The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
I decided to pop the shish99 and the deep phaze. Was gonna run the freebies but decided against it. So here goes twenty KOS beans into the paper towel. So from seed I'm running Tga ace of spades, bodhi a11, hortilab super sour skunk and those.

Wood I bought those deep phaze beans cause u were talkin about them I'll keep u posted
Hey Karma Sounds like a fuckin plan m8.....
Nd ill be in your corner for those A11's to be Female, cuz if i remember correctly you only got 2/11.....


Well-Known Member
ayooooo seed collectors!!!!!! Casey Jones ? lineage/heritage? sat/dom %?

thinking about biting on this months promo at attitude, checked up on connoisseur genetics new strains and noticed that Casey Jones is there stud... or female.. superplant. id like to kno more :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
One of my all time fav' smokes is Casey :eyesmoke:.

Head Seeds did the original >>>

Here's what CSG use...

Here we have reversed the Truecannabliss cut of Head Seeds Casey Jones, now widely available on the Amsterdam coffee shop scene and we used it to pollinate itself. Casey Jones is a true elite strain in seed form and we are extremely grateful to Head Seeds for bringing it to the world. The spectrums of flavour we hope to represent with these S1s are a meaty/earthy funk with sweet fruity diesel undertones. We give all credit to grateful Head Seeds as all we did was remake his already outstanding work into fem seed Expect monster yields.
I also know Sure Fire are releasing an S1 version of the "CJ ~ Joes cut" soon too :wink:.


Well-Known Member
daaaaamn it man! I went to order my promo, and I was gonna get the Sunshine Daydream, but it was gone already! Damn it!oh well, I get it next time hopefully. I did get the Grateful Casey, even though I hate femed seeds. I would love to have several others he has femmed, if they were reg. but not femmed.I also got my 10 pack of Flav, to look for a daddy to at least make some bx seeds with my Rommy cut. I got the White diamonds and Eisbaer too. I've been wanting that White, or a cross of it for a while now. Nice freebie list with my order for sure.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Interesting indeed. I'm lookin away from the tude lately been lookin at shit on thol ok and hey hit some nice small time breeders right now. I'm gettin the canna biogen laki chitral kush along with house of loves honey girl and sugar cane train. These guys are up and comers watch for their stuff they hit two kill og crosses being tested right now. One a dire og cross and the other a purple og. All their stuff looks kill


New Member
yummy taste for the face from a super legit chef.

can you decipher the code?

the pork is in this secret sauce on this marination => to be had with cavatelli & garlic bread.

get sum.



Well-Known Member
Run to the hills!!



Let it play through, you know you want to :fire:

EDIT ~ video added in agreement mate

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Fuckin maiden is the mother fuckin shit but some how I think mark of the beast would have been more appropriate. Odd how my iPhone can't see the embedded movies but I can watch you tube all day lol


bud bootlegger
yummy taste for the face from a super legit chef.

can you decipher the code?

the pork is in this secret sauce on this marination => to be had with cavatelli & garlic bread.

get sum.
i got them all but the j1 gud, and i know i should know that as well, which would be why it's pissing me off.. :(


New Member
bro southern cali elite. J1 is just that : J1 (clone only)

so dope i just "tuned" you all in... bzzzzzt ...wake up, look alert, im shaking your monitor.

and the node spacing on the J1 & trainwreck are just spectacular! 8 week & done nug chuckers alredy in production on the other coast for sure.

this = not beans & rice

maybe if you're good i can get you a taste ;-)

strains , strains, gud for your heart... the more you smoke... the more you?

seen these guys 6 times. enjoy 666 page day!


...& iron maiden is classic.


Well-Known Member
I love your sig lol comedy
Dude it that the same guy from the other sig, Talkin bout how "Blue" his nugs Taste.... LoL

But anyway...
The tude put up another promo for DinaFem.....
Buy a 3 pack get 1 seed, buy a 5 pack get 2 seed , buy a 10 pack get 4 seed...
(you get 1, 2, or 4 of each of the following... so 2, 4, or 8 total)
The seeds are WhiteWidow and AutoJackCritical...


New Member
you can taste the color blue in the different blue dinafem strains. more than blueberries i think its the color blue
you mean ^ this one ; i try & save all the stupid stuff!

quite bright bulb of you to notice ==> its the same "bag to the douche".

& it proves that many hundreds of posts can mean absolute sh*t when it comes down to true cannaknowitallnes.

^ which i've yet to reach but others attain so rapidly it boogles my canna-mind.


these pics, on the other hand, prove either im a pro at photoshop & draw/paint programs or i grow herbs.


mad shack :. cutting , one gallon container, flowered, taken one week early.

