• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Ron Paul thread.... Post all Related Information here

desert dude

Well-Known Member
yes, and the winner in florida will certainly get above 25%, as is the case when the field narrows.

ronald the millionaire is not capable of breaking 25% in a state like florida even if he poured all his limited money and resources into it.

the story would not be too different in a general election. suppose it is ronald 1 on 1 versus obama in florida. he will motivate lifelong democratic jews, hispanics, government workers and the like to flock to obama and win the state.

whether you agree with his views on israel/iran or not, they hurt him bad in florida. THAT is why he is skipping it. ronald will NEVER win florida.

it does make sense if all you want to do is amass delegates with no chance of ever gaining the nomination.

ronald has basically said he knows he won't win. all he is doing is trying to build his "movement". he is winning at that, i will cede that he is winning in that respect. but the movement he is giving rise to would fare better if the torch were handed to someone who doesn't have so many downsides.

many people would, but he will simply not have that chance. and if he did by some odd fluke, florida would hand obama four more years guaranteed.
RP does better with Democrats against Obama than he does with Repulicans, so you are right, "many people wpuld".

personally, I don't buy the, "you can't win without state X" argument. Fuck Florida. Vote your own conscience. If you are OK with our current economic trajectory and sticking it to the next generation, and depriving current savers of a realistic return on their savings, then vote Obama. If you want a batshit crazy, war mongering philanderer, then vote for Gingrich. If you want a smiling liar who will happily suck your dick for your vote, then vote Romney. If you want a guy who adheres to the constitution and who is telling the honest truth about our economy, then vote Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th.

The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul

The 420 Message

Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis.
For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference.

The 420 Message Statistically it is reported that there are 30 million people in the United States that use Marijuana, which is approximately 10% of the population. It is however approx. 36% of the total votes cast in the 2008 Presidential Election. It screams the question, Why is Marijuana still illegal in the USA?

Because these 30 million people have simply never united to make their voices heard. The 420 Message is a movement started to do just that. It is designed to very simply send a strong message to ALL Politicians that the time has come to actually make a change that matters. This is not about making it legal for a bunch of stoners to get high. It is about building a positive future in the United States and creating new jobs, even new industries. Are you aware that the US has spent 14 Billion Dollars importing Hemp from Canada? That the first car built by Henry Ford had a body made from Hemp (stronger than fiberglass) and that it ran on Hemp Oil (bio-fuel)? That Hemp can be used to make paper & clothing. There are over 100 known positive uses of Marijuana/Hemp beyond the positive medical uses, it is time that this taxpayers money pit be abolished once and for all.

The war on drugs has failed and there is absolutly no sound reason why Marijuana is listed as a schedule 1 drug. All that needs to happen to make a positive change is to change the schedule rating. And yet here we are in what some believe to be the best Country on Earth with our Courts and Prisons swelling to the bursting point over what is very clearly a victimless crime. Taxpayer Dollars wasted every day over a plant that could actually help us out of our current economic stress.

How can we help you ask? The 420 Message is a very simple movement, all you need to do is Donate $4.20 to Politicians of YOUR choice on 4-20-2012. Want to Donate more? Do so in 420 increments, $4.20, $42.00, $420.00, etc. If each of the statistically mentioned 30 million Marijuana users donated just $4.20 it would equal $126 Million Dollars. That is a Message that the Politicians will understand. Even better would be to donate $4.20 every week from now till April and even beyond if you are so inclined to do so? Simple actually, you'd only be giving up say a BigMac once a week.

Get involved, Ask the questions, Make YOUR Donations to Politicians that support Marijuana Legalization. In the current Presidential Election it is very clear that only one candidate supports this, Dr. Ron Paul. But The 420 Message is not trying to promote a single candidate and we believe that this should not be limited to just the Presidential Election. Rather it should extend to ALL elected Government Officials, National, State and even County.

It is clearly time for a change and as one of the largest minorities in this great country, it is time for us to send the message. Make your voices heard, tell every one you know about the 420 Message, spread the word, make the donation, tell the Politicians how YOU feel !!!

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams



Well-Known Member
Florida is a winner take all primary. He's going for states where it's divided by the % you get not winner takes all.
he could pour unlimited money into florida and never win because his israel/iran views are not welcome there. he would lose it in a general too, thus making him unelectable.


Well-Known Member
he could pour unlimited money into Florida and never win because his israel/iran views are not welcome there. he would lose it in a general too, thus making him unelectable.
Even though Isreal says 'we're fine, let us be'.
You're right.


Active Member
UB is right. Although alot of right minded people agree with ron paul about out bases and support, the general american public, don't understand that we're not needed in so many areas, that were not wanted and no longer looked up to. The rhetoric that we have to lead by example and american exceptionalism has gone crazy.


Obama reneged on his medical marijuana, your grow is still illegal in the federal eyes.

What? Your championing a move that actually widened highways? I though he was for combating pollution. Would someone explain to me how making a highway bigger would reduce pollution?

Your championing a democrat for substantial tax breaks? What? You should be a republican, tax breaks across the board. Taxes shouldn't be a problem, you should

WHY? Can't your wife get insurance? Since when? EVERYBODY IS/WAS eligible for life insurance? You'll forgive me, if your particular insurer you were chasing had a clause that said if you had panic attacks you couldn't get it. But the way it looks, someone was just too cheap to cough up premiums for LIFE INSURANCE. You could have shopped around for a panic attack friendly firm. (Once again I apologise profusely if there is a scumbag insurer that refused to insure, I personally know of none that would do that). My grandmother had a heart attack, (bless her soul) when she was 34, condition. She still managed to get insurance, post.

College education was never that expensive, whats changed with college tuition? Last time I checked nothing has been set in concrete, so this is just more spin hes putting that will "eventually" become law.

And no, he reneged on a deal to provide maternal, paternal and any family leave. Hes reneged on many of his promises, the only wins that democrats can stand on a flimsy ground are creating 2.5 million jobs, what he fails to mention is that out of those 2 million new workers are now out of work.

We were supposed to win the future! Now we are seeing a shift from winning the future to winning reelection. And don't give me that its congresses fault bullshit, this is a president that rebuffs any attempt at a bipartisan approach to any solution. The rebublicans have always stood there with their hand open. But obama just wants to smear them. I'm not black and white either, there are so many republicans that I despise, John Boehner & Rudy Juliani, are some.

Not to mention this is a president, who says he can decide what is constitutional and what isn't? Take your pick impeachment or a constitutional redraft.

And stop saying millionaire ronald. Hes a doctor, hes gained his money from hard work and doing an honest job. And hes net worth is still a lot less then obamas (before election at 10.5 million), same goes for mitt romney who collects a cool half a billion. Whiles ron paul is only estimated at 3 million. On a doctors salary, not from some behind the scenes lazy work, he actually helps people. If you want to talk about money, shove these hard facts down your throat. Obama has increased our debt more then the last 43 presidents combined. IN JUST HIS FIRST TERM. People talk about W. increasing the debt, but he had two terms.. where he spent more during the second then the first. And still obama rolls over that with so called stimulus spending. Where the economy is still expected to roll into freefall this new year. That is hilarious, if this is the man you think should be president AGAIN? Get ready because your worth, your neighbours worth, everybodys worth, rich, poor, republican, democrat, black, white, Is going to go down, and you can kid yourself all you want. And obamaites can pretend that they still have the democratic vote locked down, but realisticly, the dissasisfaction is seeing them, deserting in droves to the republicans, or to just not vote.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I'll just leave this here



Well-Known Member
Obama reneged on his medical marijuana, your grow is still illegal in the federal eyes.
at no point was it not, but the holder memo still applies, but only to those in full compliance with state laws.

What? Your championing a move that actually widened highways? I though he was for combating pollution. Would someone explain to me how making a highway bigger would reduce pollution?
they widened the highway where it bottlenecked on the way out of town. it was outdated and based on populations of decades gone by. they widened it for the expanded population, and now people sit in traffic and idle less, wasting less gas. that's how.

public infrastructure is always a good investment.

Your championing a democrat for substantial tax breaks? What? You should be a republican, tax breaks across the board. Taxes shouldn't be a problem, you should
republicans only like tax breaks that they propose. we had to fight tooth and nail to get the payroll tax cuts extended due to republican obstructionism.

WHY? Can't your wife get insurance? Since when? EVERYBODY IS/WAS eligible for life insurance? You'll forgive me, if your particular insurer you were chasing had a clause that said if you had panic attacks you couldn't get it. But the way it looks, someone was just too cheap to cough up premiums for LIFE INSURANCE. You could have shopped around for a panic attack friendly firm. (Once again I apologise profusely if there is a scumbag insurer that refused to insure, I personally know of none that would do that). My grandmother had a heart attack, (bless her soul) when she was 34, condition. She still managed to get insurance, post.
health insurance, not life insurance.

and yes, even with her willingness to spend lots of money to procure it, she was unable and thus had to leave her substantial assets at risk if she ever got sick/injured.

College education was never that expensive, whats changed with college tuition? Last time I checked nothing has been set in concrete, so this is just more spin hes putting that will "eventually" become law.
well, fact is that obama has made it easier to pay for college. don't know what else to say.

And no, he reneged on a deal to provide maternal, paternal and any family leave. Hes reneged on many of his promises, the only wins that democrats can stand on a flimsy ground are creating 2.5 million jobs, what he fails to mention is that out of those 2 million new workers are now out of work.
he has been better at keeping his promises than reneging on them.

We were supposed to win the future! Now we are seeing a shift from winning the future to winning reelection. And don't give me that its congresses fault bullshit, this is a president that rebuffs any attempt at a bipartisan approach to any solution. The rebublicans have always stood there with their hand open. But obama just wants to smear them. I'm not black and white either, there are so many republicans that I despise, John Boehner & Rudy Juliani, are some.
are you trying to argue with a straight face that the republicans have been anything but unwilling to work with the president, even on ideas that used to be theirs? cool story.

i mean, it was an ordeal just to get help for 9/11 first responders. i mean, 9/11 first responders? give me a fucking break.

And stop saying millionaire ronald.
no dice. ronald is a millionaire, so there is nothing wrong with calling him "ronald the millionaire".

...shove these hard facts down your throat. Obama has increased our debt more then the last 43 presidents combined. IN JUST HIS FIRST TERM.
besides the stimulus, what part of that spending was signed into law by obama?

if you look at it honestly, the stimulus was about the only new spending obama signed into law. most of it was tax breaks and investments. investments are much different from spending.

for example, instead of spending my tax breaks form the stimulus on an awesome cowboy hat or the world's smallest violin, i bought big fancy lights, a greenhouse...things that paid themselves back many times over.

just like when you widen the highway, it pays itself back because companies waste less money on gas due to sitting in traffic. i don't like the idea of a company passing on costs to me the consumer because they had to sit on an outdated highway and idle, wasting gas, driving up costs.

thanks for your brilliant analysis, hannity.


Active Member
Don't give me that hannity bullshit (I hate that ass). Sorry life insurance, still... I can see it applying to health insurance mind you. No he hasn't made it easier to pay for college. He's just said and outlined rules about it, which he probably won't follow through with. I'll agree with you that he has been better at keeping then reneging. Yes I'am willing to argue that republicans want to work with the president, show me a single bill that has passed that they have flat out rejected without any deal to change abit of it. Umm yeah the stimulus that caused a massive debt hole. Pumping into industries that are past their prime. Bailing out mismanaged companies that were "Too big to fail" FUCK THAT SHIT. THATS MY FUCKING MONEY WHY THE FUCK DOES IT GO TO SOME, BIGHEADED WALL ST. EXEC WHO DIDN'T FUCKING DO THEIR JOB PROPERLY. Not to mention Obama leaves a huge room for this to repeat itself in the future, where the dodd-frank bill guarantees taxpayer bailout on larger institutions.

The fact of the matter is we were promised change from the hated elements of the w. regime, instead obama actually expanded on those parts we hate most about bush. Why was he bailing out companies, why was he in libya, why do I have less rights? I mean let me reiterate on the constitution, obama openly declares he can decide what is constitutional.

You can say what you want but "Worst pres" sticks to him like glue, if you can find any of our 43 presidents, that was worse, I'd be glad to take you up on that.


Active Member
Does he support usury? He supports if you borrow money you should be prepared to pay whatever interest is charged. Its your responsibility not the states.

last one for now.

i was looking for retarded girl memes, and for some reason ronald kept popping up.

Instead of seeing the seperation of church and state, we have this interwoven position where religion plays heavily on politics. Like it or not its true, This statement shows you where we have differed from our path, we're very anti-anti-american or.. (american.. lol). But when talking about the state and religion. Ron Paul argues that state should be relatively small, so the real issues of abortion and drugs are controlled by morality.

Jersey Shore... does anyone watch that crap, I can't stand it, I thought only teenage/college girls watched it. If anything the show he would watch all day is american dad, or family guy. He seems like the kind of guy to appreciate cartoons.

Another set of UB fails.. ;)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Really? We are going to defend Ron Paul saying church and state shouldn't be separate now?

Wow. You guys will literally defend ANYTHING regardless of what he says. If Romney or Obama would have said the exact same thing you guys would be having seizures right now. But since Ron Paul says it, you agree.

Yeah.... You guys are really thinking for yourselves....

If you're wondering why I call you guys cultists, let this be exhibition A.