The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1888090
Damn...... Why the fuck did i just read all that?

And I had no f'in idea how long putting the labels on these would take.....
Ive only done around 54 and its taken me like two hours... Of course everything has to be as straight as possible, Etc., Etc., with me so i could be screwing myself over.... I also put some rice in each vial....
A special Thx to CMT for the Inspiration.... Also on the Label you cant read it but there are Male/Female symbols a single female symbol for FEM seeds, and both Male/Female symbols for REG seeds... and below the BREEDER - STRAIN format is the PARENTAGE.....
View attachment 1888137View attachment 1888138
Wow, and I thought I was anal... LOL... very nice!!!


bud bootlegger
View attachment 1888090
Damn...... Why the fuck did i just read all that?

And I had no f'in idea how long putting the labels on these would take.....
Ive only done around 54 and its taken me like two hours... Of course everything has to be as straight as possible, Etc., Etc., with me so i could be screwing myself over.... I also put some rice in each vial....
A special Thx to CMT for the Inspiration.... Also on the Label you cant read it but there are Male/Female symbols a single female symbol for FEM seeds, and both Male/Female symbols for REG seeds... and below the BREEDER - STRAIN format is the PARENTAGE.....
View attachment 1888137View attachment 1888138
so when are you coming over to my crib m8?? i've got plenty of bud to smoke until we, well really you, finish the job at hand, lol..

looks super killer..i only wish i had the patience to do something like that.. as dumb as it is, i like to have all of the breeders packs around though..


Well-Known Member
so when are you coming over to my crib m8?? i've got plenty of bud to smoke until we, well really you, finish the job at hand, lol..

looks super killer..i only wish i had the patience to do something like that.. as dumb as it is, i like to have all of the breeders packs around though..
i keep all my breeders packs in a box...except for when i donate/swap, i give out the breeders packaging if i still have it.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
I think we are past all that bro time to chill and burn one
would that i could, but my BS threshold is even LOWER when i'm high. even though she was being totally friendly, my dealers' wife incessantly gabbing about shopping was driving me nuts until i could find a polite excuse to jet after making a score of some brick. as much as i despise heavy metal too, it's pure torture when i'm high. i just don't click with instigators and i'm starting to see the same old same old butt buddy posses forming and i'm digging my heels in to protect my space, though i'm not going to argue with anyone anymore, i'm just muting whoever the second they stray off topic and start talking about me. hopefully the noise will quiet down after half a dozen buh byes.

as to indicas, i instantly hated them the very first time i smoked them. there never would have been a second time were they the first thing i ever smoked. having to put up with nothing BUT getting stoned for 25 years and people's attitudes who don't like my fighting back against stoner bud invading my space has only deepened my contempt, but it's ONLY for indicas themselves or people that sell it & refuse to offer better and not the people that smoke them.

when you stand up for right in a world full of wrongs, you don't make too many friends. then again, anyone that sides with wrongs isn't worth knowing.

it's annoying that the ONLY way i can get high is to do it myself. it's not as easy to grow as it sounds when you rent. i just put a deposit down on a place where i hopefully don't have nosy fascist landlords always up in my business keeping me from growing & making up excuses to invade my space constantly. otherwise, i'd be harvesting some cinderalla apollo RIGHT NOW. i'll have to wait about 3 months for that now, but i'm on the case.

as much as i personally can't stand indicas, i'm not so spiteful of them that i'd destroy any beans of them i have and have given a bunch away to others who'll grow them & smoke them including 4 out of 5 THseeds' freebies recently.


Well-Known Member
Yah I used those Label sheets for mailing addresses that are self-stick but then i also put clear packaging tape over it.... I made the font small, down to 6pt and 5pt for some with big names so theyd fit....
HAZEMAN - R.M.H [FONT=&quot]♀♂

Is what it looks like...

*yah im keppin all the breeders packs in bag too.. dont know why i just like having 'em...



Well-Known Member
ah ha...packaging didnt i think of that...where were you 6 months ago? lol

yeah, all mine are 6pt font.


bud bootlegger
Wow man... VERY VERY nice fishing gear... when are you going fishing next? I would love to go...
have you ever checked out ebay?? they sell cannabis seeds under the guise of fishing bait.. i'm sure they're probably all bunk and i'd never order them in a million years, it's just that it cracks me up every time i see it..
almost as bad as bath salts and plant foods that are really rc's.. so fucking stupid to me..


Well-Known Member
have you ever checked out ebay?? they sell cannabis seeds under the guise of fishing bait.. i'm sure they're probably all bunk and i'd never order them in a million years, it's just that it cracks me up every time i see it..
almost as bad as bath salts and plant foods that are really rc's.. so fucking stupid to me..
lol seriously? thats crazy.