The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
but seriously Fear n Loathing is a must see.... i think i might watch it now cause of all this talk.... and the Rum Diary coming out and all.....

You def. haftoo go out or if you have a netflix or something d/l it ASAP and watch that shit......

I think ima grab TEX-MEX... (killer queen x Acapulco gold) sounds like one helluva rain check to me....
i caught the end of a preview to the rum diary the other day...looks fuckin it connected to fear n loathing at all?

ive had my eye on tex mex for awhile now...


Well-Known Member
i caught the end of a preview to the rum diary the other day...looks fuckin it connected to fear n loathing at all?

ive had my eye on tex mex for awhile now...
Yah there books written by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.. While Fear and Loathing is more an autobiography, The Rum Diary is just a book....

thompson was one of the craziest bastards that ever lived, and wrote some of the best works prob because of it... he also blew his brains out... (u saw fear nd loathing.... thems alot o' drugs)


Well-Known Member
No doubt...
I probably would of never done ether if it werent for that intro... lol
lmao. that movie def makes me wanna do every drug out there. i dont wanna say too much since some people havent seen it yet but the bat seen makes me laugh just thinkin about it.


Well-Known Member
lmao. that movie def makes me wanna do every drug out there. i dont wanna say too much since some people havent seen it yet but the bat seen makes me laugh just thinkin about it.
I know i didnt wanna reveal anything either...

But i wanted a briefcase just like his when i saw it... !!! I even had somthing close at one point... But it was in one of those False novelty safes in my car.... Lets just say i got in a lot of car accidents....


Well-Known Member
everyone should watch this on the discovery channel on the 20th this month!
im sure most of us would tear up the stoner challenges :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Thats great.. I love how they have Robin Williams hosting it.. I just DVR'D it.. Its on right b4 Extreme Drug Smuggling.... I cant wait to see how they react!!!!
(i shouldn't of smoked a bowl right before i wrote that.... now that i read it appears so chaotic.... LoL)

Im gunna go do Meth and see if i can lift my Fridge!!!!


Well-Known Member
lmao. extreme drug smuggling?..ill have to watch that too.

lol yeah...robin williams is a good choice with his past.

the coke head is gonna pick that fridge up and throw it 20 feet with one hand lol....i miss coke :(


Well-Known Member
I didn't like fear n loathing. And I love johnny too. But the movie had no substance. Not fun to watch. I guess once you do so much drugs watchinga movie full of poorly portrayed "triips" is not that entertaining.

Not trying to spoil it either tho.


Well-Known Member
I've read the book and seen the movie. The first time I saw the movie I was like "what the hell?". After reading the book, the movie makes alot more sense. The way the movie skips around from Friday to Sunday and back was really confusing before reading the book. I'm told Johnny Depp paid for Hunter's ashes to be shot out of a gonzo fist cannon at his funeral. Only Hunter Thompson...


bud bootlegger
The book was fantastic and I never saw the movie because I knew there was no way it could come close to recreating the book.
I thought the same w reqeium for a dream.. the book is probably my all time favorite book.. just so well written in d perspective of 60$ hipsters.. they well they talk n how he writes it is amazing..
But even though the movie was a lil different.. it was still pretty well done imo..
Drugatore cowboy is another awesome drug flick.. i was in d place trying to detox n dey had a tv w a vcr n we all sat around for days just watching drugstore cowboy... but hey ... i wont put my hat on a bed


Well-Known Member
ah ha...packaging didnt i think of that...where were you 6 months ago? lol

yeah, all mine are 6pt font.
You all are so OBVIOUSLY younger than me...haha...
If I have anything printed in 6pt font, I might as well use invisible ink too cuz I'd never be able to read it! Aging sucks...