The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

One thing is certain. The days of a few right wing proud boys showing up and intimidating anyone is over. The Antifa protesters have adjusted their tactics and are now wearing helmets, gas masks, and many are armed just like the proud boys. It's crazy. It was only a matter of time before someone got killed.

Lost in all this violence is the BLM movement that was hijacked.
One thing is certain. The days of a few right wing proud boys showing up and intimidating anyone is over. The Antifa protesters have adjusted their tactics and are now wearing helmets, gas masks, and many are armed just like the proud boys. It's crazy. It was only a matter of time before someone got killed.

Lost in all this violence is the BLM movement that was hijacked.
The earliest I heard about the rioting out there was I think the WTO stuff back in 1999.



I was just a kid back then, but was shocked enough to remember thinking it is crazy that happened in America. That coupled with the 'millennial bug' thing makes me rethink my timeline for how much trolling has impacted our lives. I always think of 9/11 starting the 24 hour news cycle being the catalyst of internet trolling, but maybe it was the other way around and the internet social media trolling that created the 24 hour news cycle.

I defiantly see Portland police and the rioters at this point as a totally different issue than the BLM protests.

That BBQ/BLM pic you posted is inspiring, thank you for showing us that. It is important to remember there are people going hungry out there too.
One thing is certain. The days of a few right wing proud boys showing up and intimidating anyone is over. The Antifa protesters have adjusted their tactics and are now wearing helmets, gas masks, and many are armed just like the proud boys. It's crazy. It was only a matter of time before someone got killed.

Lost in all this violence is the BLM movement that was hijacked.
It was completely predictable that somebody was going to get killed. I lay the blame at the feet of Portland's police when they adopted the policy of letting the two groups come into contact with each other and do nothing when fights broke out. I'm truly surprised that it was a right winger who got it first. Until now, the killings were one sided. So, here it is, blood has been spilled on both sides. I hope I'm wrong but I see this as the next step in the street wars that Trump wants to stir up. On the other hand, the numbers have always been against the civilian right wing militants who come to Portland, they aren't from around here. In protests I've been to, we outnumbered them 10:1. If they carry guns, so can we. They can't win unless we let them. There is no sign of that happening.

I do agree that Portland's protests right now have less to do with Black Lives Matter movement and more to do with the ongoing struggle against Portland's fascist police. Although there is overlap of objectives, it's only reasonable that Black Lives Matters movement would want to distance themselves from these large gatherings of white people who act in the name of but without being led by BLM. Antifa should honor that. Then again, Antifa and BLM have a common enemy. Winning that battle is the highest priority. It's complicated.

As a BLM spokesperson said in Seattle:
Please stop taking advantage of us. I’m really sorry. I want to do all these things, too, but can we please talk about Black Lives Matter for one second?”
The earliest I heard about the rioting out there was I think the WTO stuff back in 1999.

I was just a kid back then, but was shocked enough to remember thinking it is crazy that happened in America. That coupled with the 'millennial bug' thing makes me rethink my timeline for how much trolling has impacted our lives. I always think of 9/11 starting the 24 hour news cycle being the catalyst of internet trolling, but maybe it was the other way around and the internet social media trolling that created the 24 hour news cycle.

I defiantly see Portland police and the rioters at this point as a totally different issue than the BLM protests.

That BBQ/BLM pic you posted is inspiring, thank you for showing us that. It is important to remember there are people going hungry out there too.

Us Portlanders are pretty used to this stuff. It's been going on for decades. I remember that WTO protest well. I was working and living downtown at the time. I had to make my way through that chaos to get home after work. I'd look down one street and see a bunch of police staging. I'd look the other way and see tear gas and pepper spray being deployed, windows being broken, and a frenzied mob. It was chaos. I made it home unscathed after stopping by the store to get a six pack.
This was Portland in 2012 during an Occupy Portland protest. What's happening is nothing new except for the length of time it's been going on and the fact that the protesters today seem to be getting more violent attacking people rather than just destroying property. It can get sporty at night if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. People taking pictures and video are being assaulted. The protests are basically occurring at just a few buildings. The Justice Center, the Federal building, ICE headquarters, the police union headquarters and a couple eastside police precincts. Stay away from those locations and you wouldn't know any protest is going on.

This is a big part of the problem as I see it, people need to talk to one another. I don't even think that these cops know they are being so propagandized, just like everyone else stuck in their bubbles because Trump is allowing the attack on us to continue to help his re-election chances. Until people tell them and keep telling them until it sticks, they will continue to be programmed to think BLM is bad and that their trigger response will be 'All lives Matter' shutting down the conversation.

I am all for purging the police forces across the nation and rehiring the police who have proven to not be a danger to the society they are paid to protect, it seems to be the most expedient way around union laws protecting bad cops. I think the cop in that post you replied to is worth listening to.
It's been fifty years of talk and now that things are finally beginning to change at the grass roots, we have this violence. So, yeah, agree that there has to be discussions with everybody, including the police to enact change. The police and their union are fat and happy right now, so they are the status quo, they aren't a partner in this change, they are going to be the recipient of it. As Rev Sharpton said, there will be no change (or meaningful dialogue) unless the police have something to lose. They can participate in talks, I hope they do, but the talks can't be a negotiation. They work for us and it's time they work with us as officers of the peace instead of officers of suppression.
This was Portland in 2012 during an Occupy Portland protest. What's happening is nothing new except for the length of time it's been going on and the fact that the protesters today seem to be getting more violent attacking people rather than just destroying property. It can get sporty at night if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. People taking pictures and video are being assaulted. The protests are basically occurring at just a few buildings. The Justice Center, the Federal building, ICE headquarters, the police union headquarters and a couple eastside police precincts. Stay away from those locations and you wouldn't know any protest is going on.

Antfa is all about confronting and opposing Portland's fascist police. The displays of mass force during WTO and Occupy protests are just glaring examples. There have been numerous accounts of police brutality every year. There will be no peace until the police become officers of the peace, not what is shown above.
Same shit different century.

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I guess the Feds not having tanks on our streets yet nor the live fire power they had last century, and the lack of massive destruction of communities today, gives me some hope in the protests today.
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A Florida man who called himself “the Antifa hunter” as he waged an online campaign to terrorize and harass those who opposed his white supremacist ideology was sentenced on Monday to more than three years in prison.

Daniel McMahon, 32, of Brandon, Florida, pleaded guilty in April to using social media to threaten a Black activist to deter the man from running for office in Charlottesville, Virginia. McMahon also admitted that he threatened to sexually assault the young autistic daughter of a North Carolina woman who protested against white nationalists.

A federal judge in Virginia sentenced McMahon to three years and five months in prison. McMahon declined an opportunity to make a public statement beforehand, but he heard from his victims during the hearing, which was conducted remotely by video conference.

In a written statement read aloud by a court employee, the North Carolina woman said McMahon methodically “cultivated a culture of fear and chaos” in her community of anti-racist activists.

“There is seemingly nothing that Daniel McMahon will not do in the name of white supremacy,” she wrote.

Most of McMahon’s cyberstalking victims knew him as “Jack Corbin.” Under that pseudonym, he posted social media messages intended to deter a Black activist, Don Gathers, from running for a seat on Charlottesville’s city council. He called himself “the Antifa hunter,” a reference to anti-fascist, leftist militant activists who confront or resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations.

McMahon accused Gathers of “attacking” a white supremacist group member who later pleaded guilty to attacking counterprotesters at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August 2017. McMahon called for using a “diversity of tactics” against Gathers, which authorities interpreted as a euphemism for violence.

The FBI notified Gathers of McMahon’s threats. Instead of kicking off his campaign at a January 2019 event, Gathers announced he wouldn’t run for office. “Hail Victory!” McMahon wrote in response.

On Monday, Gathers told McMahon that he prays he may find a way to forgive him some day.

“But today is not that day,” Gathers added. “I despise all that you and others like you represent.”

After McMahon’s arrest, the North Carolina woman called federal prosecutors to report that he had threatened her and her daughter, a severely autistic minor, over Facebook and tried to extort personal information from her about another counterprotester.

The woman said McMahon sent her hundreds of threatening messages, including some detailing how he would sexually assault her daughter. He posted the girl’s photo on a racist social media platform, she added. He also did a Google search for the term “sex with autistic girls” a day before his arrest, according to a court filing.

“Only a deeply disturbed individual would do this, a monster,” the woman wrote. “I will never feel completely safe about my child again.”

Prosecutors say the contents of McMahon’s computer revealed his obsession with racially motivated violence and hatred of Black people, including images of white supremacist James Fields plowing his car into a crowd of Charlottesville counterprotesters, killing a woman.

A folder with a racist slur for a title contained photos of dead Black men, including a lynching victim. McMahon also saved graphic images of Trayvon Martin after the Black teenager was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch member in Florida in 2012, according to prosecutors.

Other folders on McMahon’s computer contained personal information about his targets, including photos of their children. One target was a woman whose child had died, a tragedy that McMahon tried to exploit to extort information from her about antifascists, prosecutors said.

The FBI found 278 files with the word “owned” in the title, signaling that he had harassed that victim to his satisfaction. All told, prosecutors said, McMahon compiled 35 gigabytes of data that he could “weaponize” against his targets.

McMahon pleaded guilty to cyberstalking and bias-motivated interference with a candidate for elective office. U.S. District Judge Norman Moon wasn’t bound by sentencing guidelines that called for a prison term ranging from two years and nine months to three years and five months.

Moon accepted prosecutors’ recommendation to impose the maximum under the guidelines, saying McMahon’s conduct was “as egregious as it could be.”

“It may not have been physically violent, but it couldn’t have been more violent to one’s mental health or feeling of well-being,” the judge said.

Defense attorney Jessica Phillips asked the judge to sentence McMahon to a year and a half in prison and give him credit for time served since his Sept. 18, 2019, arrest.

Phillips said her client made “bad choices” but is remorseful and took full responsibility for his crimes. She attributed McMahon’s behavior to an untreated mental health disorder, alcohol abuse and a “lack of social stability.”

“While he did not realize the impact of his words at the time, he certainly does now,” Phillips wrote in a court filing.

Gathers told McMahon that “a new day, a different day, is coming” for those who share his “pitiful views.”

“Like it or not, Black lives matter,” he said.


Is the purpose of the bro beards to hide weak and double chins?
Remember as this is thrvtruth but hard to digest, i get it!!


trump isn't a Democrat or Republican. trump is all about trump. He'll take whatever side he thinks will benefit him. He hijacked the Republican party with his message of Fear, Hate, and Racism and the leaders of the party stood by and watched like the pussies they are. Just like the Democrats stood by and watched as Clinton hijacked the nomination when Biden should have run in 2016 since he was the Vice President and if he had we wouldn't have trump because we'd have President Biden. But no, it was Clinton's turn and all the Democrats fell in line.

You have to realize that some people are not political but they use politics to benefit themselves. trump would be the leader of the Green party if he thought there was something in it for him. The moron doesn't even understand Civics 101 or have a basic understanding of what's actually written in the Constitution. If you were to ask him the difference between the Democratic and Republican parties his answer would be Democrats are Socialists and Republicans believe in Law and Order. Or something just as stupid.