The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

First line of text says" I don't care how many cops killed floyd it's irellevant"
Well no it's not. It's entirely relevant because 4 cops killed him. One of them being a black man and one of the being of oriental origin.
You say all you see is racist cops but they can't possibly be racist cos one of those involved was black. He actually was. I'm not making this up.
So if anyone's racist here it certainly wasn't the cops.
It certainly isn't me.
You though. Well you seem pretty hell bent on proving that white man bad regardless of what the actual facts are so you must be a racist.
Therefor you do not deserve my respect or anyone elses and we have the absolute right to treat you with nothing but contempt.
You refuse to look past skin colour to identify what a problem actually is.
In this case, the problem is that a lot of American cops are assholes.
You can't handle trying to take on the establishment though so much like the majority of blm supporters your just stomping and calling everyone a racist thinking anarchy will work.
It wont.
All that's gonna happen is yours and their lives will become ultimately a lot harder.
People of all races will treat blacks with less respect.
If black people want change then they must first accept that their current situation is not white mans fault.
Yes white men enslaved their ancestors but there's not a single person alive today anywhere on earth that had anything to do with any of that so how's about you stick that in your pipe. Prick ;)
That meth though. Your keyboard must be covered in blood along with the semen.
Must say guys you're really flying the flag for black people here. Can't see past the colour of your own skin and your lives will never get better untill you do.
I have absolutely ZERO sympathy for people like you. Must suck being so repressed but seeing as you all think I'm a privileged white guy fuck it. Your only pissed cos you're jealous so go fuck yourselves haha. :)
You might not be very 'privileged', but if your kid (if you have one, not really the point if you don't) worked hard at least you know they won't have to overcome prejudice from the obvious visual difference of their skin tone and all those daily slights that people send their way.
Well I'll have to dip out of this one as it seems the site admin are on the side of the racists and I've been warned about MY language.
Can't be arsed getting banned for the sake of that shit so racism wins again.
Well done folks :) peace out.
Of course the news company evokes 'ANTIFA' when this guy is pulled down by the white lady and these white guys start stomping on the old guy. Trump's/Putin's branding of these triggered online radicalized shit bags (INCEL, QAnon, Boogaloo, whatever it is that they fell into believing through militarized trolling for at least a decade) causing all the violence that Dear Leader get's to use to sell his con.
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The only two people of color I saw looked like they were actually trying to help the guy up.

I see now, look at the bro with the ANTIFA flag out front branding the violence. Totally not possible that that is some white supremacist looking to paint the BLM peaceful protests as something that needs to be 'dominated' by Dear Leader.
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they should be throwing spoiled fruit vegetable and eggs like the good ole days.

when you got a rotten tomato in the face you knew it; the sound of it hitting it's intended = satisfying.
Must be his alt account. Nice try though

not anti white, I just support the protests because it’s their constitutional right. Just like I don’t own guns but I support the gun owners because it’s also a constitutional right. Where do you stop then if you start taking away people’s rights?

I exposed a closet racist. Tell your buddy it’s ok to come out now :hump:

did he mix up personas?:lol:

The BLM name is so distorted in these Trump supporters minds. This is the problem, they actually believe that what Dear Leader has needed them to believe to stay in his cult.
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Ruptly is Russian Times so who knows what they are not showing*, Or why they picked this demonstration to cover.
That Denver protest looks a lot like Portland's last year.

Good times.

Speaking of which,

Federal Officers To Depart Portland After Weeks Of Violent Clashes With Protesters

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Wednesday that the federal officers brought in to quell anti-racism protests in Portland will leave the city beginning Thursday after weeks of violent clashes with demonstrators.
“These federal officers have acted as an occupying force, refused accountability, and brought violence and strife to our community,” Brown said in a statement.
The governor said a “phased” withdrawal agreement came out of talks with Vice President Mike Pence and other officials this week.

Crowds advocating against racism and police brutality have been showing up daily around a federal courthouse building in Portland since the death of George Floyd, the Black Minnesota man who was killed by a white police officer in late May. Department of Homeland Security acting secretary Chad Wolf has repeatedly said the federal officers were needed to protect federal property from damage.
Before they go, the federal officers “will also clean up the Courthouse, removing the graffiti,” Brown said.
That Denver protest looks a lot like Portland's last year.

Good times.

Speaking of which,

Federal Officers To Depart Portland After Weeks Of Violent Clashes With Protesters

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Wednesday that the federal officers brought in to quell anti-racism protests in Portland will leave the city beginning Thursday after weeks of violent clashes with demonstrators.
“These federal officers have acted as an occupying force, refused accountability, and brought violence and strife to our community,” Brown said in a statement.
The governor said a “phased” withdrawal agreement came out of talks with Vice President Mike Pence and other officials this week.

Crowds advocating against racism and police brutality have been showing up daily around a federal courthouse building in Portland since the death of George Floyd, the Black Minnesota man who was killed by a white police officer in late May. Department of Homeland Security acting secretary Chad Wolf has repeatedly said the federal officers were needed to protect federal property from damage.
Before they go, the federal officers “will also clean up the Courthouse, removing the graffiti,” Brown said.
I heard the city is charging the feds $500 a hour (pretty sure they said by the hour fine) for those barricades on MSNBC.

Hopefully those Feds got their rocks off by beating American moms for a while and the kids they have locked up in cages and their moms don't have to get treated as bad for a while. Hopefully it is not like some void is left and they feel emboldened to go full 'Arpaio' on them.
I heard the city is charging the feds $500 a hour (pretty sure they said by the hour fine) for those barricades on MSNBC.

Hopefully those Feds got their rocks off by beating American moms for a while and the kids they have locked up in cages and their moms don't have to get treated as bad for a while. Hopefully it is not like some void is left and they feel emboldened to go full 'Arpaio' on them.
We need to refocus the Portland protests back to BLM. Complaints about white people appropriating the BLM cause for their purposes are valid.

History of Antifa in Portland is it was a response to fascist cops beating and harassing people, particularly black and Hispanic people. But also they harass white people who dress funny, are tatted and put metal bits into their bodies. Portland is very white compared to most cities, hence the whiteness of those crowds and they have a different attitude toward protests, leaning more heavily on the destruction of property side of civil disobedience compared to black civil rights protests. Black civil rights protest tend to be more disciplined, for good reason.

Anyway, Antifa's cause was helped by the BLM movement, not the other way around. A lot of the people in that crowd lost perspective and did harm to the BLM movement. I hope they stand down. I'm not judging. I'm not apologizing either. I just hope they can tone it down once the feds go away.
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Kerida O'Reilly, left, and Samantha Hamer are shown In these two July 27, 2020, booking photos provided by the Dane County (Wisc.) Sheriff's Office. Prosecutors charged both women Wednesday, July 29, 2020, with battery in connection with an attack on Wisconsin state Sen. Tim Carpenter, during a protest against police racism outside the Wisconsin state Capitol in Madison, on June 23. (Dane County Sheriff's Office via AP)

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Prosecutors on Wednesday charged two women, including a high school social worker, with attacking a Wisconsin state senator during a chaotic night of violence outside the state Capitol last month.

Kerida O’Reilly, 33, and Samantha Hamer, 26, were each charged with one count of being a party to substantial battery, a felony punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and three-and-a-half years in prison, online court records show.

Both women were arrested Monday after they turned themselves in to police. Both appeared in Dane County court Wednesday and were released on signature bonds. Defense attorneys asked for the charges to be dismissed because of insufficient evidence, but a court commissioner denied the request. Both women are banned from the Capitol Square and are due back in court Aug. 6, the Wisconsin State Journal reported.

O’Reilly’s attorney, Nathan Otis, said in an email to The Associated Press that it will become clear that she didn’t commit any crime, and that the lack of evidence will become clear as the case progresses.

Investigators believe the women attacked Democrat Tim Carpenter during June 23 protest outside the state Capitol, one of a series of protests in downtown Madison that took place after the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

The protest that night was sparked by the arrest of a Black man who shouted at downtown restaurant customers through a megaphone while carrying a baseball bat. Protesters also toppled two statues outside the Capitol and threw a Molotov cocktail into a government building.

Paramedics treated Carpenter, but he decided against going to the hospital.

O’Reilly is a physical therapist and Hamer is a social worker with the Mount Horeb School District. She was listed on the district’s website as a resource for high school students and their families who need help dealing with emotional distress and other issues. The district placed Hamer on leave on Monday.

O’Reilly’s attorney, Nathan Otis, said in an email to The Associated Press that it will become clear that she didn’t commit any crime, and that the lack of evidence will become clear as the case progresses.

Online records listed the state public defender’s office as Hamer’s attorney, but a spokesman said no attorney had been appointed for her yet.

The news guy's commentary is so unnecessarily dramatic in how he is describing what is going on in this video it cracks me up.
It is hard to tell much about the crowd that ran into the construction site, but it is defiantly white kids forming a protective circle around the one that is on a bike that breaks through the fence. It looks like the actual BLM protesters come in and try to help stop people from continuing to attack the site.

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Well I'll have to dip out of this one as it seems the site admin are on the side of the racists and I've been warned about MY language.
Can't be arsed getting banned for the sake of that shit so racism wins again.
Well done folks :) peace out.
Word we all know how diverse and unracist Scotland is. Please come back.
We'll I said I was done with this thread but here it is!

This has been my point all along!

This is what's going to happen to the world because of this BLM Movement.

People are reacting.
Govornments are reacting.
Countries, races, religions, entire fucking continents are reacting

As it happens...
I live in a mostly non religious country.
A mostly white country.
But an extremely acceptant country for people of all races.
I've stated numerous times that racism here is absolutely minimal.
We need free travel here for foreigners to survive as a nation.
Racism would literally destroy our country.

There is a small % of us are still ignorant pricks.
Nobody will ever change that.

If our political leaders even mention the word god though then they might aswell just stand aside.

Here's why....

We'll I said I was done with this thread but here it is!

This has been my point all along!

This is what's going to happen to the world because of this BLM Movement.

People are reacting.
Govornments are reacting.
Countries, races, religions, entire fucking continents are reacting

As it happens...
I live in a mostly non religious country.
A mostly white country.
But an extremely acceptant country for people of all races.
I've stated numerous times that racism here is absolutely minimal.
We need free travel here for foreigners to survive as a nation.
Racism would literally destroy our country.

There is a small % of us are still ignorant pricks.
Nobody will ever change that.

If our political leaders even mention the word god though then they might aswell just stand aside.

Here's why....

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just shut up already you loser.
We'll I said I was done with this thread but here it is!

This has been my point all along!

This is what's going to happen to the world because of this BLM Movement.

People are reacting.
Govornments are reacting.
Countries, races, religions, entire fucking continents are reacting

As it happens...
I live in a mostly non religious country.
A mostly white country.
But an extremely acceptant country for people of all races.
I've stated numerous times that racism here is absolutely minimal.
We need free travel here for foreigners to survive as a nation.
Racism would literally destroy our country.

There is a small % of us are still ignorant pricks.
Nobody will ever change that.

If our political leaders even mention the word god though then they might aswell just stand aside.

Here's why....

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I didn't get the point of the closeup or the connection to BLM and the church/government stuff. If you want a connection you do know that you have had the Russian military pushing these narratives since at least 2013 to create this inner turmoil in our societies at any level that people who are vulnerable are part of.

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I'm glad somebody is looking into this. Not Trump, not Barr, they are worried about November. But really the terrorism in this country is not coming from Black Lives Matters or Antifa groups. Note to self: these actions aren't funded locally. This is an international threat. The people doing the dirty work are just work-a-day types, they aren't funding it. Should we maybe be looking to, say, the Borscht Belt?

Jihadist plots used to be U.S. and Europe's biggest terrorist threat. Now it's the far right.
An increasing percentage of plans and attacks in the U.S. are linked to far-right activity, said Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

LONDON — The threat of terrorism — particularly from the far right — should be a major concern for governments on both sides of the Atlantic as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease, according to multiple experts and former law enforcement officials who have experience monitoring violent extremist activity.

High unemployment levels due to the pandemic, poor economic prospects and the spread of disinformation through the internet and social media could accelerate radicalization, they said.

And after a major drive by law enforcement agencies to disrupt the organizing potential of violent Islamist movements in the United States and in Europe, where hundreds of people have returned from the battlefields in Iraq and Syria, recent analysis suggests far-right groups now pose the most significant threat to public safety.

"We see an increasing percentage of plots and attacks in the United States shifting over the past couple of years from jihadist motivations, increasingly, to far-right activity," said Seth Jones, who directs the Transnational Threats Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank.