The REAL "Recipe for Crack Hash" Thread!!!

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i wasnt spreading hate to you

but the harvesting and curing section in this forum isnt the best place to put this

maybe toke n talk

hands down no ones gonna wanna see commersh made into hash unless you had mexi and was making oil out of it to prove a point

then id stop by :D

im just letting you know that this post was bound to receive negative attention in this section as most people wanna see freshly manicured goodness
im just letting you know that this post was bound to receive negative attention in this section as most people wanna see freshly manicured goodness

OH THERE WAS MAAAD HATE.... but it's all good, couldn't find another suitable place to post this.

And if it's "freshly manicured goodness" you want, then I'll be posting a thread on Dec 25th. Yes, the Christmas buds will be ripe!
I do basically the same thing, but what I do is i take a soda bottle (you know the 2 liter kind) and I run it against a cheese grater and mix that into the poop weed before I press and cook it. I find the 2 liter plastic gives it that sitcky icky feel and makes people really high. -Don't hate-

I REALLY don't know what this guy is talking about!!!
Everyone was diggin' it at first if you go back n read the thread....

dude wtf is that. thats not crack hash thats crap hash
So thats it? Your recipe for killer crack hash? Thats just hash bro...with tons of plant material inside and no speration of tricome.size.... But thanks

.... but then yall came in with your 2cents because your closed minded and ruined a decent thread. It's called crack hash for a reason and I NEVER once called it "KILLER"... what did you think it was going to give you a BLAST like CRACK? Maybe bad naming, but it has cut in it like crack does with cocaine. People still enjoy it....
Everyone was diggin' it at first if you go back n read the thread....

.... but then yall came in with your 2cents because your closed minded and ruined a decent thread. It's called crack hash for a reason and I NEVER once called it "KILLER"... what did you think it was going to give you a BLAST like CRACK? Maybe bad naming, but it has cut in it like crack does with cocaine. People still enjoy it....

No dude...crack takes coke and makes it STRONGER, more intense and potent, not because its cut with something. We assumed you had a new way to make high quality hash. Everyone is just clowning you because thats really not a good way to make hash. You end up smoking wax for one. Thats why the guy was saying grate a two litre bottle into the hash, its a joke. No one wants to smoke plastic or wax.

Im sorry, I just thought it was funny because you went through all the work and pics to explain how to make pretty poor hash. Honestly, I dont think I could give that away to the clubs I bring my product to...
Please keep comments productive and relevant to the thread topic guys... Constructive criticism is always a good thing but if all you are going to do is trash and junk up the thread with meaningless posts, please move on. The Op took the time to put a thread together, if it is not your thing then move on to another thread. Thanks!
I wasn't trying to hate. Just thought I might show this poster. how to get a more pure hash that's just as ez to make.
You could simply buy a decent grinder and you'd have better quality hash. Last i checked the screen in the grinder was meant to keep all the plant matter on top, with the keif below :p


That's not too far off what my bud looks like ground up without going through a screen. I have toa gree in that i don't understand why this is "crack hash" in that it deserves it's own name, it's just bad quality hash. Call it shwag if you want but crack hash would indicate it was something new and different.
Please keep comments productive and relevant to the thread topic guys... Constructive criticism is always a good thing but if all you are going to do is trash and junk up the thread with meaningless posts, please move on. The Op took the time to put a thread together, if it is not your thing then move on to another thread. Thanks!

Thank you sir, not for you then just kick rocks.... no reason to bash!
You could simply buy a decent grinder and you'd have better quality hash. Last i checked the screen in the grinder was meant to keep all the plant matter on top, with the keif below :p

But that's what this is? The bottom of a 3 piece grinder, under the screen, where the kief is! So what do you mean?

.... I just use a bigger screen for my plant material to add some "cut" to the pure kief. What's so hard to understand about that?
Well it is hard to understand intentionally ruining the quality of your hash. I have a screen in the bottom of my grinder, what i see above is what i get left with ABOVE the screen. A normal joint of weed. While i love hash because of it's high, i love it more because of it's taste, so personally i would prefer just to press the plain keif into hash rather than contaminating it.

The only way i can understand "some cut to the pure keif" would be if you were, no, there wouldn't be sense, even if you were selling you would not be mr sought after, it looks like poop. And as a smoker, as i say, why would i want to contaminate what could be a lovely pressed piece of hash :) There's no aditional cost, simply a quality difference, so i do have trouble understanding where the concept of crack hash comes from.
No dude...crack takes coke and makes it STRONGER, more intense and potent, not because its cut with something. Im sorry, I just thought it was funny because you went through all the work and pics to explain how to make pretty poor hash. Honestly, I dont think I could give that away to the clubs I bring my product to...

Sorry're an IDIOT. I can't believe how many ignorant people are in the thread talking about CRACK being a better form of Cocaine. He called the thread CRACK HASH because crack is litterally the lowest form of drug. Crack DOES NOT make cocaine stronger....fact. The fact that there are people in here this confused is disheartening.

Besides if you smoke CRACK or have ARE an idiot. that's just a fact.

As far as this thread ShotNVA777 was just trying to show you all a quick way to make semi-smokable hash outta the stuff that most of us won't smoke at all. It's called being economical. Which is exactly why ghetto ass people buy crack. Because they are being economical with their Cocaine....which is better in it's purest form, fact. Just like weed, or hash for that matter that is made with quality bud shake, makes for a great experience. You STILL get high of this stuff people.
Sorry're an IDIOT. I can't believe how many ignorant people are in the thread talking about CRACK being a better form of Cocaine. He called the thread CRACK HASH because crack is litterally the lowest form of drug. Crack DOES NOT make cocaine stronger....fact. The fact that there are people in here this confused is disheartening.

Besides if you smoke CRACK or have ARE an idiot. that's just a fact.

As far as this thread ShotNVA777 was just trying to show you all a quick way to make semi-smokable hash outta the stuff that most of us won't smoke at all. It's called being economical. Which is exactly why ghetto ass people buy crack. Because they are being economical with their Cocaine....which is better in it's purest form, fact. Just like weed, or hash for that matter that is made with quality bud shake, makes for a great experience. You STILL get high of this stuff people.

THANK YOU DUDE!!! EXACTLY!!! These people act like they don't even read the thread, it's insane! And IT IS also insane that their really is THAT many ignorant ppl out here, kind of scary actually!

another thread gone down the tube due to bickering and off topic talk

Yup... sucks! Could've turned into a badass thread, with bunch of intelligent people sharing recipes with one another... But NOPE! Haters, idiots and just plan thread jackers come in and ruin it!
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