It's weirder than that.Your hairs all seem to be white still. My trics don't seem to want to turn amber at all until almost all of the hairs have turned
Trichs on the bottom have less amber. I took small leaf cutting to look under 30x loupe and found it to only be about 5-10% amber. Trichs along the bottom of the leaf were clear.So even tho your hair colors are different on top than bottom are the trichs different on top than they are on the bottom?
Awesome! Out of curiosity why do you use a rack instead of hanging them?
Shouldn't be to hard, I still have other weed to smoke.They look awesome. Now comes the hard part of just letting them sit around trimmed and in jars but still unsmokeable, keep it up and can't wait for the next one to get started
I am. I take the buds fully out once a day and let the jar air out for a bit before re-packing. I'll keep doing this until I'm happy with the moisture carfel of mold mate it looks packed that pal...
I've found it good for long term storage. I've got a smoke report in my sig for some weed that I had stored for 2 years this way and recently found another jar that had been stored for 4.5 years. Both were very smokeable. The 4.5 year jar frankly knocked me on my ass. As for getting rid of the air, I use one of these, which has worked very well.Out of curiosity what does taking the air out do for them? Im guessing you use a canning tool, I wanted to try this but haven't found a canner