The queen is dead.

I’m surprised so many Americans are sympathetic. Didn’t you guys have a revolution to get away from these inbred freeloaders?

Yes. It was Diana we fell in love with; She and I are a year apart- we couldn't get enough of her- her children are close in age to mine..even though titled she grew up without security guards and a more normal life. She got to marry her prince. Regardless of challenges in her marriage, mental health etc. Charles' infidelity was cruel and gross.

He will be forever known in my mind as King Tampon III and Queen Consort, a marriage wrecker.

Let's see what Karma has in mind for them- interesting when it plays out.
We could have an elected president replace the GG with essentially the same powers as other parliamentary democracies do, or they use the existing monarch to fill the roll. Unlike America, all are unicameral legislatures, the brits got rid of the house Lords as an effective legislative body at the beginning of the 20th century.

America copied the British system, but it never evolved like the British system did, the constitution fixed it in place, the King has too much power (partly congresses fault) and executive function and the senate is just horseshit. I oppose an elected senate in Canada, that would give them power and we'd be in the same boat as the Americans. Unicameral parliaments work just fine, unless half the voters are fucking fascist, or support it, all good governments require trust and goodwill. Governments are for the common good and betterment of society, not an instrument to get or make war on citizens you don't like, some Americans have forgotten this simple idea.
All of our past US presidents are related to King John of England, with the one exception of Martin Van Buren. Our "elected" rulers are simply an extension of the British monarchy.
You take one part out of my post in reply to Sky’s comment about monarchy in general, and then suggest I said Queen Elizabeth is no more than that, then add what you think I think “a Head of State is“… what is this, World Strawman Day? Obviously queen Elizabeth is much more than that. Yes, “is” and will remain to be. A definition does not dictate what something is, Head of State does in practice not mean what you imply, not even close. If you want to argue it should explicitly mean nothing on paper too then yeah, I agree. If you want to subscribe more power to her or pretend she was an obstacle in democracy then nah…

Appearantly, they do. Yet per person they cost close to zero, which does not include the immeasurable portion of indirect income for the UK. Saying the monarchs cost money is never actually about the monarchs costing money.

Charlie a vegan and nature lover should just sell the lot and spread amongst the Commonwealth; be done with it. Return the diamonds to their proper countries and peoples. Repatriate. Just give it back. Bye bye balcony- be a new monarch; slim it down.
Charlie a vegan and nature lover should just sell the lot and spread amongst the Commonwealth; be done with it. Return the diamonds to their proper countries and peoples. Repatriate. Just give it back. Bye bye balcony- be a new monarch; slim it down.
Clearly unpopular opinion but I disagree. Well aside from the slim it down part, that would be wise to do pre-emptively. I'm not for returning treasures to shitholes yet. But if it should be done, it should be based on the will of the majority, and logic and reason, not appeals to emotion. There are way more pragmatic and productive ways repatriation is appropriate. Pretty sure 1/3rd of Pakistan being underwater is a more pressing issue than diamonds.

As for the strawmen replies, pointing out the fact the royals don't actually cost money isn't the same as suggesting any country that isn't a monarchy should inbreed some royals and switch to a monarchy. tf... Getting one (a royal family) is not quite the same as getting rid of one. No idea why making Boris Johnson or some upcoming populist head of state, or giving a football to launch nukes to a TV personality / con man sounds so much better than a lame duck raised to be nothing but a lame duck that fills a flaw in democracy itself. Complaints should include a better alternative. But then, it's a topic that deserves a dialectic approach, which is pretty much dead and why the world is such a shit show. People and their fragile pretentious egos and snowflake feelings, it'll be the end of us all. Except a few, who'll bash the brains out of anyone who dares to come up with the stupid fallacies that endangers the species and the entire planet. I had some hopes Trump would take it so far it would be the end of illogical dumb shit... then maybe covid would kill all the dumbfucks. But of course, that was naive, bullshit is only bullshit when it comes from political opponents, not when you excrete it yourself.
Clearly unpopular opinion but I disagree. Well aside from the slim it down part, that would be wise to do pre-emptively. I'm not for returning treasures to shitholes yet. But if it should be done, it should be based on the will of the majority, and logic and reason, not appeals to emotion. There are way more pragmatic and productive ways repatriation is appropriate. Pretty sure 1/3rd of Pakistan being underwater is a more pressing issue than diamonds.

As for the strawmen replies, pointing out the fact the royals don't actually cost money isn't the same as suggesting any country that isn't a monarchy should inbreed some royals and switch to a monarchy. tf... Getting one (a royal family) is not quite the same as getting rid of one. No idea why making Boris Johnson or some upcoming populist head of state, or giving a football to launch nukes to a TV personality / con man sounds so much better than a lame duck raised to be nothing but a lame duck that fills a flaw in democracy itself. Complaints should include a better alternative. But then, it's a topic that deserves a dialectic approach, which is pretty much dead and why the world is such a shit show. People and their fragile pretentious egos and snowflake feelings, it'll be the end of us all. Except a few, who'll bash the brains out of anyone who dares to come up with the stupid fallacies that endangers the species and the entire planet. I had some hopes Trump would take it so far it would be the end of illogical dumb shit... then maybe covid would kill all the dumbfucks. But of course, that was naive, bullshit is only bullshit when it comes from political opponents, not when you excrete it yourself.

Speaking to your first paragraph- you agree. I speak in a layman's manner for others to easily comprehend we have many types of members here. I'm not emo and I'm not for sending Crown Jewels back to pirate nations..yet. However, one must ask why are they pirates?

You aren't really citing Pakistan, are you?:lol:
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