Misguided Angel
Everybody has been asked to please keep the insults and off topic posting off of this thread, the thread will be shut down if this continues...
Actually crack is stronger than cocaine, this is a scientific factSorry're an IDIOT. I can't believe how many ignorant people are in the thread talking about CRACK being a better form of Cocaine. He called the thread CRACK HASH because crack is litterally the lowest form of drug. Crack DOES NOT make cocaine stronger....fact. The fact that there are people in here this confused is disheartening.
Besides if you smoke CRACK or have ARE an idiot. that's just a fact.
As far as this thread ShotNVA777 was just trying to show you all a quick way to make semi-smokable hash outta the stuff that most of us won't smoke at all. It's called being economical. Which is exactly why ghetto ass people buy crack. Because they are being economical with their Cocaine....which is better in it's purest form, fact. Just like weed, or hash for that matter that is made with quality bud shake, makes for a great experience. You STILL get high of this stuff people.
So most everyone agree's this is a good way to make bad hash. By adding in plant does/would that give a different/better taste. there are many tastes in all the strains around today. Just need to come up with a better name for what the end result is. I'm betting you could/would still get a better high then smoking just the bud.
Actually crack is stronger than cocaine, this is a scientific fact
I think everyone's gripe with this guide was the fact it's a guide on how to make bad hash.
You can make amazing hash from any grade of weed and how to do it has been done to death on this site, so why the guide to show people how to do it wrong?
And OP...just buy some cheap bubble bags maybe?
dry sift is my favorite way to make keif.
no messy icewater buckets or dripping bags.
and, its cheap, simple, and reliable.
and a coffee grinder.
and i am not really a fan of pressing keif into hash, IMHO it is easier to handle when in keif form, and burns cleaner.
my 2c added to this trainwreck of a thread.
I think the point here is that you can make better hash out of the same trim that you are currently using simply by using a silkscreen and stick your trim in the freezer for a while. That takes like 15 minutes and it would be 10x better than what you are doing.
Sorry I should have said un pure not bad. lol I don't care what you call it. I just don't think it's hash with other stuff mixed in. Just me being a purest I guess. Two knifers off this years bubble will sit you down and spin you around. That has nothing to do with method It's all in the bud. Good luck with your stuff.
So, Hint, hint... Your a pile of crap and sell shit to people that think they are getting hash? way to go brother. Let's let everyone know how to take a shit in a bucket and call it hash.
Except he's ripping his customers off by selling them crap hash and giving it a fancy name? THAT is the reason cannabis has such a bad name, unscrupulous dealers out to make an easy buck selling contaminated rubbish.
For the record OP, crack is much stronger and much more addictive than pure cocaine, it's all to do with smoking it instead of snorting it.
WHO THE HELL have I ripped off???? Customers LOVE my hash.... dummy. Have YOU ever smoked it? Didn't think so.... If you wouldn't smoke a COOKED piece of hash made of 80% trichomes/powder and 20% POWDERED leaf material (that had crystals all over them! - the leaves) then I guess you would be looking straight faced and bushy tailed, while whoever smoked it with me and I are couch cushion'd!!! Nonetheless, NO ONE is getting ripped off and "crack" is the worst known name of drug on the street around my way - so looking at it as a GREAT HASH name must mean you jump after the word crack is mentioned and start picking stuff out of the carpet that resembles it, in any shape or form. Crack is not better than any cocaine, EVER! Unless you are getting crap cocaine (cut the fuck up) and good crack. Back when everyone used to fuck with shit like that, they bought the powder JUST to make the hard... and guess what - they had to cut it to do so. Therefor making it LESS POTENT! The only way crack is better is because you get a rush, if you read this thread thinking you were going to get hash that gave you a crack rush then you should probably kill yourself. It's called crack hash because it's cut and its a PERFECT name for it.....
I do basically the same thing, but what I do is i take a soda bottle (you know the 2 liter kind) and I run it against a cheese grater and mix that into the poop weed before I press and cook it. I find the 2 liter plastic gives it that sitcky icky feel and makes people really high. -Don't hate-
god thats horrible. go read up on what can happen from smoking plastic.