The States vs The Federal Gov.

I wouldn't care if a state went full on communist as long as it was guaranteed a republican form of government (a republic not republican.) and it allowed its people to flee once they proved (again) that communism fails.

Yes Med Not a huge fan of his kind of stimulus. But I guess we might as well spend it while its still worth something, LOL.

I feel that Obama is a full blown Marxist, I think deep down he hates this country and what it stands for (freedom). I think he believes in redistributing the wealth of the people. I think he wants our guns (ammo to). I think he will try to destroy the country. I think he will entrench socialism so deeply into the political system it will take reforming the whole damn government to get rid of it all. I think this is all planed.

On the other hand however, I like that he is not pulling any punches. I like that every time he opens his mouth the stock market drops 250 points. I like how he spends the worthless green paper. I like these things because they all serve as a wake up call to real Americans who still believe in individual liberty and the free market system. I think that if people don't wake up soon they will not have a country of their own anymore.
I wouldn't care if a state went full on communist as long as it was guaranteed a republican form of government (a republic not republican.) and it allowed its people to flee once they proved (again) that communism fails.

Yes Med Not a huge fan of his kind of stimulus. But I guess we might as well spend it while its still worth something, LOL.

I feel that Obama is a full blown Marxist, I think deep down he hates this country and what it stands for (freedom). I think he believes in redistributing the wealth of the people. I think he wants our guns (ammo to). I think he will try to destroy the country. I think he will entrench socialism so deeply into the political system it will take reforming the whole damn government to get rid of it all. I think this is all planed.

On the other hand however, I like that he is not pulling any punches. I like that every time he opens his mouth the stock market drops 250 points. I like how he spends the worthless green paper. I like these things because they all serve as a wake up call to real Americans who still believe in individual liberty and the free market system. I think that if people don't wake up soon they will not have a country of their own anymore.

Well said, now if only we could find another Jefferson, or another Jackson.
I wouldn't care if a state went full on communist as long as it was guaranteed a republican form of government (a republic not republican.) and it allowed its people to flee once they proved (again) that communism fails.

Yes Med Not a huge fan of his kind of stimulus. But I guess we might as well spend it while its still worth something, LOL.

I feel that Obama is a full blown Marxist, I think deep down he hates this country and what it stands for (freedom). I think he believes in redistributing the wealth of the people. I think he wants our guns (ammo to). I think he will try to destroy the country. I think he will entrench socialism so deeply into the political system it will take reforming the whole damn government to get rid of it all. I think this is all planed.

On the other hand however, I like that he is not pulling any punches. I like that every time he opens his mouth the stock market drops 250 points. I like how he spends the worthless green paper. I like these things because they all serve as a wake up call to real Americans who still believe in individual liberty and the free market system. I think that if people don't wake up soon they will not have a country of their own anymore.

And what is Obama's payoff for destroying this country as you predict? Why would he want to do these things? Just for the fuck of it? How about some logic dude? Stop speading bullshit and explain his reasons for destroying America instead. You think, you think, you think...I think your head is filled with marshmallows.
And what is Obama's payoff for destroying this country as you predict? Why would he want to do these things? Just for the fuck of it? How about some logic dude? Stop speading bullshit and explain his reasons for destroying America instead. You think, you think, you think...I think your head is filled with marshmallows.

If he hates this country then there is no need for him to benefit directly from destroying it. He benefits by the mere act of destruction. He gets to destroy the object of his hatred.

Common Knowledge, MarshmallowBrain
He hates us because he is a communist he thinks he knows what is best for everyone, He doesn't. He hates America because it stands for liberty and freedom even the freedom to fail he can't accept that. I don't know if its just misguided socialism. Were he will try to level the playing field by subsidizing failure thinking that that will help. Or if it is deliberate destruction of the country. Either way it is wrong, I lean towards the latter.

As for his payoff, it will be what I think is his life long dream, world socialism. We already have the PM of the UK coming over here wanting a "Global New Deal" we will inevitably have to pay for. Everything is Global these days talk of Global taxation, World trade organizations, we go to war on UN mandates and the World Court plus a scad of other organizations. I have a news flash for you we don't need a world trade organization or nafta to have free trade. We have managed trade. All this stuff adds up (in my head anyway) to world governance. A world were you are a number not a man/woman. Where the rights given to you by God/Nature are irrelevant. You and I are just cogs in a machine to him not real people.

I said I think allot to demonstrate that this is my humble opinion, If you think my head is filled with marshmallows that is your opinion and I guess time will tell. Because ain't nothing to stop him from pulling off the greatest covert usurpation in history.

I hope I'm wrong I hope he will grow a conscience like JFK did. But he will not he is in this now and he is well aware of what happens when you don't tow the line.