannon, along with Wikileaks and Roger Stone, and all of these propaganda websites that are posing as news to sell the Russian storyline, nor that the Republicans got bought out through American entities like the NRA and Russian spies like Maria Butina, nor even that some Democrats will have been sucked into the corruption with all the fringe dictator propagandists like Paul Manafort and Mike Flynn.

But that doesn't mean because two different things have a same number means it is the same thing. I will trust the stuff that is submitted to the American courts like what the Trump administration appointed investigators found they could prove the Russian military had done in our country.

There is no mention that IRA would be owned by russian government, in those documents you posted or what i can find. All evidence says that its an independent company that putin has bought propaganda campaigns from, like trump did. No evidence that its owned by putin and that their actions are dictated by putin and putin alone. And even if it were owned by russian government, it was still formed to its current activities by it basically merging with cambridge analytica, their data, tools, training etc came from cambridge analytica to make the thing happen that trump campaign paid for.

I know this can be hard to see because all the propaganda that USA puts out. They leave half of the story out intentionally, because its better to have someone else to blame. There is no mention of cambridge analytica as far as i know from those investigations made by USA. They leave this link out so that it seems like its all russians, so that they can continue this whole shit. Part of which is 2 party scam they got going on in USA. Part of which is the gaining china style control over citizens, which is why they wanted 9/11, this is why they want to make BLM look like some insane rioters etc Its al connected to this scam which keeps the elite in the lead. Part of it is the fact that they dont teach media literacy in schools, so that people would not be able to tell real news from fake news and get confused.

The basic idea is to get people to react emotionally in certain way to certain stimuli and then use emotional triggers to control what people choose.
There is no mention that IRA would be owned by russian government, in those documents you posted or what i can find. All evidence says that its an independent company that putin has bought propaganda campaigns from, like trump did. No evidence that its owned by putin and that their actions are dictated by putin and putin alone. And even if it were owned by russian government, it was still formed to its current activities by it basically merging with cambridge analytica, their data, tools, training etc came from cambridge analytica to make the thing happen that trump campaign paid for.

I know this can be hard to see because all the propaganda that USA puts out. They leave half of the story out intentionally, because its better to have someone else to blame. There is no mention of cambridge analytica as far as i know from those investigations made by USA. They leave this link out so that it seems like its all russians, so that they can continue this whole shit. Part of which is 2 party scam they got going on in USA. Part of which is the gaining china style control over citizens, which is why they wanted 9/11, this is why they want to make BLM look like some insane rioters etc Its al connected to this scam which keeps the elite in the lead. Part of it is the fact that they dont teach media literacy in schools, so that people would not be able to tell real news from fake news and get confused.

The basic idea is to get people to react emotionally in certain way to certain stimuli and then use emotional triggers to control what people choose.
little virgin boy from russia is still failing along.

I think this shows perfectly my point earlier that its regular internet idiots that do the most influencing on the internet. These are the people who have already been influenced by these trolls and they just run around with their emotional outbursts spamming their crap. Republican side is being lied that there was no russian collusion at all, and democrats are being lied that its all russians. Think about what would happen then if people from either side who have been conditioned to respond with guge emotions, are being told that what im saying. The typical response would be something like this from those who bought the lies fed by establishment democrats:

little virgin boy from russia is still failing along.

And trumpsters would say that there is no proof that russia actually paid these trolls and then start to tell how great trump is and how people lie about him and then show some stuff where people have in fact lied about him. When this is also possibly even more dangerous misconception about the whole thing.

This same sort of thing has been used many times in the past. And the idea behind the 2 party scam is the same than behind this. You give two lies to choose from, both of which keeps the truth out.