The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

But on the other hand if I had ur setup i would have ALL my lemuns put to full work on every square inch. bye pinching the topps while theere young and using scrog to even the canopy and keep it at one level, ud have way bigger yeilds

I do agree with you, a the moment I have little time to devote to my ladies so I just let them grow, I will be topping and LST the girls in the next grow as I have more time in a month or so. Thanks for stopping by
very nice wood, whats your goal this go around? last one was nice even with the issues.

4 to 8 #'s the 8 is my dream

If I can match my organic grow of 700 to 800 g per 1000w I will have a smile on me like a horse eating thistles so that would be 2800/3200g total. That's the real target right now. I'm working on a super system will post some shots next updated. Thursday.
4 to 8 #'s the 8 is my dream

If I can match my organic grow of 700 to 800 g per 1000w I will have a smile on me like a horse eating thistles so that would be 2800/3200g total. That's the real target right now. I'm working on a super system will post some shots next updated. Thursday.

nice bro i think you could do it with this system when all is dialed in, how long you vegging your ladies for??
Vegged them 3 weeks this time I think I will go 4 weeks with a top or 2 in the first 3 weeks, I just topped 8 that are vegging right now.
Yo woodsmaneh. Is your vegging area around the same size as your flower room? Problem I am having is that I like to keep the flower room occupied as much as possible (its 7.5 x 10).

My problem I am having is that when I veg in my tent (4.5' x 6) with 18 plants, I get a bunch of stretch as once I top them twice, they get bushy as hell and I am thinking that the intermingling of the leaves is a big cause of the stretch (and high daytime temps) (80). One thing I did notice the last round is that I had one plant getting blasted by a fan. That one was stockier and shorter than the rest. She is mid flowering right now but when I go in the flower room I swear I get a boner when I look at how big her stalk is.

ANy advice appreciated.
My veg room is 5x12, I have 9 5gal pails hooked up at one end and all my clones at the other end. Clones spend 2 to 3 weeks under T5's than on to the 1000w over bubble cloner for another 2 weeks, than into 12 inch net pots for 3 to 4 weeks under a 1000w. Not surprised about the fan effect on the plants, the movement makes the plant stronger, I have fans running 24/7 just for that purpose, they need to be strong to support the buds and that's how they do it outside.

Having the plants close together will cause stretching, competing for light. The plants can tell when they are getting to close together and trigger the reach for the top. I also found that starting the plants under the biggest light you got works wonders, that's why the 1000w.
iv seen them in two and five gallon but those look like there alot bigger? I would love to try that out. just for fun at least

yup this are 15 gal. and I am building a 30 gal that's a monster setup, will be launched soon. The air pump is 280 watts and about as big as a watermellon and 1hp chiller, 2200gph circulation pump, pool filter. I get a chubby when I look at it, the plants will be huge,, in the valley of the jolly green giant hohoho it's off we go to grow
yup this are 15 gal. and I am building a 30 gal that's a monster setup, will be launched soon. The air pump is 280 watts and about as big as a watermellon and 1hp chiller, 2200gph circulation pump, pool filter. I get a chubby when I look at it, the plants will be huge,, in the valley of the jolly green giant hohoho it's off we go to grow

thats pretty clean. how much did that chiller run you? Thats why I never ran one of those setups cause they only sell the 2 gallon ones where im from and you have to make the bigger ones. im not really gud at making shit