The stock market hasn’t gained a point in 49 months

Krugman: U.S. Almost Surely Headed For Depression-Era Unemployment | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Economist Paul Krugman says the country's economy is in a 'medically induced coma' that will go on for some time and that the country isn't close to fully reopening. Aired on 5/1/2020.
That's gonna suck if it comes to fruition
That's gonna suck if it comes to fruition
The chinese symbol for problem is the mirror image of the one used for opportunity, find the problems and you find the opportunities. People need face masks for instance, help solve the problem and make money, make masks with messages or faces printed on them and you sell more for more.
A simple cloth mask is often used to cover and preserve a more valuable N95 one and messages or other things can be printed on them too.
Some examples:
Well, today the 2nd quarter report comes out. It's going to show that the economy shrank by around 29% in the 2nd quarter, which would be the biggest drop in U.S. history.

Then you have the employment/unemployment numbers that are going to show that around 1.4 million more people filed for benefits. That means that the recovery has stopped and started going back the other way.

The only saving grace is going to be that after hours today Big Tech (Apple, Amazon, and a couple others) report their numbers. If those are good, it could stave off a massive drop.

If they're bad, the bottom will fall out of it.
I don't think anything can stop what's coming at this point, things are going to get medieval.
Just as a good leader can save your country, a bad one can destroy it, he still has 40% of registered voters in his death cult. The economy could lock up like 2008 if the mortgage market goes tits up, nobody is gonna write the banks a blank check this time, without government ownership and break ups. No president in US history will inherit the mess that Joe will, there will be no transition either, then they would have to explain and all the minions will be gone, either before the election, or the next day. They will be running from the Trump dumpster fire like a swarm of rats.
Just as a good leader can save your country, a bad one can destroy it, he still has 40% of registered voters in his death cult. The economy could lock up like 2008 if the mortgage market goes tits up, nobody is gonna write the banks a blank check this time, without government ownership and break ups. No president in US history will inherit the mess that Joe will, there will be no transition either, then they would have to explain and all the minions will be gone, either before the election, or the next day. They will be running from the Trump dumpster fire like a swarm of rats.

You just don't get what's going on. This is not because tRUmp does everything wrong because he's a idiot, well he is a idiot but that's not the reason. There are a group of the GOP and their donors that believe the only way to change the government is to tear it down, destroy it and build it again with all new rules to their liking, the Kochs have been pushing a lot of this for many years. The only question I have is, do they want it to crash before or after the election.
You just don't get what's going on. This is not because tRUmp does everything wrong because he's a idiot, well he is a idiot but that's not the reason. There are a group of the GOP and their donors that believe the only way to change the government is to tear it down, destroy it and build it again with all new rules to their liking, the Kochs have been pushing a lot of this for many years. The only question I have is, do they want it to crash before or after the election.
Eric Prince has blackwater security types patrolling the streets of America for Trump and Barr, wealthy greed driven loonies, christian dominionist, fundamentalist con men. I'm aware of some of the cast of characters Captain and their true motives, even if some of them have no clue as to what drives their behavior. Murdoch, Prince and others in the "cabal" are currently the most dangerous, it's a pretty lose affiliation, they don't need a conspiracy per se, they all know what they want. Barr doesn't want to go to prison and his only way out is if Trump is elected, he is a dangerous and desperate criminal, we saw that on display at the hearing. When Trump and the GOP go down they will be running for the hills, Price was party to a conspiracy and could do life, FOX news should be fucked under existing law and regulation, bye bye, they are a public health menace and responsible for the deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of citizens.

Trump is an idiot, he is their leader and he is running the show not them, they are a long for the ride just like the rest of us. They try to talk sense to him and if a plan is dirty and underhanded he will be drawn to it, especially if it will "get" someone who offended him. He's stupid and cannot think well logically, make it about an enemy of his and whatever you want, you get, Donald is easy to play like that.