The seed fair

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So since this conversation ended last night, “Patrick Wilson” began posting fake reviews for one of his other fake seed sites, Crop King Seeds. As I stated earlier in this thread, writing fake reviews and deceiving people seems to be a full time occupation for Patrick Wilson. Tell me “Pat”, how is it that Crop King Seeds Vancouver Google business account listing has only 14 reviews, yet 4 of those reviews were posted last night literally within minutes of each other. That’s not too suspicious. Then another account with the name “Balzerian Rudis” is posting multiple fake reviews to three of “Patrick Wilson’s” fake seed companies. You didn’t cover your tracks “Pat”.


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And if you still had doubts about “Patrick Wilson” writing fake reviews, here’s a couple more examples. “Pat” obviously has a thing for posting fake reviews in groups of four at a time. The Seed Fair had 64 reviews on its Vancouver Google business account and then suddenly 4 glowing reviews posted once again, within minutes of each other. Way to leave a paper trail of your deception “Pat”.


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It’s a pretty big condo “Pat”. Over 2000 square feet, four bedrooms. How much space do you need to send out little packets of fake cannabis seed? You’re one guy and a computer. Of course you’re going to deny all this “Pat”. You’re not suddenly going to fess up in public to committing multiple felonies every day. Can you imagine if your address got out to the hundreds of customers you’ve scammed? I also just found out about Wanna talk about that next “Pat”? Deny all you want, you’ve been outed.
Well if you don’t want to discuss, I will. I hope you don’t mind me sharing a few screen grabs from that companies legal peril’s. These are taken from public documents anyone can access online. This case by the way made national news headlines back in 2019. Now I know you‘ll deny any involvement in this “Pat”. That’s fine. I just want you to know that I know. That’s all the matters. I know it’s disappointing to you “Pat”. I’m told you went to great lengths to hide your identity and location. But you made critical mistakes “Pat”. Anyway, I’m out. Got important things to get to today. You have a wonderful Sunday “Pat”! Newport Coast sounds so beautiful. Maybe get off the computer and take a break from posting all those fake five star reviews. Get outside and enjoy some of that clean ocean air.


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Guys im not afiliated with any seed companies and i havent tried seedfare. But before you go around calling someone fake and someone who is ripping people off you need to have evidence. Spreding things on line without facts or without having tried something yourself could serriously hurt someone who is genuinly trying to make a honest living and feed their familly. Times are tough right now for many people and its not cool if false acusations are tearing down someone who maybe trying to make a genuine go of things, so please be sure before publicly putting someone on blast. Its very hard and takes alot of hard work and time to build a good reputation and respect but takes seconds to break it. I dont know about seedfare, but i know about hard working honest folk which do deserve respect and support. Anyway just be sure if you put someone on blast, an the forums are for sharing your experiences whether they be good or bad but just be honest and don't make stuff up to hurt people.
Several fake accounts were made around august 12th, each one claiming seed fair was legit (this isnt uncommon occurrence we are a seedbank review area), today i was contacted by the owner or whomever contact at seeds fair, they cant advertise with customer service on the forum without advertising here, so i looked into it

after checking the IP address all the new accounts were the exact same IP as the assumed customer contact
meaning the person patrick was making fake reviews saying seed fair is legit or they all have the same IP(unlikely)

Seed fair maybe a real business but theyve extremely broken our rules of tos with fake reviews, multiple NUMEROUS accounts, and arguing with members

Im going to keep this closed however because its likely rhey will attempt to come back and i dont want to have to clean up constantly over here
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