The Pot Smokers Etiquette -(Unknown Source)-

fuck your rule's, You didn't put in you don;t get to puff on it.. You don't share your's, I don;t share mine.. bring your own goddamn lighter, have ou bought a bic in awhile? These all seem's like rule's for people who don't wanna buy weed but wanna get high..

My rule's go as follow.. it's mine, i'll hit it how I wanna hit it.. if I don;t like you, or you make a habit of comming around, smoking and running, you can wtach me smoke until I get so high I forget I don;t like you and pass it to you.. bring your own lighter unless there's just me and you.. don;t fuckin ask me to get you high... I catch you being greedy with the weed (taking really bighits or double tokin" I will bust you out and cut you off, the whole while ragging your ass about how we can smoke but you aint... If you get the munchioes, you have two options, go home (please pick this option) or carry your ass to the store, I'm not your fuckin momma or daddy.. it is NOT my duty to supply your fatass with a fuckin twinkie everytime you come to mooch.. I got you high, what else you want? If you hand me an empty bowl and don;t tell me, I will not repack it.. all I'm gonna do is say "hmm.. oh well".. Pass the green hit around unless all you have is alittle bit.. I get a green hit, you get a green hit and so on and so on... and my number one rule.. DO NOT BRING YOUR FUCKIN BUDDIES.. If you and billy wanna get high, maybe you or billy should get your own fuckin weed... all you're gonna do is piss me off and i'm gonna walk outside and hit on it and come back in..

Of course, if I get you high, you owe me one.. and vice versa..

and this rule is just as important as the don;t bring your buddies rule.. If you see i'm in a bad mood.. or i'm having an argument with someone who's pissing me off.. Don;t linger.. not if all you're doing is waiting for me to get you high... a simple "ey dude, i'mma come back later" will suffice.. I know your intentions and can make up my mind and let you know what's going on, my reply will be short "ok dude, i'll be around" or "naw man, not today.. come see me later tonight or in the morning"..

Thank you for your input BackDoorMan, Im sorry you feel that way about the etiquette. Also As i may point out the definitions of the words?

Rule - a statement or an order that says how something must be done

Examples of Rule
You're not allowed to break this rule.

Etiquette - is a code of behavior that influences expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group.

You could also look at Etiquette as a glass of basic rules of politeness, but it is influenced by local or regional customs.

What I'm saying is, If those are the "rules" you go by, then great if they work for you and your life style. These are just Basic statements of being "Good Mannered"
yeah, but rule's were made to be broken...

around here, people are overly nice and polite.. so being a dick is hard.. but that polite nice also has another side to it.. so people will take advantage of your kind-ness.. like for example, I have a friend who smoke's cigarette's,.. but he doesnt buy 'em, because it's hard for people around here to say "no" when you ask for something.. so he goes around bummin all the time.. and if give the chance, he'll do that with your weed or anything..

I have two friends.. thats all.. 2.. no more, no less.. but when I got weed, I see 100 fuckin people a day... all with the same fuckin wants/needs and same fuckin sob stories about how they just need to get high.. and while you're smokin with 'em, they start tellin you about yesterday and it goes alittle something like this...

"dude, you shoulda been around yesterday.."

Me: "I was, I was right here.. where i'm always at.. what happened.."

Them: "dude, we went to ..... house and we smoked some fuckin bud dude.. aw it was killer, I was layin there like... just fuckin lazed out for hours.. then we went and got some fuckin bars and soma's.. I took like 10 soma's and 2 bars.. went to .... house and we all went and got some beer, I know I drank a case by myself.. had to.. then ... come around and he smoked us all out and we went got some more beer.. dude I was fuckin trashed by this time... I forget what all hapepened.."

the whole while you're like "what tha fuck dude.. you don't need any fuckin weed, gimma that shit back.. get tha fuck outta here you fuckin bum..."

I live my life by one simple rule.. you get what you give..

You come by and get me high, share your green hit, pass your lighter to me, share your food, buy me a drink.. whatever.. you can always.. ALWAYS, expect the same in return... but don;t smoke your last joint or bowl with me.. cause i'm and that's the only "rule" I have..
yeah, but rule's were made to be broken...

around here, people are overly nice and polite.. so being a dick is hard.. but that polite nice also has another side to it.. so people will take advantage of your kind-ness.. like for example, I have a friend who smoke's cigarette's,.. but he doesnt buy 'em, because it's hard for people around here to say "no" when you ask for something.. so he goes around bummin all the time.. and if give the chance, he'll do that with your weed or anything..

I have two friends.. thats all.. 2.. no more, no less.. but when I got weed, I see 100 fuckin people a day... all with the same fuckin wants/needs and same fuckin sob stories about how they just need to get high.. and while you're smokin with 'em, they start tellin you about yesterday and it goes alittle something like this...

"dude, you shoulda been around yesterday.."

Me: "I was, I was right here.. where i'm always at.. what happened.."

Them: "dude, we went to ..... house and we smoked some fuckin bud dude.. aw it was killer, I was layin there like... just fuckin lazed out for hours.. then we went and got some fuckin bars and soma's.. I took like 10 soma's and 2 bars.. went to .... house and we all went and got some beer, I know I drank a case by myself.. had to.. then ... come around and he smoked us all out and we went got some more beer.. dude I was fuckin trashed by this time... I forget what all hapepened.."

the whole while you're like "what tha fuck dude.. you don't need any fuckin weed, gimma that shit back.. get tha fuck outta here you fuckin bum..."

I live my life by one simple rule.. you get what you give..

You come by and get me high, share your green hit, pass your lighter to me, share your food, buy me a drink.. whatever.. you can always.. ALWAYS, expect the same in return... but don;t smoke your last joint or bowl with me.. cause i'm and that's the only "rule" I have..

...o_O.......err.......umm......^_^ Happy smokin!!!
  • The most important rule is: Thou shalt SHARE your weed! Don't smoke alone, if there are other people around. Let the others share in your smoke, even if you spend your last money on that weed. Even if you've sold your mother to be able to buy it. EVEN if you don't like the other people that much. There are no excuses. Nothing is worse than having to look at someone who's smoking a fatty all by himself. So don't be greedy.
  • The person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark up the joint and gets first hits.
  • If the joint/bong is passed to you, don't smoke too much. A good rule is: puff, puff, pass!
  • After passing the pipe or bong around after taking your hit, always pass the lighter with the pipe or bong, never hold it and forget about it unless the bowl is cherry.
  • If someone rolls a nice joint, its good to give the person a compliment on his rolling skills...
  • If someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the excuse that it's okay for him to begirt it since it's his weed, this is definitely not cool. The punishment depends on the quality of the weed and how much he put in. (if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person and rag on him :-)
  • If someone is too palsy to light the bowl (due to being too stoned or the person is just a retard :-) then they must relinquish control of the lighter to someone more able to get it lit. <--this does NOT mean the person who lights gets free hits... this privilege tends to get abused ("hey lemme light it for you...")
  • If someone is so much of a palsy that they blow INTO the bowl and blow all the shit on the floor, this person must be ragged on and the person can't smoke on the next round (unless it was his stuff)
  • If you smoke with someone in your house, you should let them eat some munchy food you may have lying around.. don't be cheap with your food if you have food...
  • If someone who's smoked asks for a sip of your soda, you must give him some.. (drymouth is not fun) (Note): if you ask for a sip, don't take a large gulp
  • If smoking from a bong or a joint, never put the whole thing in your mouth and get it all sopping wet.. it's disgusting and it messes up the joint.
  • If you're smoking from a bong and there's not enough in the bowl for a whole other hit, you should save the smoke in the chamber for the next person..(don't let go of the rushhold or 'carb' and take it all yourself)
  • Never bitch about someone else's weed being no good! If you don't like it don't smoke it!
  • If a friend gets you high sometime in the future you need to get that friend high
  • Thou shalt not turn down a smoke. Never!
  • If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite to roll a joint, (a small one, if you wish) and smoke with the person who sells you the stuff.
  • t is very impolite to hand someone an empty bowl, without notifying that person of it's possible cashed-ness. A proper warning would be 'Here ya go...I think it might be cashed.
  • The person who fills the bowl is given the opportunity to take the first hit. It doesn't matter who's bowl it is. Unless of course, they request you take the first hit.
  • Always remember to thank a person who has gotten you high.
  • When using a bong, DON'T blow out the ashes, unless that's what the "homeowner" does.
  • NEVER go to someone's house EXPECTING them to get you stoned. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule...
  • If you spill the bong, clean it up! (And don't forget to put water back in it!!)
  • When the roach gets too small, if someone has a problem with it, it is common courtesy here to put the roach in a bowl and finish it that way.. that way the people who don't mind burning their fingers don't get it all.
  • Do not, I repeat do not smoke your pet out if he is under 5 lbs. Because you do not want to kill your pet, unless it deserves to die, in which I can't think of a pet that does.
  • Do not lie about the amount you have smoked in the past if someone asks you.
  • When you take your tokes no matter how big they are, do not cough out all the smoke, because all you are doing is wasting that person's bud.
  • If you have major munchies, do not eat all the food at person's house you are at, after all, he has to pay for the shit.
  • If you are selling someone weed, don't lie about the amount you are selling or the kind of weed that's in the bag.
  • Do not always bum people for weed, it is not cool unless they are willing to give you some.
  • If you have a resinated pipe, do not smoke tobacco in it. Because that is just fucking stupid.
  • (Rule Submitted by Closetcultivator111) If you light it first, and hit it last, next round pass the lighting priveledges down.
Thank you all, Hope you Enjoyed :D
here is a good 1 . if some one never provides the smoke don't let them get a hit off the bowl or joint.
never be a pot mooch. add buds every once in a wile to the kitty.
never ever spill the bong water. never give a half smoked bat to the loader.
don't bogard the sodas for cotton mouth. don't take the host's last can.
Awesome thanks, yah the whole mooching thing and again I know backDoorMan was pointing this out, I know about moochers, trust me we all do lol. Although these are for the fact of both partys are Good mannered and both provide smoke to each other all the time. plus dew-b, the part about sodas i like lol, but if its the last can, im sure we can rock paper scissors to settle it.

Rock paper scissors on the last can provides enterntainment and is a little time consuming as well, you know, while your waiting for the hot pockets in the microwave. Think about it, we all know how it feels staring at a microwave and watching it countdown from 3 mins. ITs a LOOOONGGGG time! So like i said, make it all fun :D
I don't like the rule that says share equally even if it's your bud. If I go to smoke out a couple people and it turns into 5 or 6 (DON'T BRING YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS WITHOUT ASKING FIRST) I'm gonna make sure I get enough to get high!
Another addition: Know your limitations. I can't stand when everyone's drunk and bugging me to smoke my weed. I light them up and then they get the spins, no shit. Vomit starts flowing and then my house turns into a damn hospice. Then they need to crash, waking up hours later to eat all my food.

I have a very low tolerance for moochers, drunk moochers especially. I don't really agree with rule #1.
I can't stand dealing with drunk people in general... especially younger drunks, because they don't really know their limits. There's a girl I sometimes party with and without fail, every single time, she drinks to the point where she's throwing up and barely able to stand under her own power. She's become such a liability that she's rarely invited over to parties anymore... and if anyone says anything to her about how nasty she gets when she drinks she flips out and gets defensive.
If smoking with someone else, always half green the bowl. You know, light it so that you only burn half the bowl, to save green for the next person.
I actually do most of those without even thinking, but this one is a load 'o keek if you ask me lol...

"When you take your tokes no matter how big they are, do not cough out all the smoke, because all you are doing is wasting that person's bud."

You look at the person who does this 5 minutes later and you tell me if its a waste of bud, hell no it isn't. It's a cert the guy/girl will be chilling, all chinese-eyed and stoney boney :) Waste of bud ? pffftttttt
Theres a difference between coughing out the smoke immediately and coughing after your hit. Coughing out smoke that you havent even inhaled fully is a waste, even if does get you high.
Ahhh, thanks for the elightenment my good man, I took it as meaning coughing out all the smoke after you have inhaled.
I must come from a completely different culture .

Our gatherings are community gatherings, i.e. everyone brings weed and everyone shares. If someone is dry then they are simply not invited. The last gathering I went to we ended up having 7 people and 3.5 ounces between all of us somehow we magically ALL had to buy that day and each showed up with a 1/2. We had 5 different strains and had a blast ...

Since we've kept this rule of 'pot luck pot party' we know that the regulars are rarely if ever dry and that IF someone falls on bad times (money, dealer flakes, or grow gets stolen) that it's a one off event and it's a 'brotherly' thing to help a friend who's dry because of extenuating circumstances.

Three months ago one of the guys got laid off with 29 other employees of his company. He took his last paycheck and bought everything he could afford to start an indoor grow (and the 'last half-ounce he'd ever buy') but forgot something very important, he was unemployed.

He showed up at the part with his half and we had a moment of silence for the loss of his job. A month later he was dry, which we all figured would happen but something worse, he had no electricity to run the grow he'd started (idiot forgot to save enough to pay the electricity bill.) We all chipped in and put together an ounce that we rationed to him 1/8th at a time so he didn't spend all day and night stoned instead of looking for a job. We also kicked in to get his electricity back on. His grow lived, and in three weeks he had a job, now he's nearing the completion of his grow.

He already paid back the cash for the electricity, but he's still an ounce of weed in the hole to all of us. He has informed us that he overgrew big time and doesn't care about the money or the weed, he simply doesn't want to end up with close to 40 oz (his estimate I'm guessing his yield will be about half that) of dried and cured bud on his hands. So those of us that chipped in to help him (5 of us) are supposedly splitting his grow so 5 guys getting together an oz for our friend are going to get anywhere between 4 and 8 oz back for helping him out.

So we always share, but it's an equal share. Now if someone shows up with mids every time or even worse shwag then we wouldn't be so generous, but everyone shows up and it's more 'Who wants which high." not "who's got the good stuff."

Awesome thanks, yah the whole mooching thing and again I know backDoorMan was pointing this out, I know about moochers, trust me we all do lol. Although these are for the fact of both partys are Good mannered and both provide smoke to each other all the time. plus dew-b, the part about sodas i like lol, but if its the last can, im sure we can rock paper scissors to settle it.

Rock paper scissors on the last can provides enterntainment and is a little time consuming as well, you know, while your waiting for the hot pockets in the microwave. Think about it, we all know how it feels staring at a microwave and watching it countdown from 3 mins. ITs a LOOOONGGGG time! So like i said, make it all fun :D
nope game OF backgammon or chess for it . would kick your ass.
If smoking with someone else, always half green the bowl. You know, light it so that you only burn half the bowl, to save green for the next person.

This is a GREAT rule! I always do this with my friends; except for one...for some reason she does not like green hits, she prefers to smoke what has already been burnt. :peace:
I'm too much of a Stoney Loney....Rarely smoke with anyone else and I hate company at my house so it just never happens well accept for my sons little buddies but hey I ain't doing a bowl with those little fuckers their crazy LOL.....Maybe twice a year with my Brother and Sister in law they usually are holding and when they aren't I usually help them out with a bud to take home for later:mrgreen: