The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

nope, a plastic bag

I mean, his own brain rotted mom brought him there

I mean, his own brain rotted mom brought him there

Sucks that this Sarah Connor LARP'er (if it is indeed that kids mom) radicalized her son and put him in a situation that will likely cost him his freedom.
The power of what is Trump's re-election campaign is to get people to not be able to talk to one another about the very real problems we have as a nation. This guy is talking @3:50 about how white people coming up and telling people talking to police to not do it.

The biggest thing Trump has done to tear our society at the seams is to allow this online attack against our nation to continue without allowing the people protecting us to actually understand fully the attack and to warn us all. Even the police and their families have been attacked online for years to radicalize as many as possible against the BLM movement or whoever else that they get brainwashed into believing are the problem.

We need to have people having more conversations and to understand how racism and hate is using every bit of chaos in our streets to sell Trump's agenda.
Vice did a video from the protest in portland from different angles.

It is funny, I got the back side of the people breaking into the van (that apparently was being used as a first aid station) getting maced by the Proud Boys idiot, but as soon as they broke through the guy also got it right in the face from someone on the other side of the van reaching through.
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Vice did a video from the protest in portland from different angles.

It is funny, I got the back side of the people breaking into the van (that apparently was being used as a first aid station) getting maced by the Proud Boys idiot, but as soon as they broke through the guy also got it right in the face from someone on the other side of the van reaching through.
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They, the right wing militia, are outnumbered by at least 5:1 maybe 10:1 and can't win. That's why they bring the hardware. The cops let them If somebody gets killed, it will be a BLM or antifa protester. It will be the fault of the police and the right wing organizations that ship those chuds to Portland. The people of Portland won't let them rule the streets. Events of the past months have hardened them. So it will continue until our politicians decide that we will only have peace when they serve the people of Portland. Not the police and not whoever it is that's paying for those right winger's air fare and lodging.
The power of what is Trump's re-election campaign is to get people to not be able to talk to one another about the very real problems we have as a nation. This guy is talking @3:50 about how white people coming up and telling people talking to police to not do it.

The biggest thing Trump has done to tear our society at the seams is to allow this online attack against our nation to continue without allowing the people protecting us to actually understand fully the attack and to warn us all. Even the police and their families have been attacked online for years to radicalize as many as possible against the BLM movement or whoever else that they get brainwashed into believing are the problem.

We need to have people having more conversations and to understand how racism and hate is using every bit of chaos in our streets to sell Trump's agenda.
Fuck talk. We need to purge them from our police forces.
It's going to get hot again in Portland this Saturday afternoon.

Fears of more violence as another Trump rally comes to Portland Saturday

Energized from the Republican National Convention and President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech Thursday night, Trump supporters are planning a vehicle parade through the Portland area Saturday.

According to a Facebook event, the rally is scheduled to start in Clackamas in the late afternoon and continue through Portland.

In the president’s remarks, he again condemned ongoing protests against racist violence in the city.

“They will pass federal legislation to reduce law enforcement nationwide,” the president said in his acceptance speech Thursday night. “They will make every city look like Democrat-run Portland, Oregon. No one will be safe in Biden’s America.”

Multiple comments on the event page for Saturday’s rally showed photos of rifles, and people commented that they planned to attend the rally armed.

Organizers have not yet released route details.

There is no way that caravan of cars and trucks are going to parade through our streets. Not going to happen. Let's hope the police have been schooled about ending riots when they break out.
It's going to get hot again in Portland this Saturday afternoon.

Fears of more violence as another Trump rally comes to Portland Saturday

Energized from the Republican National Convention and President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech Thursday night, Trump supporters are planning a vehicle parade through the Portland area Saturday.

A parade of trump chumps in their trucks?

I hope all of the eggs in town are sold out. :lol:

A parade of trump chumps in their trucks?

I hope all of the eggs in town are sold out. :lol:

A handful of roofing nails are a bitch when tossed out onto the road as the parade of assholes in 1/2 tons rolls by, 4 flats stops em cold. They might have fun ducking eggs while changing tires. Brake fluid ruins paint jobs too. I'd by a large supply of roofing nails and pass out hand fulls along the route.
It's going to get hot again in Portland this Saturday afternoon.

Fears of more violence as another Trump rally comes to Portland Saturday

Energized from the Republican National Convention and President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech Thursday night, Trump supporters are planning a vehicle parade through the Portland area Saturday.

According to a Facebook event, the rally is scheduled to start in Clackamas in the late afternoon and continue through Portland.

In the president’s remarks, he again condemned ongoing protests against racist violence in the city.

“They will pass federal legislation to reduce law enforcement nationwide,” the president said in his acceptance speech Thursday night. “They will make every city look like Democrat-run Portland, Oregon. No one will be safe in Biden’s America.”

Multiple comments on the event page for Saturday’s rally showed photos of rifles, and people commented that they planned to attend the rally armed.

Organizers have not yet released route details.

There is no way that caravan of cars and trucks are going to parade through our streets. Not going to happen. Let's hope the police have been schooled about ending riots when they break out.
A large supply of roofing nails passed out by the hand full and thrown on the road, also 5 minutes with a half a dozen "volunteers" and some crazy glue, you could make a pretty effective DIY spike strip by gluing 1" roofing nails to the road. They can come down your street, but they will leave with 4 flats on their 1/2 ton and driving on the rims. I figure that should fix these Trumper truck rallies looking to stir up shit, I say give them flat tires.
Fuck talk. We need to purge them from our police forces.
This is a big part of the problem as I see it, people need to talk to one another. I don't even think that these cops know they are being so propagandized, just like everyone else stuck in their bubbles because Trump is allowing the attack on us to continue to help his re-election chances. Until people tell them and keep telling them until it sticks, they will continue to be programmed to think BLM is bad and that their trigger response will be 'All lives Matter' shutting down the conversation.

I am all for purging the police forces across the nation and rehiring the police who have proven to not be a danger to the society they are paid to protect, it seems to be the most expedient way around union laws protecting bad cops. I think the cop in that post you replied to is worth listening to.
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PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — One person was shot and killed late Saturday in Portland, Oregon, as a large caravan of President Donald Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed in the streets, police said.

It wasn’t clear if the shooting was linked to fights that broke out as a caravan of about 600 vehicles was confronted by counter-demonstrators in the city’s downtown.

Police said the caravan had left the area around 8:30 p.m., and officers heard gunshots at about 8:46 p.m., according to a statement. Officers arrived at the shooting scene “within a minute,” police said, but the man who was shot did not survive.

An Associated Press freelance photographer heard three gunshots and then observed police medics working on the body of the victim, who appeared to be a white man. The freelancer said the man was wearing a hat bearing the insignia of Patriot Prayer, a right-wing group whose members have frequently clashed with protesters in Portland in the past.

Police said the man was shot in the chest. He was not immediately identified. It’s unclear who shot him.

Homicide detectives were looking for more evidence, acknowledging that several images and videos had been posted on social media.

“It is important for detectives get a full and accurate picture of what happened before, during, and after the shooting,” a police statement said. “If anyone was a witness, has video, or has information about the homicide, they’re asked to contact the primary detectives.”

“This violence is completely unacceptable and we are working diligently to find and apprehend the individual or individuals responsible,” Chief Chuck Lovell said.

Portland has been the site of nightly protests for more than three months since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Many of them end in vandalism and violence, and hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested by local and federal law enforcement since late May.

In the two hours following the shooting, protesters gathered downtown and there was sporadic fighting and vandalism, police stated. Some gave speeches in Lownsdale Square Park before the protest petered out. Ten people were arrested, police said.

The caravan had arrived downtown just as a protest planned for Saturday was getting underway. The chaotic scene came two days after Trump invoked Portland as a liberal city overrun with violence in a speech at the Republican National Convention as part of his “law and order” re-election campaign theme. The caravan marked the third Saturday in a row that Trump supporters have rallied in the city.

Trump and other speakers at last week’s convention evoked a violent, dystopian future if Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden wins in November and pointed to Portland as a cautionary tale for what would be in store for Americans.

The pro-Trump rally’s organizer, who recently coordinated a similar caravan in Boise, Idaho, said in a video posted on Twitter Saturday afternoon that attendees should only carry concealed weapons and the route was being kept secret for safety reasons.

The caravan had gathered earlier in the day at a suburban mall and drove as a group to the heart of Portland. As they arrived in the city, protesters attempted to stop them by standing in the street and blocking bridges.

Videos from the scene showed sporadic fighting, as well as Trump supporters firing paintball pellets at opponents and using bear spray as counter-protesters threw things at the Trump caravan.

The Black Lives Matter demonstrations usually target police buildings and federal buildings. Some protesters have called for reductions in police budgets while the city’s mayor and some in the Black community have decried the violence, saying it’s counterproductive.

Early Saturday morning, fires set outside a police union building that is a frequent site for protests prompted police to declare a riot.

An accelerant was used to ignite a mattress and other debris that was laid against the door of the Portland Police Association building, police said in a statement. At least one dumpster had also been set on fire in the street nearby.

The commotion followed a sit-in in the lobby of the Portland mayor’s condominium building Friday night.

"Let's go sit in our car for hours for Dear Leader"

'Someone got out of their car', 'Thats the guy' was yelled, there was mace sprayed, then someone pulled a gun and shot the guy. It looks like at least one news crew was on the scene when it happened.
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Figured I would look up what a 'Patriot Prayer' group was and found this from last year.

First, these cops @1:07 just lay into this guy in custody slamming to the ground and clearly punching him.

These man children bullying these people told me that this wasn't the normal church group in their Sunday best.

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It sucks someone lost their life yesterday. It really sucks that so many people are unaware of how manipulated they are with the Russian attack on our nation's vulnerable, and how Trump is giving his trolls fuel to use this as his re-eelction platform. I don't know enough about what happened to say anything other than that.
Problem is half the country have double digit IQs.
Well Captain and IQ of 100 is average, so half the population must fall into the double digit range, you are mathematically correct. Though there are many stupid people with hearts who would never think of voting for Trump, I don't think stupid is the main problem here, plenty of smart assholes support fascism too. These people, like the southerners before them signed on to a liberal democracy, and liberalism means freedom and equality for all as its central ethos. They gave up on liberty and democracy because the brown folks might get some and went fascist, hoping a strong leader would make the brown folks "go away" and give them the whites only homeland of their conditioned fantasies.

If America gets through this bullshit with its skin intact, some changes have got to be made, you can't afford a repeat or letting the GOP anywhere near power for a decade at least. Fox news has to go and social media regulated like a broadcaster, some people are easily lead and the government is based on truthful information and it has an obligation to the citizens to make sure they get it. We've seen what happens to a government based on cheating and lies, it's a fucking disaster.
Mike Baker (NY Times) on 'Meet the Press' said there is a far off video showing a group of people around before the gun went off. And that might just mean that this will have more recording that will come out on this as the story is fully propagandized.

One thing though, I think that the guy who was murdered is wearing MMA gloves.

Found this propaganda channel saying that it was a straight up execution because someone said he was just walking down the street and someone said something.

The comments always seal the deal with tying the violence to the peaceful movement BLM. This is the same thing the Russians have been doing all along.

The video is also saying how that Kyle kid is a patriot, then tying everything to what the 'Left' says fully politicizing their propaganda.
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This is getting old here in Portland and it's a tragedy that someone lost their life. However, the news paints a picture worse than what is actually going on. It's not as if the entire city is in the midst of a riot. There are pockets here and there but the majority of the city is business as usual or as much as it can be. Most people are just getting tired of the continuing violence by mainly people from outside the area that have shown up since Portland has become the epicenter and where all the action is at. The people that call Portland their home are getting really tired of this but people have a right to protest. Unfortunately there are some bad actors using the cover of the protesting to commit theft and looting. Many of the looted businesses have been minority owned businesses as well.

I took this photo a block from where the fatality occurred. This is the intersection of 2nd and Alder heading east on Alder to get on the Morrison bridge and out of downtown. The fatality occurred 1 block behind.


What's going on now has nothing to do with BLM. Some pictures I've taken downtown.





The federal building


Boarded up businesses after the looting.


All the mutherfucker does is lie solely to con his gullible cult. So easy to see yet so far away. For his gullible cult. Period. Nothin else to say. That bout covers it.