Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree that people will know what is happening eventually. It is getting to the point it is impossible to keep it quiet when you have members of the congress asking questions like they are in todays Democratic party.I'm glad somebody is looking into this. Not Trump, not Barr, they are worried about November. But really the terrorism in this country is not coming from Black Lives Matters or Antifa groups. Note to self: these actions aren't funded locally. This is an international threat. The people doing the dirty work are just work-a-day types, they aren't funding it. Should we maybe be looking to, say, the Borscht Belt?
Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe's biggest terrorist threat. Now it's the far right.
An increasing percentage of plans and attacks in the U.S. are linked to far-right activity, said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Right-wing terrorism is the biggest threat to U.S. and Europe.
An increasing percentage of plans and attacks in the U.S. are linked to far-right activity, said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.www.nbcnews.com
LONDON — The threat of terrorism — particularly from the far right — should be a major concern for governments on both sides of the Atlantic as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease, according to multiple experts and former law enforcement officials who have experience monitoring violent extremist activity.
High unemployment levels due to the pandemic, poor economic prospects and the spread of disinformation through the internet and social media could accelerate radicalization, they said.
And after a major drive by law enforcement agencies to disrupt the organizing potential of violent Islamist movements in the United States and in Europe, where hundreds of people have returned from the battlefields in Iraq and Syria, recent analysis suggests far-right groups now pose the most significant threat to public safety.
"We see an increasing percentage of plots and attacks in the United States shifting over the past couple of years from jihadist motivations, increasingly, to far-right activity," said Seth Jones, who directs the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank.
Without that I would have never even heard about how White Supremacists are on the streets today policing our society. It makes what the Russians did to us become even more clear. They found all of our crazies and have been trying like hell to activate all of them and use that to further radicalize our citizens into whatever bubble they can find to put them for some future troll.

Notice "Organized Intent to Infiltrate Law Enforcement". That is not a question of 'did this happen', it is a statement that this is what their reasoning was in doing it, because it happened.
'Defund the police' might be the most troll-able name ever, but it must be done, we need to make sure our police departments are not harboring racists looking to put a hurt on portions of our society.
As much as I do respect our law enforcement and do believe that we need to fulfill our obligations and not punish the good cops, we need a top to bottom restructuring that will not happen if the police unions don't work to get these people from positions of power when in contact with the citizens they are policing.