The RUI Skate thread.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
i used to skate back in the day. not board thought. blades. after i hurt my wrist i slowly slowed down. havent been on my skates in years. probably about 8 years. Still have them too.


Active Member
i used to skate back in the day. not board thought. blades. after i hurt my wrist i slowly slowed down. havent been on my skates in years. probably about 8 years. Still have them too.

I have no problem with bladers, although from what i seen there suppose to be a mutual "hate" , I've broken 5 bones, atm its okay, but i know when i get older, I'm gunna regret it hah.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
I have no problem with bladers, although from what i seen there suppose to be a mutual "hate" , I've broken 5 bones, atm its okay, but i know when i get older, I'm gunna regret it hah.
yea man every time the weather changes my wrist acts up.. good ol' mmj cures that though. but sucks i cant smoke atm though. 20 more days and ill be able to test my product i produced lol


Active Member
you skated the dew tour? WHO ARE YOU?!?
lol.. I competed in the qualifiers, I was on a team of skaters that were NASTY vert competitors and actually qualified so I'd travel with them and free skate some nice parks.. but I was never any good. I was just the youngest of the bunch and had balls for my age. I quit skating at 18 because I was hurting myself too much... now I live in frigid new york in a town where the only nice skaters are black and the black kids around here aren't too cool with crackas.. so it's not like I have anyone to skate with. I snowboard during the winter but my friends school me while i lap the park.. I haven't checked out your edits yet, but all of my best friends are all about film so I'm interested in checkin it out!


Well-Known Member
Used to skate.

Bright yellow flip deck, metallic purple phantom trucks, and this ugly hot pink grip that they always had at the shop. It worked out so perfect because at the time nobody ever wanted that deck and they had a shitload in stock, so I could pick them up for like 30 a pop every time one snapped. But I always rode the same setup, shit was so ugly.

A friend of mine worked at the local shop too so we would go in and watch rodriguez and koston dvds.


Active Member
i used to skate so much when i was younger :( now i skate from time to time but i have a bad ankle from a car accident :(


Well-Known Member
Fucking pebbles lol



bud bootlegger
i used to skate back in the day as well.. started when i was like idk, mayb 14 or so and quit when i was 28, 40 now..
i've been on a skate trip lately after i just bought my nephew his first board a month or so ago.. been reading ebay looking up some of the old decks i used to skate when i was a kid.. fucking one of them they were asking like $2500 for an old powel peralta deck that i used to have.. i almost poo'ed my pants when i saw the prices of some of that shit honestly..
i just bought myself a new steve cabalero deck and one of the repros that they make of the old deck i had not five minutes ago.. not sure if i'm going to try and skate again yet or not, but i'm sure i'll try a lil something something, why not right..


Well-Known Member
Shit, now I want to go build a deck.

They make famous stars and straps skateboards now? I don't remember seeing those but that's lame as fuck lol.


Ursus marijanus


New Member
I have no need to skate as i can watch vids of Rodney Mullen and be hypnotized by that. Good enough for me. I suck hella bad at skating.



Well-Known Member
Mullen is a beast, real old video though.

I get more impressed by people skating stairs, watching someone pull off a perfect trick down some stairs followed by a buttery smooth landing is where it's at.


bud bootlegger
ahh, to the op, just click on the lil thing that looks like a film strip in the white box above the posting box... it's the second one from the end from the right side.. click on that, and paste the youtube link in it, easy peasy japanesy.. :)