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Ron Paul To Everyone But Mitt: Drop Out

Rep. Ron Paul's campaign called on the rest of the Republican field to drop out of the race and unite behind him in order to defeat Mitt Romney.“We urge Ron Paul’s opponents who have been unsuccessfully trying to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney to unite by getting out of the race and uniting behind Paul’s candidacy,” campaign chair Jesse Benton said in a statement.
ARG poll
January 13th Wow look at the RP surge

Mitt Romney
29% (-2)
Newt Gingrich 25% (+1)
Ron Paul 20% (+11)
Rick Perry 9% (+7)
Rick Santorum 7% (-17)
Jon Huntsman 1% (-1)
Lol Pimpin for Paul

ARG poll
January 13th Wow look at the RP surge

Mitt Romney
29% (-2)
Newt Gingrich 25% (+1)
Ron Paul 20% (+11)
Rick Perry 9% (+7)
Rick Santorum 7% (-17)
Jon Huntsman 1% (-1)

that poll is an outlier. all the other polls, more recent and less recent, have paul at about 15% or so, although he will likely get closer to 20% on tuesday.

ron paul is not surging, he is holding steady.
Lol Pimpin for Paul

Those are much better looking whores than the ones in San Diego and the Sunset Strip.
that poll is an outlier. all the other polls, more recent and less recent, have paul at about 15% or so, although he will likely get closer to 20% on tuesday.

ron paul is not surging, he is holding steady.
Uncle Buck admits Ron Paul is "wholding steady" and that one in five people will realize he is the best choice to represent the country- This from one of Ron Pauls greatest detractors sounds like a win to me
Uncle Buck admits Ron Paul is "wholding steady" and that one in five people will realize he is the best choice to represent the country- This from one of Ron Pauls greatest detractors sounds like a win to me

he's been doing at least 5-10% better than i thought he would be, but 20% still won't earn you a nomination. maybe a good speech at the convention.
he's been doing at least 5-10% better than i thought he would be, but 20% still won't earn you a nomination. maybe a good speech at the convention.

I hope several of our future leaders are watching each of his speeches in admiration
Doctor Pauls message is truly spreading and he is making waves in the senate...Just look at this Texas Senatorial Debate where every candidate backs Ron Paul :)


Ron Paul on FreedomWatch Today:

Hell, every politician probably wishes they were pimpin' for Paul at the Bunny Ranch.

I bet a lot of them go there and don't realize they are donating to the honest guy that won't sign on with them on corrupt bills buahhaa

Today a former Bush staffer explains how Ron Paul can't be bought off...he says they never even approached him because they knew he stood by his principles and is an honest man.

Just an example of who is in the reality seat.

Romney on MMJ -

Paul on MMJ -

But, it goes way, way deeper than that.
One changes ideas like the weather,, the other has been pushing for the same ideals for decades!

What's with "the Romney smile"? He have a face lift to freeze it that way?

We know how well congress got us into this mess along with fighting for Party Points with Obama at American's expense. Promoting Romney is like saying " Thank you sir,, may I have more?" Absolutely crazy to think Romney is anything more than simply the same old same old.

  • One changes ideas like the weather,, the other has been pushing for the same ideals for decades!​

And the one that hasnt changed ideas in a decade still wont win. Maybe next decade....
What is this about?

The event will take place on Sunday, January 15th at 6:00 p.m. at the Palisades Conference Center. Event details are here.

From Dr. Paul's email yesterday...
"The South Carolina Republican Primary is just one week from today.
Coming off my strong finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, recent South Carolina polls show I’ve surged into third place and am rising.
And tomorrow in Myrtle Beach, I’m hosting a rally, where I’ll be making a MAJOR campaign announcement that’s sure to rock the political establishment and boost me even further in the polls.
Can I count on you to be there?

Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the rally begins at 6:00 p.m.
You can get directions HERE.
Tomorrow night’s rally and announcement are something you don’t want to miss.
I hope to see you there.
Together, you and I can Restore America NOW!
For Liberty,
Ron Paul"
SC: Senator Tom Davis one of the huge tea party champion leaders endorses RON PAUL


What is this about?

The event will take place on Sunday, January 15th at 6:00 p.m. at the Palisades Conference Center. Event details are here.

From Dr. Paul's email yesterday...
"The South Carolina Republican Primary is just one week from today.
Coming off my strong finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, recent South Carolina polls show I’ve surged into third place and am rising.
And tomorrow in Myrtle Beach, I’m hosting a rally, where I’ll be making a MAJOR campaign announcement that’s sure to rock the political establishment and boost me even further in the polls.
Can I count on you to be there?

Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the rally begins at 6:00 p.m.
You can get directions HERE.
Tomorrow night’s rally and announcement are something you don’t want to miss.
I hope to see you there.
Together, you and I can Restore America NOW!
For Liberty,
Ron Paul"