The real story on Mexican Marijuana

cartel weed is caca!!!!!! untill they start growing indicas and kushes and growing them right and sending it up north unbricked and cheap they can eat a dick

Indica is garbage, anybody who says "bro you should grow sum kushes" is inexperenced and dosent deserve to talk.

They do grow indicas aswell as autoflowering strains. Afghani genitics where integrated into there sativa strains long ago.
im in cen cal there is such an abundance of local high quality outdoor stuff cheap as hell its unreal its still available now i just lost out on a sale because $1000.00 a lb. obama bud around here mexican schwag just dont cut it
all mexican weed isnt low in quality back in the early 80s i had a ''stickless thai'' connection the price was cheap the buds were potent & smelled like chocolate i made good money on the stuff for about 3 years it had seeds in it & the buds were long & dense then [84 or 85] the product changed to almost seedless dense green buds a little bigger than your thumb that had a green apple smell to it once again the price was reasonable & the quality was good & the run lasted about 3 years its not that they arent capable of producing dank stuff weed takes way more room to transport i think there is more money for them in heroin, cocaine & meth
all mexican weed isnt low in quality back in the early 80s i had a ''stickless thai'' connection the price was cheap the buds were potent & smelled like chocolate i made good money on the stuff for about 3 years it had seeds in it & the buds were long & dense then [84 or 85] the product changed to almost seedless dense green buds a little bigger than your thumb that had a green apple smell to it once again the price was reasonable & the quality was good & the run lasted about 3 years its not that they arent capable of producing dank stuff weed takes way more room to transport i think there is more money for them in heroin, cocaine & meth

The cartels main export is meth now days. its 300% mark up. They buy the chemicals for pennys from china and india and brew it in giant steel pots in the jungle. The chemicals are so easy to get it isnt even funny. Alibaba and ec21 being the most common sorce. El chapo is the main guy in the mexican meth trade aswell as all the other markets. ( herion, pills, marijuana, cocaine, ketamine, etc.)
In my opinion all the recent allowence and tolerence of marijuana in america is a just to help boost our bad economy. The goverment sits back and collects tons of federal tax dollars and only bust those who get too arrogant or loud. Just keep your mouth shut and pay your dues and uncle sam will look the other way. The medical marijuana system in america is a scam. A gold rush for a failing country who's people love marijuana and will fight for it.

Mexico, India, Africa and South America Are home to some of the most amazing landrace marijuana you'll ever smoke. Good marijuana is grown outdoors but not native to the usa. all the good strains have been imported, tweeked and bred to perfection, and reproduced as high thc, unstable hybrids.

if you do not understand marijuana you can never understand my threads so dont bother. Marijuana is not just a weed but a labrynth of endless results.
Someone's lame ass name for an OG cut.

Obama is a piece of shit, and completely lied about his non-intervention policy in regard to federal crackdown on state's dispensaries and patients.
obama does suck but more importantly the whole governement sucks. they do things to please them selfs not help the country.
In my opinion all the recent allowence and tolerence of marijuana in america is a just to help boost our bad economy. The goverment sits back and collects tons of federal tax dollars and only bust those who get too arrogant or loud. Just keep your mouth shut and pay your dues and uncle sam will look the other way. The medical marijuana system in america is a scam. A gold rush for a failing country who's people love marijuana and will fight for it.

Mexico, India, Africa and South America Are home to some of the most amazing landrace marijuana you'll ever smoke. Good marijuana is grown outdoors but not native to the usa. all the good strains have been imported, tweeked and bred to perfection, and reproduced as high thc, unstable hybrids.

if you do not understand marijuana you can never understand my threads so dont bother. Marijuana is not just a weed but a labrynth of endless results.

I like this post. <3
All that crap they keep playing on tv is bullshit. I love it how they find million dollar grows but nobody working them, its all staged and a show they put on for the cameras.

I don't think you know how cartels work. Reason why no one can catch them in there gorilla grows is because they have strategic look out points. They can see DEA coming a mile away and there is plenty of surveillance video of them growing its not staged at all. According to current statistics 60% of all cartel profit comes from weed. They may be banking off meth but there is way more demand for weed which adds up more money.
I wouldn't neccesarily say Indica is garbage because I have a bad case of insomnia and I like the way it produces and it's what all these novice smokers that buy it look for. I am getting quite sick of the word kush though. But yeah, if you don't know the difference between a good sativa and some overated mainstream kush variety then I don't really value your opinions either. All I can say is thank god for Early Pearl and the handfull of early sativas I can grow where I live. And yeah, mexican brick is shit. At least lately. My aunt gave me and my cousin a pound of it to sell for rent money and nobody wanted it. I smoked a joint to myself and barely cought a buzz. Obama is just a puppet anyways. Kind of a clever stunt they pulled though with the black candidate locking in nearly 90% of so called minororities votes when the real minority is the white man. Just watchem rig this next election when almost all the online polls and most of the military (the ones that actually know whats going on) support Ron Paul. I find it hard to believe that America, the most productive country in the world is in debt. The real terrorists are in the white house and the war is on our soil.
I don't think you know how cartels work. Reason why no one can catch them in there gorilla grows is because they have strategic look out points. They can see DEA coming a mile away and there is plenty of surveillance video of them growing its not staged at all. According to current statistics 60% of all cartel profit comes from weed. They may be banking off meth but there is way more demand for weed which adds up more money.
imo there is no reason the cartels would grow in the US. Theyd do it in mexico, where life is cheap, and so is buying the government. Plus plenty of land, ive seen a whole hillside of weedwhen I was on vacation-
imo there is no reason the cartels would grow in the US. Theyd do it in mexico, where life is cheap, and so is buying the government. Plus plenty of land, ive seen a whole hillside of weedwhen I was on vacation-

My guess is that the main reason they would grow in the US is because the biggest challenge to distributing their product is getting it across the border. If they grow inside the US border, they reduce the transportation risk significantly.