The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
Evil Dead is a great movie, i think the other one was Army of Darkness.... I dont think anything they make now could stand up to it ...
Atleast it has the same writers though....

I havent seen Brain Dead... Gunna watch it... gunna tell my old crew that got scattered around the country to watch it too...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Evil Dead is a great movie, i think the other one was Army of Darkness.... I dont think anything they make now could stand up to it ...
Atleast it has the same writers though....

I havent seen Brain Dead... Gunna watch it... gunna tell my old crew that got scattered around the country to watch it too...
AoD is gota be one of the best movies made lol "This is my BOOMstick!"


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah? My fav movies: Tombstone, blow, house of 1000 corpses and devils rejects (rob zombies (sheri moon zombie is soooooo fucking hot, also watched these both the first time I ever dropped acid, scarface, and grandmas boy.

Man I want those gdp s1s and leias. I'm so broke tho.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah? My fav movies: Tombstone, blow, house of 1000 corpses and devils rejects (rob zombies (sheri moon zombie is soooooo fucking hot, also watched these both the first time I ever dropped acid, scarface, and grandmas boy.

Man I want those gdp s1s and leias. I'm so broke tho.
Sherri Moon, i aint heard that name in along time...shes a sexy crazy bitch lol


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah? My fav movies: Tombstone, blow, house of 1000 corpses and devils rejects (rob zombies (sheri moon zombie is soooooo fucking hot, also watched these both the first time I ever dropped acid, scarface, and grandmas boy.

Man I want those gdp s1s and leias. I'm so broke tho.

The Devils Rejects is a top film. Got it on DVD and seen it loads of times.


Well-Known Member
Rob is an awesome filmmaker...

Scarface, and Gma's Boy the same night on 'Cid... Damn thats one weird trip.. Def. gotta watch Grandmas boys last to even out the mood.....
Im more of a keep movin type when its just a one day thing, Go on an adventure when takin Acid....


Well-Known Member
She still did nudity in devils rejects. And it was the zombie films I watched on acid I just forgot my ).

She is so sexy killing ppl n shit. I think that changed me forever watching those my first time frying and so attracted to her too lol.

It could have had a lot to do with all the acid I started dropping after that too tho. I had eaten tons of mushrooms before this tho so tripping wasn't new, but acid is way different. Acid is way more... spiritual, sexual, mind free-ing.

I haven't done it in 4 years but I always feel like I have a fresh start after I fry. Like I got re aligned with the earth and understand things from the worlds perspective.

On another note. I'm gonna be testing green crack x burger bud and purple urkle x appalachie (bodhis) for hof. He posted and all these noobs jumped on them all rl quick and I was thnking "this is why I don't fucking tell anyone about this site".

But then badass mofo mr c jumped in and was like "only vip and private members will be considered to test"! Hell yeah mr c keeps those noobs in check. But of course they didn't even read mr c's post and keep asking to test and even explaining there whole setup.

But that's why there noobs. Sry for the rant. This buku rly has to cieling that's one good thing about it.


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen any talk about Quentin Tarantino movies. His films are some of my all time favorites for sure. I believe it's Planet Terror where the girl with the gun leg is mowing people down, epic! Then there's always Pulp Fiction, Full Metal Jacket, Reservoir Dogs and some of the other classics. Not Tarantino, but good flicks still.

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Just put my sun hut together. There was the big ass piece left. I couldn't figure out where it went. Was way to smoked out. Shit took entirely to long. The extra piece is a divider. It splits the tent into two rooms. It's sweet. Doubt I'll ever use it but it's a cool idea. Gotta go hang my hoods and shit. Gonna be a long night. ESP with how irie I am. I can barely see straight. Knife hits of bubble