bud bootlegger
lmao, so true skunk.. i have to admit, that even though i'm a member over at the farm i'm hardly ever over there at all, and i'm not very familiar with ogr the person..Last check my sig lol, ogr is a pussy ass bitch and if I ever meet him face to face which I highly doubt as hes a bitch I'll make him my bitch for real lol. He's just shitting it cos his days as a "breeder" are numbered. Pussy hacker is all that tool is lmao. Sorry for the rant but the c**t gets under my skin big time.
I Lol'd big time when I saw him call you a troll, I mean the guy signs into CZ just to pick a fight in public with DHS. Isn't that trolling?? Fuck that bitch he's trying to suck up to MrC now I'll bet.
sure, i've heard grumblings from this person or that one, and matthew riot sure seems to have it in for him, although matt tends to hate everyone, lol.. but damn, reading that thread on zon was more than enough of an introduction to the man in itself as he surely showed his true colors in my eyes..
why the need to come on to that site when i'm sure that he know's that dank house has their own site and forum just to start a troll thread??
and the thing that really burns me up is that i just spent some good coin on a pack of his white s1's from sow amazing that i've been waiting on, that shit really pisses me the fuck off now..
i know i go on and on about sub sometimes, but ogr really takes the cake in my eyes.. what an asshole, really geniunely, and i don't usually feel that way about many people..