The Real Seed Company (RSC)

Very interested to see these develop, they seem like a bit of a challenge inside to me.
I’m currently waiting on the mango Thai, and if I’m correct, the website says 6 months seeds to flower. Is that drastically reduced inside?
Thanks for any help mate.
Yeah I grew out a gorgeous Mango Thai a while back and actually made quite a bit of seeds off her for future projects. IIRC the males I used had some major herm action going, but I used them anyway. The girl never showed so much as a single nanner and blossomed into this huge beast, I wish I had had the time and guts to really let her finish properly. I can't remember how long in flower before I chopped er but it was a long time. Still kick myself in the ass for that - even so, smoke was nice, clear head stone. Fairly light herb you can almost smoke like cigarettes.


Looking forward to seeing how yours turn out
Get lost. Nobody needs you, your seeds, or gives a damn about you being on InstaScam.

You're advertising seeds for sale and as far as anyone knows you're just another scammer out there selling hemp seeds. If you want to advertise then do it the proper way like any legitimate individual would. As of now your just another hack with a story trying to bypass the site rules so take a hike. This thread has nothing to do with you and you have nothing to offer in this thread.

Nope, stick that ignorant, hateful response up your privileged, inexperienced, untraveled, whitebread First World ass dickwad.

"As far as anyone knows?"
Clearly you're out of touch with what M.P.G does, fool! As far as anyone knows-excepting of course, yourself- we have a four year, complaint free, track record of grower local community interaction & the likes of reputable breeders like akbeanbrains, using our stocks as baseline strains.

Sure we're promoting the real deal- hands up! Monkey Puzzle Genetics is the real deal, we are the top supplier of Cambodian unicorn genetics & it's on you, since you threw down your rubber glove, to prove otherwise.

It's our business to offer the real deal instead of zero germ, ditchweed junk, that insults the Kingdom of Kampuchea & we've spent years as well as thousands of dollars, building the integrity of our partnership with Kampuchea's top heritage grower clans.

If 'real O.Gs' (and we're calling you out as a pathetic Millennial, know-nothing, hater, living in his Mom's basement with a 1x1 tent, growing polyhyb mids, BTW and not an O.G) , if y'all want to keep on getting assfucked by tourists who are hustling you zero germ schwag-bag seeds, go on & diss us. Diss us until you piss your Abercrombie & Fitch P.Js, you sorry 1.0x1.0 tent loser, trying hard to discredit our honest commitment, you wannabe, online, keyboard warrior, P.J wearing, first-grow dipshit.

We only joined this forum on the advice of other real O.Gs who we know are the real deal (unlike you), who felt that perhaps the input of someone with four decades of experience, who's on the ground here & connected to the best sources for years, might level the playing field- sorry boys, I'm sure your intentions were honourable, but as per typical social medial form, all we got was shit-bombed by noob trolls.

Go back to your NorCal, Affie, 'Ocean Grown' samesame, dispensary grade mids & Ardjasn's fake hyprids, XTSHO! M.P.G doesn't want your business you capitalist, carpetbagging shill- you'd cross our genetics without even IBLing them first, then call them your own, in your pathetic, shameful scrabble to get a cup winning hybrid.

You're a disgraceful, disgruntled groupie & we want nothing to do with your schizophenic gushing reviews, followed by trolling, piss poor written, untrue assaults on our reputation. We choose who we sell to, and you, asshole, just cut yourself out of that number. What evidence do you have to call us out as "Another scammer out there selling hemp seeds"? That's baseless slander- go work for Trudeau!
We've got plenty to offer this forum & we're just not sitting in a pretentious, gene poaching armchair doing so either. We're at the coalface doing the hardies, to bring the world The Kingdom's best. Our message was clear & not veiled: It said we are brokers from the start.

If your dumb, troll ass had made the effort to check our credentials, you'd see we can back every word we said after that + more. we'll do everything we can, to see your prejudiced, tunnel visioned ass never gets near our genes,ever-it's a big club & you ain't in it!

Better still, why don't you get off your mighty high, prejudiced, judgemental horse & come over here to The Kingdom of Kampuchea to score some real Cambodian unicorns yourself, since you're so shithot? We'll even send some guys to pick you up at the airport- they'll be armed & possibly a little biased (much like yourself), though.

Whether you get to your hotel or end up face down with your brains fertilising a Third World toxic swamp [regeneratively], is up to how long you can keep your big mouth shut before you find yourself in the middle of Lakeside, with our name as your only referential lifeline out- and trust us, we won't be picking up when the boys call.

XTSHO, you'll never see [another] a pack from us- not of our "hemp seeds", nor any other of the unicorns we stock, you vicious little troll.

You're a backstabbing P.O.S, go fuck yourself-you two faced hypocrite. As I recall, you gushed over the beans you bought off us originally, so WTF are we to think about this left of field cry-wank bitching? Possibly because you're the gilted competition that can't match our record or come close to accessing our stock? That's our take on your vitriolic attack- what other reason could there be?

We should've stuck to our instincts & stayed well away from sticking our heads up for this needless abuse by offering experience & quality via joining a forum. We'd guessed we'd run into a no-nothing, disgruntled armchair expert before long. Keep buying from hustlers of schwag you clown, or go to a qualified source- oh hang on, that's M.P.G, who you just burned your chances with, so yeah-nah....

Either way, forums or not, business is booming & that's because we're the only trader that has what you crave: feet on the ground, with hard work providing The Real Deal. We're out. This isn't a growers forum, it's an armchair clique of wankers if you're any example- what a disgrace you are to Rollitup!

Besides,our marketing is snowballing without the help of pathetic Gen Whys like you, ya winnat. Instagram gets the job done far better & we can screen out turkeys like you a lot easier- all we have to do is look at 'Follow Requests', see 'Zero Posts' & wipe ya. We've spent years building our brand, connections & a flawless reputation. What've you got to show hater? M.P.G is a collective that'd make your entitled First World ass squirt your jocks. But troll away little lamb, don't let us stop you making yourself a fool, you clearly need no help..

Mods, by all means ban us for standing our ground, censorship is Woke after all-all we've done is defended ourselves against biased, baseless accusations such as "Selling Hemp Seed"- no evidence required. Has this dweeb even seen the latest M.P.G catalogue? Evidently not. Our post wasn't an advertising prop-we're already World famous! We're just doing our best to help. If a little self promotion slips in, sue us!

We don't give a shit: this pussy called 'XTHSO' called war & he got it- I hope Humboldt Seed Organisation [HSO] aren't associated with that piss poor handle bud- you really might get your troll ass sued if it is!

Our rep stands on itself & we don't use endlessly defunct, mindless, baseless accusatory meanderings as a marketing tool- business comes to us- except yours, which will be politely- OK rudely- declined. The genetics we've got sell, sell themselves on their own merits.

MODS: we just offered someone who'd been burned on bogus Cambodian seeds, a legitimate source, that's all; so excuse our reaction to being accused of fraudsters, but this asshole can go fuck himself- as we said, go visit our extensive I.G page to verify our authenticity.

Ban us or not, a big ethic of our business is beating off idiot CHAD buyers like this twat, with a shitty stick & we don't need forums to try to build a rep. We've already achieved that without the approval of privileged, self entitled dicks from legal states, that already belong to The Federal Govt.

The very same Federal Govt ,that not only bombed the shit out of our country illegally for ten years & has enforced its hypocritical international Drugs War policies on our administrations, while at the same time creating a market of its own, legalising across the U.S, while those of us over here still struggle to get the real deal to the millennial spawn of a corrupt, imperialist regime.

Y'all should count yourselves lucky we even mail to the States, considering Nixon & the USAF illegally dropped more bombs on Cambodia than all the combined allied forces of both world wars. That's right, the U.S murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Cambodian citizens & yet we still humbly offer you our jewels.

Have some humility!!

Still, being Buddhists, we forgive, although at times we wonder why!

Haters, hate, we've learned our lesson from trying to contribute. It seems obvious we hit a nerve, maybe your bleater is one of the scamming tourists we just outed- actually, we'd bet our best stock he is- Go Brandon, you Woke little hater.

All the best Rollitup. Sent with free thought & love. We were never in it for the money in the first place anyway.

Respect, Team M.P.G
Nope, stick that ignorant, hateful response up your privileged, inexperienced, untraveled, whitebread First World ass dickwad.

"As far as anyone knows?"
Clearly you're out of touch with what M.P.G does, fool! As far as anyone knows-excepting of course, yourself- we have a four year, complaint free, track record of grower local community interaction & the likes of reputable breeders like akbeanbrains, using our stocks as baseline strains.

Sure we're promoting the real deal- hands up! Monkey Puzzle Genetics is the real deal, we are the top supplier of Cambodian unicorn genetics & it's on you, since you threw down your rubber glove, to prove otherwise.

It's our business to offer the real deal instead of zero germ, ditchweed junk, that insults the Kingdom of Kampuchea & we've spent years as well as thousands of dollars, building the integrity of our partnership with Kampuchea's top heritage grower clans.

If 'real O.Gs' (and we're calling you out as a pathetic Millennial, know-nothing, hater, living in his Mom's basement with a 1x1 tent, growing polyhyb mids, BTW and not an O.G) , if y'all want to keep on getting assfucked by tourists who are hustling you zero germ schwag-bag seeds, go on & diss us. Diss us until you piss your Abercrombie & Fitch P.Js, you sorry 1.0x1.0 tent loser, trying hard to discredit our honest commitment, you wannabe, online, keyboard warrior, P.J wearing, first-grow dipshit.

We only joined this forum on the advice of other real O.Gs who we know are the real deal (unlike you), who felt that perhaps the input of someone with four decades of experience, who's on the ground here & connected to the best sources for years, might level the playing field- sorry boys, I'm sure your intentions were honourable, but as per typical social medial form, all we got was shit-bombed by noob trolls.

Go back to your NorCal, Affie, 'Ocean Grown' samesame, dispensary grade mids & Ardjasn's fake hyprids, XTSHO! M.P.G doesn't want your business you capitalist, carpetbagging shill- you'd cross our genetics without even IBLing them first, then call them your own, in your pathetic, shameful scrabble to get a cup winning hybrid.

You're a disgraceful, disgruntled groupie & we want nothing to do with your schizophenic gushing reviews, followed by trolling, piss poor written, untrue assaults on our reputation. We choose who we sell to, and you, asshole, just cut yourself out of that number. What evidence do you have to call us out as "Another scammer out there selling hemp seeds"? That's baseless slander- go work for Trudeau!
We've got plenty to offer this forum & we're just not sitting in a pretentious, gene poaching armchair doing so either. We're at the coalface doing the hardies, to bring the world The Kingdom's best. Our message was clear & not veiled: It said we are brokers from the start.

If your dumb, troll ass had made the effort to check our credentials, you'd see we can back every word we said after that + more. we'll do everything we can, to see your prejudiced, tunnel visioned ass never gets near our genes,ever-it's a big club & you ain't in it!

Better still, why don't you get off your mighty high, prejudiced, judgemental horse & come over here to The Kingdom of Kampuchea to score some real Cambodian unicorns yourself, since you're so shithot? We'll even send some guys to pick you up at the airport- they'll be armed & possibly a little biased (much like yourself), though.

Whether you get to your hotel or end up face down with your brains fertilising a Third World toxic swamp [regeneratively], is up to how long you can keep your big mouth shut before you find yourself in the middle of Lakeside, with our name as your only referential lifeline out- and trust us, we won't be picking up when the boys call.

XTSHO, you'll never see [another] a pack from us- not of our "hemp seeds", nor any other of the unicorns we stock, you vicious little troll.

You're a backstabbing P.O.S, go fuck yourself-you two faced hypocrite. As I recall, you gushed over the beans you bought off us originally, so WTF are we to think about this left of field cry-wank bitching? Possibly because you're the gilted competition that can't match our record or come close to accessing our stock? That's our take on your vitriolic attack- what other reason could there be?

We should've stuck to our instincts & stayed well away from sticking our heads up for this needless abuse by offering experience & quality via joining a forum. We'd guessed we'd run into a no-nothing, disgruntled armchair expert before long. Keep buying from hustlers of schwag you clown, or go to a qualified source- oh hang on, that's M.P.G, who you just burned your chances with, so yeah-nah....

Either way, forums or not, business is booming & that's because we're the only trader that has what you crave: feet on the ground, with hard work providing The Real Deal. We're out. This isn't a growers forum, it's an armchair clique of wankers if you're any example- what a disgrace you are to Rollitup!

Besides,our marketing is snowballing without the help of pathetic Gen Whys like you, ya winnat. Instagram gets the job done far better & we can screen out turkeys like you a lot easier- all we have to do is look at 'Follow Requests', see 'Zero Posts' & wipe ya. We've spent years building our brand, connections & a flawless reputation. What've you got to show hater? M.P.G is a collective that'd make your entitled First World ass squirt your jocks. But troll away little lamb, don't let us stop you making yourself a fool, you clearly need no help..

Mods, by all means ban us for standing our ground, censorship is Woke after all-all we've done is defended ourselves against biased, baseless accusations such as "Selling Hemp Seed"- no evidence required. Has this dweeb even seen the latest M.P.G catalogue? Evidently not. Our post wasn't an advertising prop-we're already World famous! We're just doing our best to help. If a little self promotion slips in, sue us!

We don't give a shit: this pussy called 'XTHSO' called war & he got it- I hope Humboldt Seed Organisation [HSO] aren't associated with that piss poor handle bud- you really might get your troll ass sued if it is!

Our rep stands on itself & we don't use endlessly defunct, mindless, baseless accusatory meanderings as a marketing tool- business comes to us- except yours, which will be politely- OK rudely- declined. The genetics we've got sell, sell themselves on their own merits.

MODS: we just offered someone who'd been burned on bogus Cambodian seeds, a legitimate source, that's all; so excuse our reaction to being accused of fraudsters, but this asshole can go fuck himself- as we said, go visit our extensive I.G page to verify our authenticity.

Ban us or not, a big ethic of our business is beating off idiot CHAD buyers like this twat, with a shitty stick & we don't need forums to try to build a rep. We've already achieved that without the approval of privileged, self entitled dicks from legal states, that already belong to The Federal Govt.

The very same Federal Govt ,that not only bombed the shit out of our country illegally for ten years & has enforced its hypocritical international Drugs War policies on our administrations, while at the same time creating a market of its own, legalising across the U.S, while those of us over here still struggle to get the real deal to the millennial spawn of a corrupt, imperialist regime.

Y'all should count yourselves lucky we even mail to the States, considering Nixon & the USAF illegally dropped more bombs on Cambodia than all the combined allied forces of both world wars. That's right, the U.S murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Cambodian citizens & yet we still humbly offer you our jewels.

Have some humility!!

Still, being Buddhists, we forgive, although at times we wonder why!

Haters, hate, we've learned our lesson from trying to contribute. It seems obvious we hit a nerve, maybe your bleater is one of the scamming tourists we just outed- actually, we'd bet our best stock he is- Go Brandon, you Woke little hater.

All the best Rollitup. Sent with free thought & love. We were never in it for the money in the first place anyway.

Respect, Team M.P.G

I looked at you're word diarrhea and decided I wasn't going to waste my time reading it.

Here is what I have to say to you and any of your instascam followers.

Kiss my ass.

You're the flatulence of the cannabis world.
Nope, stick that ignorant, hateful response up your privileged, inexperienced, untraveled, whitebread First World ass dickwad.

"As far as anyone knows?"
Clearly you're out of touch with what M.P.G does, fool! As far as anyone knows-excepting of course, yourself- we have a four year, complaint free, track record of grower local community interaction & the likes of reputable breeders like akbeanbrains, using our stocks as baseline strains.

Sure we're promoting the real deal- hands up! Monkey Puzzle Genetics is the real deal, we are the top supplier of Cambodian unicorn genetics & it's on you, since you threw down your rubber glove, to prove otherwise.

It's our business to offer the real deal instead of zero germ, ditchweed junk, that insults the Kingdom of Kampuchea & we've spent years as well as thousands of dollars, building the integrity of our partnership with Kampuchea's top heritage grower clans.

If 'real O.Gs' (and we're calling you out as a pathetic Millennial, know-nothing, hater, living in his Mom's basement with a 1x1 tent, growing polyhyb mids, BTW and not an O.G) , if y'all want to keep on getting assfucked by tourists who are hustling you zero germ schwag-bag seeds, go on & diss us. Diss us until you piss your Abercrombie & Fitch P.Js, you sorry 1.0x1.0 tent loser, trying hard to discredit our honest commitment, you wannabe, online, keyboard warrior, P.J wearing, first-grow dipshit.

We only joined this forum on the advice of other real O.Gs who we know are the real deal (unlike you), who felt that perhaps the input of someone with four decades of experience, who's on the ground here & connected to the best sources for years, might level the playing field- sorry boys, I'm sure your intentions were honourable, but as per typical social medial form, all we got was shit-bombed by noob trolls.

Go back to your NorCal, Affie, 'Ocean Grown' samesame, dispensary grade mids & Ardjasn's fake hyprids, XTSHO! M.P.G doesn't want your business you capitalist, carpetbagging shill- you'd cross our genetics without even IBLing them first, then call them your own, in your pathetic, shameful scrabble to get a cup winning hybrid.

You're a disgraceful, disgruntled groupie & we want nothing to do with your schizophenic gushing reviews, followed by trolling, piss poor written, untrue assaults on our reputation. We choose who we sell to, and you, asshole, just cut yourself out of that number. What evidence do you have to call us out as "Another scammer out there selling hemp seeds"? That's baseless slander- go work for Trudeau!
We've got plenty to offer this forum & we're just not sitting in a pretentious, gene poaching armchair doing so either. We're at the coalface doing the hardies, to bring the world The Kingdom's best. Our message was clear & not veiled: It said we are brokers from the start.

If your dumb, troll ass had made the effort to check our credentials, you'd see we can back every word we said after that + more. we'll do everything we can, to see your prejudiced, tunnel visioned ass never gets near our genes,ever-it's a big club & you ain't in it!

Better still, why don't you get off your mighty high, prejudiced, judgemental horse & come over here to The Kingdom of Kampuchea to score some real Cambodian unicorns yourself, since you're so shithot? We'll even send some guys to pick you up at the airport- they'll be armed & possibly a little biased (much like yourself), though.

Whether you get to your hotel or end up face down with your brains fertilising a Third World toxic swamp [regeneratively], is up to how long you can keep your big mouth shut before you find yourself in the middle of Lakeside, with our name as your only referential lifeline out- and trust us, we won't be picking up when the boys call.

XTSHO, you'll never see [another] a pack from us- not of our "hemp seeds", nor any other of the unicorns we stock, you vicious little troll.

You're a backstabbing P.O.S, go fuck yourself-you two faced hypocrite. As I recall, you gushed over the beans you bought off us originally, so WTF are we to think about this left of field cry-wank bitching? Possibly because you're the gilted competition that can't match our record or come close to accessing our stock? That's our take on your vitriolic attack- what other reason could there be?

We should've stuck to our instincts & stayed well away from sticking our heads up for this needless abuse by offering experience & quality via joining a forum. We'd guessed we'd run into a no-nothing, disgruntled armchair expert before long. Keep buying from hustlers of schwag you clown, or go to a qualified source- oh hang on, that's M.P.G, who you just burned your chances with, so yeah-nah....

Either way, forums or not, business is booming & that's because we're the only trader that has what you crave: feet on the ground, with hard work providing The Real Deal. We're out. This isn't a growers forum, it's an armchair clique of wankers if you're any example- what a disgrace you are to Rollitup!

Besides,our marketing is snowballing without the help of pathetic Gen Whys like you, ya winnat. Instagram gets the job done far better & we can screen out turkeys like you a lot easier- all we have to do is look at 'Follow Requests', see 'Zero Posts' & wipe ya. We've spent years building our brand, connections & a flawless reputation. What've you got to show hater? M.P.G is a collective that'd make your entitled First World ass squirt your jocks. But troll away little lamb, don't let us stop you making yourself a fool, you clearly need no help..

Mods, by all means ban us for standing our ground, censorship is Woke after all-all we've done is defended ourselves against biased, baseless accusations such as "Selling Hemp Seed"- no evidence required. Has this dweeb even seen the latest M.P.G catalogue? Evidently not. Our post wasn't an advertising prop-we're already World famous! We're just doing our best to help. If a little self promotion slips in, sue us!

We don't give a shit: this pussy called 'XTHSO' called war & he got it- I hope Humboldt Seed Organisation [HSO] aren't associated with that piss poor handle bud- you really might get your troll ass sued if it is!

Our rep stands on itself & we don't use endlessly defunct, mindless, baseless accusatory meanderings as a marketing tool- business comes to us- except yours, which will be politely- OK rudely- declined. The genetics we've got sell, sell themselves on their own merits.

MODS: we just offered someone who'd been burned on bogus Cambodian seeds, a legitimate source, that's all; so excuse our reaction to being accused of fraudsters, but this asshole can go fuck himself- as we said, go visit our extensive I.G page to verify our authenticity.

Ban us or not, a big ethic of our business is beating off idiot CHAD buyers like this twat, with a shitty stick & we don't need forums to try to build a rep. We've already achieved that without the approval of privileged, self entitled dicks from legal states, that already belong to The Federal Govt.

The very same Federal Govt ,that not only bombed the shit out of our country illegally for ten years & has enforced its hypocritical international Drugs War policies on our administrations, while at the same time creating a market of its own, legalising across the U.S, while those of us over here still struggle to get the real deal to the millennial spawn of a corrupt, imperialist regime.

Y'all should count yourselves lucky we even mail to the States, considering Nixon & the USAF illegally dropped more bombs on Cambodia than all the combined allied forces of both world wars. That's right, the U.S murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Cambodian citizens & yet we still humbly offer you our jewels.

Have some humility!!

Still, being Buddhists, we forgive, although at times we wonder why!

Haters, hate, we've learned our lesson from trying to contribute. It seems obvious we hit a nerve, maybe your bleater is one of the scamming tourists we just outed- actually, we'd bet our best stock he is- Go Brandon, you Woke little hater.

All the best Rollitup. Sent with free thought & love. We were never in it for the money in the first place anyway.

Respect, Team M.P.G
I can vouch for Steve and Monkey Puzzle Genetics, honest straight-up guy with great service, communication and holder of some genuine fire landrace genetics that's for sure.
Steve's straight. He lives in, (and ships from), Cambodia, so it's hard to argue that his stuff isn't as genuine as it gets. He gave AKBB the Sunrise Thai he uses in some crosses too, so there's that... maybe he shouldn't have posted anything about personal sales in the RSC thread, but I don't think he meant to step on anyone's toes...
Back to RSC
Steve's straight. He lives in, (and ships from), Cambodia, so it's hard to argue that his stuff isn't as genuine as it gets. He gave AKBB the Sunrise Thai he uses in some crosses too, so there's that... maybe he shouldn't have posted anything about personal sales in the RSC thread, but I don't think he meant to step on anyone's toes...
Back to RSC
I believe you then...
It's a shame RSC only takes credit card. On second thought, I have too many seeds and no money to spare, so maybe it isn't.
I believe you then...
It's a shame RSC only takes credit card. On second thought, I have too many seeds and no money to spare, so maybe it isn't.
Kwik Seeds is the same company, and they have other payment options. I'm with you on over buying... I recently just spent around a grand on seeds from kwik, mandala, and mr nice. Totally broke, and still waiting to see what else I'm going to buy on 420... it's truly crazy.

Anyway, I've ordered from monkeypuzzle, and the package came from Cambodia alright... I posted this in the latest purchase thread when I got it, but maybe it'll help to post here too:
(Not to take anything away from RSC or their business, just saying it's always nice to have somebody out there who lives in the area where the beans are sourced. I'd like to do that in South America someday... just go around on like a 3-5 year trip, searching for the best the continent has to offer... it's a pipe dream for now, but maybe someday.)
Kwik Seeds is the same company, and they have other payment options. I'm with you on over buying... I recently just spent around a grand on seeds from kwik, mandala, and mr nice. Totally broke, and still waiting to see what else I'm going to buy on 420... it's truly crazy.

Anyway, I've ordered from monkeypuzzle, and the package came from Cambodia alright... I posted this in the latest purchase thread when I got it, but maybe it'll help to post here too:
View attachment 5088746
(Not to take anything away from RSC or their business, just saying it's always nice to have somebody out there who lives in the area where the beans are sourced. I'd like to do that in South America someday... just go around on like a 3-5 year trip, searching for the best the continent has to offer... it's a pipe dream for now, but maybe someday.)
thanks for the tips. Shit $1K on seeds is serious.
Yeah i seen your pics on here and on icmag too there looking good bud hope you find a nice higher thc pheno as well as some nice thc/ cbd balanced phenos
Someone on ICmag found the fabled rose/Turkish delight plant in his F2 seeds I believe. Which is excellent and shows it’s definitely in there.
There another great thread on there, a guy has some vintage Afghani seeds that have a very high amount of geraniol which is more than likely whats responsible for the rose/Turkish delight flavour and smells.
It also seems a very uncommon scent flavour in cannabis.
The quest continues…
The highland Thai is coming along. I only got one female but that's all I need to make more seed.



The Sinai reproduction went well and I got a ton of seeds. These are just what fell out in the tray. I'll probably end up with at least 5 times this many once I get them all out of the bud.

The highland Thai is coming along. I only got one female but that's all I need to make more seed.



The Sinai reproduction went well and I got a ton of seeds. These are just what fell out in the tray. I'll probably end up with at least 5 times this many once I get them all out of the bud.

Nice man i just got some tora bora x pck and johar and afghan mix freebies i already got a pile of the afghans but more doesnt hurt :bigjoint:
Nice man i just got some tora bora x pck and johar and afghan mix freebies i already got a pile of the afghans but more doesnt hurt :bigjoint:

I'm doing reproductions as fast as I can but I'm still extremely backed up. I'm going to take a couple cuttings off of the Highland Thai and make some fem seeds as well. I have a couple friends that want it but they need feminized seeds. They're not the best growers and I told them that it might not be a good strain for them to grow but they want it anyway. One guy is my salmon source so I'm guaranteed a salmon for some seeds. I can cook the salmon. We'll find out if he can handle growing a temperamental, long flowering sativa.

The highland Thai is coming along. I only got one female but that's all I need to make more seed.



The Sinai reproduction went well and I got a ton of seeds. These are just what fell out in the tray. I'll probably end up with at least 5 times this many once I get them all out of the bud.


I'm doing reproductions as fast as I can but I'm still extremely backed up. I'm going to take a couple cuttings off of the Highland Thai and make some fem seeds as well. I have a couple friends that want it but they need feminized seeds. They're not the best growers and I told them that it might not be a good strain for them to grow but they want it anyway. One guy is my salmon source so I'm guaranteed a salmon for some seeds. I can cook the salmon. We'll find out if he can handle growing a temperamental, long flowering sativa.

I wonder if ul bang into any juicyfruit thai type phenos was highland thai there from and good luck to them aint easiest strain to grow for sure
I wonder if ul bang into any juicyfruit thai type phenos was highland thai there from

We'll find out. I'm going to mix the pollen from multiple males to pollinate with. But who knows when I'll get back to growing any of the seeds to find out. It's probably going to be a couple years before I revisit the Highland Thai. I'm also going to do a double cross with ACE Malawi. Probably just a couple flowers on the Highland Thai but I'm going to dump some Highland Thai pollen on a Malawi female and then cross that with the IBL Durbistan I made which would then have Durban, PCK, Thai, and Malawi genetics in the lineage. After that I'm probably going to introduce some Kerala, Guatemala or Honduras, and Mazar I Sharif. That's still a couple years out before that can be accomplished. This stuff takes time. I might be a pollen chucker but there is a method to my madness.