The Real Obama

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I've had to deal with racist bullshit just b/c i have black friends.

You mean because you had friends.....or do you categorize your "friends" into groups based upon your own personal racial quota system?
Just one example.
I had a corner store that i bought smokes at all the time. All the sudden i went in there with my dark african american/german friend and the teller refused to sell him a pack of Black & Milds. I then attempted to buy a gatorade and a pack of smokes. she said "I'm sorry our systems don't work for you and your people."

My own personal racial quota system? What the shit are you talking about.
If my friend wasn't black it wouldn't have happened. it didn't happen until he was involved.



New Member
Just one example.
I had a corner store that i bought smokes at all the time. All the sudden i went in there with my dark african american/german friend and the teller refused to sell him a pack of Black & Milds. I then attempted to buy a gatorade and a pack of smokes. she said "I'm sorry our systems don't work for you and your people."

My own personal racial quota system? What the shit are you talking about.
If my friend wasn't black it wouldn't have happened. it didn't happen until he was involved.

So they lost business? Cool.


New Member
dark african american/german friend and the teller refused to sell him a pack of Black & Milds. I then attempted to buy a gatorade and a pack of smokes.

No thanks to you, though.......

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
dark african american/german friend and the teller refused to sell him a pack of Black & Milds. I then attempted to buy a gatorade and a pack of smokes.

No thanks to you, though.......
Um....i was buying smokes for the both of us. Just b/c i smoke menthol i'm sure she assumed they were for him.

My own personal racial quota system? What the shit are you talking about.

dark african american/german
I was describing his ethnicity so that you could have an idea of the situation. If i'd said "my big buddy" i'm sure you'd have said "well how is that racist?"



New Member
Oh def. there loss.

But racist comments lead people to believe that you are racist.
Off handed comments when no one knows your intent.

Bullshit.....racists will always project their "sickness" onto others. I'm no racist so I honestly do not care in the slightest what you think of me. Or other racists think of me, for that matter.

PS- If you vote for Obama because he is black, are you a racist? Then why, if you vote against him because he is black, are you a racist?
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New Member
Maybe you are a shoplifter and the lady doesn't cater to thieves.....Maybe she THOUGHT you were shoplifting.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Bullshit.....racists will always project their "sickness" onto others. I'm no racist so I could honestly not care in the slightest what you think of me. Or other racists think of me, for that matter.

PS- If you vote for Obama because he is black, are you a racist? Then why, if you vote against him because he is black, are you a racist?
And thats not true....i unfourtanatly have family that have skewed views. They have not once projected anything onto me, actually they refrain from such topics b/c they know how i feel about the subject.

And i was just sayin.....we're on a forum. You make a comment about a black person being his door man in the manor or whatever you said.....comes off a little racial.....and now after you actually talk for awhile i'm sure your not racist....just didn't have any tact with that post.

And if you vote for someone just b/c of their skin color than you are as ignorant as a racist.
That is why our country is fucked up. "Oh he's different lets pick him!"
Thats why believe it or not i enjoy these convo's. Whether or not we agree, some one may be positivly effected by our ideas.



New Member
You make a comment about a black person being his door man in the manor or whatever you said.....comes off a little racial.....and now after you actually talk for awhile i'm sure your not racist....just didn't have any tact with that post.

Shit, the television program, Benson, was about a butler, in the governors mansion....while searching your Benson, I found "my man", Benson. I loved that show when I was a kid, and it brought back fond memories.....and it was funny, to me at least......tact or no.


New Member
Thats why believe it or not i enjoy these convo's. Whether or not we agree, some one may be positivly effected by our ideas.

We're back on the same page.......


Well-Known Member
The only way to eat chicken skin is fried......skinless, and I'd have to agree with you.
Damn straight! Almost, though, because YOU'VE never had my roast chicken. Ooo da baby (to quote the bucolic buffalo). 8)
Fried chicken is very unhealthy - can be tasty, but baked or grilled is better in my opinion.
Yeah yeah yeah, it's still damn tasty. Just don't live on it. :D
Maybe you are a shoplifter and the lady doesn't cater to thieves.....Maybe she THOUGHT you were shoplifting.
That makes no sense given his story.


New Member
"I'm sorry our systems don't work for you and your people."

Shoplifters? It's a possibility.....she was probably a chinina and didn't speak "proper" English......sorry, again, I'm left tactless.:neutral: What race was she waffled?

The Racial Slur Database


New Member
Sorry, honkie wasn't used as a derogatory word for years oppressing an entire set of people just because of skin color......once again...remove it first before you talk...its easier to think without the blood rushing to your head.
And anybody that i have heard use the word honkie is white, just like me.

I've had to deal with racist bullshit just b/c i have black friends. I could only imagine what its like for them.


I was wondering how to spell that shit!
If a black person said "honky", we'd be fighting over it. Just like if i said "moon cricket". Dont get it twisted.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
You make a comment about a black person being his door man in the manor or whatever you said.....comes off a little racial.....and now after you actually talk for awhile i'm sure your not racist....just didn't have any tact with that post.

Shit, the television program, Benson, was about a butler, in the governors mansion....while searching your Benson, I found "my man", Benson. I loved that show when I was a kid, and it brought back fond memories.....and it was funny, to me at least......tact or no.
Well shit CC that would have been some good info to know!:mrgreen: Us youngens don't catch those references.

"I'm sorry our systems don't work for you and your people."

Shoplifters? It's a possibility.....she was probably a chinina and didn't speak "proper" English......sorry, again, I'm left tactless.:neutral: What race was she waffled?

The Racial Slur Database
LOL She was a good ole blue blooded redneck and proud of it!
At least thats what they say down here.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
If a black person said "honky", we'd be fighting over it. Just like if i said "moon cricket". Dont get it twisted.
So if i called you honkie, we'd throw down?

You see there is a difference in the way a word is used.......My mom told me when i was younger, "Its not what you say, its how the person you say it to percieves it"

Shit, call me honkie, mick, whatever you assholes opinion won't bring me down to their level.
And the asshole isn't directed toward anybody it was a retorical asshole.

Moon cricket? LOL sorry but i've never heard that. Sounds like a Zappa kid to me? Right next to moon unit



Well-Known Member
If a black person said "honky", we'd be fighting over it. Just like if i said "moon cricket". Dont get it twisted.
A moon cricket cus a cricket is black and theres no gravity on the moon...? black crickets can jump a mile kinda high so I might be thinking too much into it...