The States vs The Federal Gov.

This is why the gov't levels above should be controlled by a conference/congress of the levels below. This way, the people of communities are always the base of the pyramid for every decision made.

On a theoretical side note, would anyone have a problem with a state going communist, if that is what the people of those communities wanted?
As long as I could keep my big screen TV, my hotrod, my house, and my truck, I'd have no problem with it.
As long as I could keep my big screen TV, my hotrod, my house, and my truck, I'd have no problem with it.

How much more different do You think the country would be if We turned into a communist country? What do You think would be the benifits MedMan?

Wouldn't the gov't and big corporations have complete control of the economy? Not like its much different now though.

They are talking about nationalizing the banks on TV. :shock:



Very relevant to this thread: I suggest that everyone who posts here start watching Glenn Beck. He's on the FOX channel and comes on at 2pm PST. Beck is covering this topic from one end to the other.

The massive "Stimulus" package is nothing more than a gigantic power grab by the federal government ... this time with the Democrat Party in complete control.

Has it occurred to you yet ... those of you who are suffering from Obamamania, that you voted for national suicide?

How much more different do You think the country would be if We turned into a communist country? What do You think would be the benifits MedMan?

Wouldn't the gov't and big corporations have complete control of the economy? Not like its much different now though.

They are talking about nationalizing the banks on TV. :shock:




You speak about 'communism' as if you actually read Marx's works.

I guarantee you have not read them, though, because Communism in its inherent form is not a bad ideal, however there is more weakness in it due to human greed. Where in a 'democracy' you have a chance to vote out the greedy ones, in Communism once the greedy ones get into power (see Kim Jong Il) then it becomes near-impossible to unseat without violence.

Communism is in a working form in the United States right now, in the form of natural living 'sanctuaries' scattered around in places. I've seen it first hand, it works with hardly any problem. And guess what? There's no racial, religious, gender identity, or even political barriers. Everyone there is more free in their sanctuaries than you or I out here on the streets.

I'm guessing you only know of McCarthy-era 'Communism' and not the more advanced and civilized idealistic communism of others who have tried the system and found it to work at certain scales and adapted and changed it to work at others.
Very relevant to this thread: I suggest that everyone who posts here start watching Glenn Beck. He's on the FOX channel and comes on at 2pm PST. Beck is covering this topic from one end to the other.

The massive "Stimulus" package is nothing more than a gigantic power grab by the federal government ... this time with the Democrat Party in complete control.

Has it occurred to you yet ... those of you who are suffering from Obamamania, that you voted for national suicide?


Excellent. Thank God for true patriots on the MSM like Glen Beck and Lou Dobbs. I hope Glenn can get some valuable information out.
in Communism once the greedy ones get into power then it becomes near-impossible to unseat without violence.

Your right, I haven't read his work. And I'm sure its good in principle but as You said in the above quote ^^^ it doesn't work.

I think a REVOLUTION has to take place before the people can regain power. Out with the old and in with the new.


I think a REVOLUTION has to take place before the people can regain power. Out with the old and in with the new.

American Civil War 2.0

STATES RIGHTS! KEEP THE FED AND STATE GOVERNMENTS SEPARATED! KEEP THEM SOVEREIGN!! Even if catastrophic storms or an outbreak of some wicked disease, or another terrorist attack happens... the states must stay sovereign. Don't let the Feds use crisis as an excuse to bring more control over the people.
see, I don't see a revolution coming. I think that is entirely possible to streamline the gov't in two 4 year terms as President provided he/she has the impetus of the people. we can change by voicing our opinions, I think physical revolutions are behind us. although, we must bear arms.
American Civil War 2.0






This picture is the reality, although substitute Ron Paul with "the people". Too many people in this country thinks the tail wags dog. The situation may look like the 'pubs and 'crats have their hands all over the constitution, but one roar and it comes back to us, IMMEDIATELY. After all, it is up to "We the people...." If it doesn't, excuse me while I assassinate some high profile officials.
but one roar and it comes back to us, IMMEDIATELY. After all, it is up to "We the people...." If it doesn't, excuse me while I assassinate some high profile officials.

I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. There are a lot of people that feel the same way as You bro. I wouldn't mind seeing some of these politician disappear Myself. Its amazing how these people get away with robbing the country and nothing happens to them but meanwhile innocent soldiers are dying over lies.


I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. There are a lot of people that feel the same way as You bro. I wouldn't mind seeing some of these politician disappear Myself. Its amazing how these people get away with robbing the country and nothing happens to them but meanwhile innocent soldiers are dying over lies.



to add, I was watching on CNN how all the Iraq and Afghan Vets are coming home and can't get a Job......all the specialized trained soldiers, operating choppers, computers and what not....can't even transition back to society, because they can't find WORK, WTF is that.......nobody who just risked their life for me should be stress about trying to find work or financial support.......that is NOT RIGHT :cuss:
to add, I was watching on CNN how all the Iraq and Afghan Vets are coming home and can't get a Job......all the specialized trained soldiers, operating choppers, computers and what not....can't even transition back to society, because they can't find WORK, WTF is that.......nobody who just risked their life for me should be stress about trying to find work or financial support.......that is NOT RIGHT :cuss:

Right, its not right.

I heard the soldier suicide rates are climbing too. If Your going to kill Yourself mine as well do the world the favor and take out some scum bag politicians first, to send them a message.

I'm against killing people, but just look at what these people did to the world. You would think with all the money they are getting paid that they would be able to see it coming and prevent it somehow. But they work for the banksters an lobbyists because they are sellouts.

Public enemy number one = dirty politicians!


to add, I was watching on CNN how all the Iraq and Afghan Vets are coming home and can't get a Job......all the specialized trained soldiers, operating choppers, computers and what not....can't even transition back to society, because they can't find WORK, WTF is that.......nobody who just risked their life for me should be stress about trying to find work or financial support.......that is NOT RIGHT :cuss:
If there's not jobs for them, there's just not jobs. It's irrational and even more idiotic to state that people should be bumped out of their jobs to give them jobs, because that goes against the very ideals they are supposed to be fighting for.

"Great job men, with your discharge you'll see the civvie whose job you're taking. Thanks for fighting for totalitarianism err. freedom." It doesn't work.

Yes, they did an important job, and they deserve recognition, but somethings just cross the line.
to add, I was watching on CNN how all the Iraq and Afghan Vets are coming home and can't get a Job......all the specialized trained soldiers, operating choppers, computers and what not....can't even transition back to society, because they can't find WORK, WTF is that.......nobody who just risked their life for me should be stress about trying to find work or financial support.......that is NOT RIGHT :cuss:
george washington and ben franklin had work.seems they had alot to do.along with patrick henry and a host of other heros