The Time Has Come, You Got Balls,Or are you a pussy, cuz Im callin you out!


Well-Known Member
Thats right! On One day (that will be determined in the near future) in 2010, it is time for us to show how fed up with the Feds we are! The United States is based on the idea of a Democracy, where people govern themselves and live peaceably with freedom. This basic principle is no longer practiced properly in this country, as demonstrated by the simple fact that Cannabis remains somewhat illegal on the Federal level of Government in the U.S.

I'm calling out every person that smokes or other wise consumes cannabis as well as anyone that supports the legalization of cannabis (including people that use Hemp products) to make a Real Commitment to ACTUALLY DOING something about this issue!
This commitment involves getting more people involved, deciding your own personal plan of action, and executing it alongside of every other cannabis.

Some general ideas as guidelines for this DEMAND (this is not your regular everyday protest!) go as follows:

Your Statements and Cannabis Activities MUST be NON violent!

Flooding any and as many public local, state, and Federal buildings with people in support of this cause, refusing to back down and or leave until the Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was added in due process and verified by the people!

Writing a letter to your employer that You and X many employees are leaving work and will not return until Cannabis is fully legalized!

Getting large groups of people to go on Hunger Strikes for this cause!

(I never thought I would ever suggest this but) Opening as many Retail Cannabis stores through out America as possible, and filing for the business licenses, and Tax ID Numbers all on this day, as well as just opening the doors and having a sale! (This is only for those of you that Really Have the Balls and backing)

Flooding the streets with plants, clones, pot, seeds, seedlings... putting everything on the line!

Smoking publicly at the Government Buildings!

The only thing lacking on this ONE DAY MOVEMENT is you! So sign on and lets get this two year grow under way!


Well-Known Member
I was hoping that people would understand the implications of such a thing Happening in the united states...... basically, if all the stoners don't go to work, the U.S. will shut down, everything will halt, and if the stoners protest ALL at once, making their own individual sacrifices to do it, then there is no denying the DEMAND... especially because any anti marijuana protest would be drowned by pot activists! The United States would Have to meet the demand, or the entire country would collapse. Knowing these implications, and seeing the numbers of people getting ready to do it (which they can do nothing about) will hopefully lead the government to deal with it before it gets to that point. But if they don't, then these Drastic measures are necessary to do the job, and they will get the job done well.

To all the people that would have any negative, cynical, or otherwise downer things to say about this:

When you are sitting in prison, jail, or are otherwise incarcerated because of any Cannabis related Activity, and you are violated in any form, I will have no remorse or care for you at all, I will laugh at you and tell you that you Asked for it. It is our Inaction as a Social Class, and Cannabis Community, that has kept the laws the way they are for so long, especially those that would look upon Activism, Protest, or any other supportive services with pessimistic views...


Well-Known Member
I agree. I had a similar idea to induce a "war on gas prices". The government can't ignore us anymore, and the only reason they could to begin with is that we wern't being loud enough. A movment, or should i say "the movment", of this size and nature requires organization and a full frontal assault ,if you will, on the policies that keep tobacco and alchohol on the shelves but wont allow people like us to smoke an herd that has more medicinal properties than most plants known to date, all the while alchohol and tobacco still remain the leading causes of death in the U.S.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if your country is anything like mine, England but we were to walk into our workplaces and tell them we are resigning until weed is legalized, they would say okie dokie, and fill our position within minutes with some imagrent for half the pay, like they do with all our houses over here. Goodluck over there but ill stay put


Well-Known Member
That wouldn't happen over here at all! See I know that in most places of commercial business at least 75% of all employees on average smoke pot.... and it is like that almost everywhere in the U.S....
I really don't like saying things more than once but:

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all...


Well-Known Member
If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all...
Did i say any thing nasty? hmmm was just making a coment on what would happen in my contry, your posting in a forum and i thought it was open to comments, my misstake


Well-Known Member
protest and strikes arent the way to go when the goverment sees everyones is quiting there jobs and protesting there just going to assume were just abunch of dumb stoners and arrest everyone.i think we should go for a less agressive way to get the point out public speakers,charitys,show that the stoners can really make a difference in the sure if every pot smoker was aloud to grow than there would be so many plants we wouldnt have to worry bout greenhouse gases building up.we would how ever probably have to worry bout an oxygen build up.


Well-Known Member
protest and strikes arent the way to go when the goverment sees everyones is quiting there jobs and protesting there just going to assume were just abunch of dumb stoners and arrest everyone.i think we should go for a less agressive way to get the point out public speakers,charitys,show that the stoners can really make a difference in the sure if every pot smoker was aloud to grow than there would be so many plants we wouldnt have to worry bout greenhouse gases building up.we would how ever probably have to worry bout an oxygen build up.
LOL.... they are taking all the charity we throw at them anyways... and still locking us up... doing the public image thing only goes so far... more important for public image is when doctors close their doors, schools shut down, road workers stay home, musicians refuse to play, and police officers are protesting along with the stoners (see clip of "Super High Me"). The methods I am suggesting would be displaying the valuable contributions that we as a class of society make, and how much those that don't smoke depend on those contributions to society, it will show that your average stoner is basically your average citizen, and that we actually do make up the majority.... do you realize how many people smoke compared to how many don't, and even more importantly is that there are tons of people out there that don't smoke but still support legalization....


Well-Known Member
Did i say any thing nasty? hmmm was just making a coment on what would happen in my contry, your posting in a forum and i thought it was open to comments, my misstake

Your giving other people an EXCUSE not to do it.... pushing the fear back onto them when they are reading something hopeful... and that is negative, especially to the purpose of this thread.

Silence, or giving your reason for not getting involved, or even contemplating reasons not to get involved is just saying.... yah loaded, Im a pussy...

How about you digest the info... look at the opportunity in front of you... weigh the possible outcomes, and Then decide whether or not its worth it, which it is, because we are talking about free life to live and do as you please, or jail time either way...


Well-Known Member
LOL.... they are taking all the charity we throw at them anyways... and still locking us up... doing the public image thing only goes so far... more important for public image is when doctors close their doors, schools shut down, road workers stay home, musicians refuse to play, and police officers are protesting along with the stoners (see clip of "Super High Me"). The methods I am suggesting would be displaying the valuable contributions that we as a class of society make, and how much those that don't smoke depend on those contributions to society, it will show that your average stoner is basically your average citizen, and that we actually do make up the majority.... do you realize how many people smoke compared to how many don't, and even more importantly is that there are tons of people out there that don't smoke but still support legalization....

i like ur ideas but i think hunger strikes are a little over board i mean comeon were potheads dont u think the munchies would get in the way of that.and yes majority of the population supports legalization so i can definatly see a brighter future.


Well-Known Member
true...there are alot of weed advocates out there fighting for our rights....
Me i dont give a fuck really.....
I smokes anyways.....
Thats just how it is man..... we all need rules to govern are life by.... We could be cynical and say the governments an evil beast that take away all our liberties....
But the truth is we need government and laws.... or else everything would be corrupt and people would be robbed, woman raped, etc....


Well-Known Member
this ideas so crazy..... it just might work

sorry, my stoned mind really cant think of anything else to say at this aprticular momento
but i agree, il join you brother


Well-Known Member
plus if the goverment sold and taxed pot i wouldnt make money.i am down for it to be decriminalized everywhere
Yeah we wouldnt make any money..... but on a more critical note.... if the government gave us the right to smoke anywhere and grow anywhere..... We wouldnt have to buy all these lights too grow .....or spend 300 dolllars a month on bomb ganj..... and we wouldnt have to be sneaky or sell weed.... drug dealers would be out of business.... everyone would be high.... id be bangin your sister and your ant with a cheech and chong blunt hangin from my mouth....who knows.... may be everyone would start blowing each other.... and world peice would ensue....

it would probly never happen....thats why you be smarter than that ....and make a small lab.... grow your own ganj on the low..... and hook up your works out for the best......dont worry be happy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah we wouldnt make any money..... but on a more critical note.... if the government gave us the right to smoke anywhere and grow anywhere..... We wouldnt have to buy all these lights too grow .....or spend 300 dolllars a month on bomb ganj..... and we wouldnt have to be sneaky or sell weed.... drug dealers would be out of business.... everyone would be high.... id be bangin your sister and your ant with a cheech and chong blunt hangin from my mouth....who knows.... may be everyone would start blowing each other.... and world peice would ensue....

it would probly never happen....thats why you be smarter than that ....and make a small lab.... grow your own ganj on the low..... and hook up your works out for the best......dont worry be happy.

AMEN.i get high every day wether its legal or not.


Well-Known Member
The status quo is in effect because the average citizen has been deceived through propaganda. Grungy, unemployed, protesters conducting hunger strikes will not change anyone's opinion. Education will. When the average rational person is presented with the facts, they usually admit the War on Drugs is a failure and should be eliminated.

Facts include:
The racist origins of cannabis prohibition.
The industrial concerns (Dow Chemicals & William Randolph Hearst) using cannabis prohibition as a means of eliminating industrial hemp.
The amount of money wasted on the failed War on Drugs.
The amount of tax revenue promised by way of re-legalization of cannabis.
The economic, environmental, and agricultural potential of industrial hemp.
Mankind has used cannabis for at least 6,000 years, well into prehistory. It's only been prohibited in the last century.
The simple fact that so many people use it now, regardless of prohibition. Should not public policy reflect this reality rather than deny it?
Cartels, very bad men, are getting rich off prohibition. That existing black market activity should be legitimized; regulated and taxed.

These facts presented respectfully, can open the minds of those closed through government lies.